身体写作,Body Writing
1)Body Writing身体写作
1.Reflection on Body Writing Phenomena;对“身体写作”现象的思考
2.This is shown in body writing,desire narration,the understanding and orientating about self/women who are in nature,time and sexual relationship,as well as the puzzles and questioning because of it.这表现在身体写作、欲望叙事和对自我/女人在自然、时间及两性关系中的认知和定位以及由此带来的种种困惑和追问。

1.The Relation through Body--On the Phenomenon of Female Writing through Body;身体的诉说——论女性作家的“身体写作
2.The capitalization of body: What is happening?;“身体”的大写,什么东西正在到来?——兼谈“身体写作
3.Review on the Research of the Body Writing in Chinese Contemporary Women s Writing;当代女性写作中有关“身体写作”研究综述
4.Writing On Body Under Double Context of Feminism and Physical Aestheticism;女性主义与身体美学化双重语境下的身体写作
5.Feminist Literary Criticism of "Body-writing" in China;西方女性主义“身体写作”理论在中国
6.Body Writing: An “Uncivilized” Modernity;身体写作:一种“野蛮主义”的现代性
7.The Esthetic Notion of the Feminine Erotica in the Late 20th Century;二十世纪末女性“身体写作”的审美观照
8.Sexual Affection and Writing--Concurrently discussing Wang Xiao-bo's narration of sexual affection and the writing about the body by beauty writers性爱与写作——兼论王小波的性爱叙述与美女作家的身体写作
9.Misreading and Abuse on the Body Rights:a revisit of "the Bodily Writing" of Beauty Writers对身体权利的误读与滥用——重读美女作家的“身体写作
10.Imprisonment and Breakthrough--On the female body which be compared to a riddle and Helen Cixous s body writing theory;囚禁与突围——论“筛子”隐喻的女性身体与西苏的“身体写作
11.Breaking through the Body-- On the Female Body Writing in the Post-modernism Cultural Context;从身体突围——论后现代文化语境中的女性身体写作
12.Body through the "Rose Gate"--The Significance of TIE Ning's Body-writing in Rose Gate“玫瑰门”里看“身体”——从《玫瑰门》看铁凝身体写作的意义
13.Multidimensional Definition the Text of Body Writing under the View of Popular Culture A Cultural Perspective of Yin Linchuan s Poesy Body Writing;身体写作文本在大众文化视野中的多维释义——尹丽川诗歌身体写作文化透视
14.The Phenomenon and Criticism to the Body Writing of the Present-day Feminism Poetry;当前女性主义诗歌“身体写作”现象与批判
15.From New-novels to Body Writing:Permeabilities and Replies with Occidental Experience;从新感觉派到“身体写作”:西方经验的渗透及回应
16.Permanent Pursuit on Feminine Emancipation Through Female s Body Writing;永远的追寻——就女性“躯/身体写作”谈女性解放
17.Female Body Literature in Commercialized Era:Understandings from University Students;商业化时代的女性身体写作——来自大学生的认识
18.Western Feminist Theory of "Body Writing" and Its Situation in China;西方女性主义“身体写作”理论及其中国境遇

1.By analyzing the connection between Zhang Ai-ling and adolescence, this paper affirms Hu Lan-cheng s contribution to the evaluation of Zhang Ai-ling from genetics and psychology and further confirms that body-writing is one of the elements for Zhang s success.文章通过对张爱玲与青春的关系的分析 ,肯定了胡兰成从发生学与心理学角度对张爱玲评价的贡献 ,并进一步确认身体写作是张爱玲创作成功的基础之一。
2.Literature observer and academicians paid attention to feminist literary criticism of“body-writing” theory mainly because of Chinese female writers had written a lot of novelsand poems which brought tremendous argument.中国文学评论者及学者对西方女性主义文学批评中“身体写作”理论的关注主要由中国女性作家“身体写作”的实践激发。
3.The novel Rose Gate opens the gate of TIE Ning\'s body-writing,which,once opened,shows its unique significance in the new period of Chinese women\'s writing.小说《玫瑰门》开启了铁凝身体写作的"玫瑰门"。
3)bodily writing身体写作
1.However, it is just one step from private, feminine experienced novel to the bodily writing.而从私人化、女性体验小说到“身体写作”仅一步之遥。
4)Physical writing身体化写作
5)writing with body language用身体写作
6)feminist body writing女性身体写作

第三条道路写作1999年“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”之间的矛盾在在平谷县的盘峰诗会上爆发,他们之间的对立使得相当一批数量的诗人转向其他的中立立场,第三条道路写作概念因此提了出来。1999年12月莫非、树才和谯达摩等在提出了第三条道路写作的诗歌概念之后,出版了《九人诗选》。他们认为,诗歌创作需要一种新的理论来指导个人的写作实践,建立起自由的多元的创作活动,推动中国现代诗歌的发展。2002年《第三条道路》诗报创刊,标志着第三条道路写作进入一个新的阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库中国诗歌史[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。