生态文学,ecological literature
1)ecological literature生态文学
1.Thorean: the pioneer of ecological literature;梭罗:生态文学的开创者

1.Ecological Literature and Elements of Ecological Literature in Wolf Totem;生态文学与《狼图腾》的生态文学元素
2.Aesthetics in Ye Guang-qin s Eco-literature;生态文学的美学之维——论叶广芩的生态文学创作
3.Ecological Trend of Literature--On Ecological Literature;文学的生态化走向——关于生态文学的思考
4.Ecological Trend of Literature --Some Opinions On Ecological Literature;文学的生态化走向——关于生态文学的几点思考
5.Ecoliterature:As a Mirror Image of Ecological Ethics生态文学:作为生态伦理的镜像性存在
6.On Our Traditional Ecologic Ethic Resources of Eco-Literature论我国生态文学的传统生态伦理资源
8.Eco-Literature:Culture Resource for Constructing Harmonious Society生态文学:构建和谐社会的文化源泉
9.The new force in the progress of literature--The rise of green eco-literature;文学发展的新生力量——绿色生态文学的崛起
10.Ecological Aesthetics-Balance of Natural Ecology and Cultural Ecology;生态美学——自然生态与文化生态的平衡
11.A Construction of Literary Ecology Upon Reflection of Ecocriticism;文学生态学建构——生态批评的思考
12.History of Literature and Art: An Enlightenment of Ecological Succession;文学艺术史:生态演替的启示——《生态文艺学》论稿
13.Literature and Art and Natural Ecology;文学艺术与自然生态——《生态文艺学》论稿之一
14.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology(the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(下)
15.Another Form of Environmental Philosophy: Human Ecology (the first half);环境哲学的另类形态:人文生态学(上)
16.Ecocriticism and the Construction of Literary Eco-environmental Ethics生态批评与文学的生态环境伦理学建构
17.The Education Research of Fostering the University Students' Ecology Morals in Visual Field of Ecological Civilization生态文明视域下大学生生态道德养成教育研究
18.Culturological Significance of Feminism Literature;文化生态的重构——女性主义文学的文化学意义

1.Discourse Practice of the Eco-literature Research;生态文学研究的话语实践
2.Natural Harmony,Joyful Spirit——To understand the natural poem of Wordsworths from the point of Eco-literature;自然的和谐,精神的愉悦——从生态文学的角度看华兹华斯的自然诗
1.Ecoliterature-Under the background of ecological civilization New Perspective;生态文学——生态文明背景下的新视点
2.Ecoliterature as Topics of the Literature Research;文学研究的时代课题——生态文学
3.Ecoliterature——A New Dimension of Comparative Literature;生态文学——比较文学研究新天地
4)Literary ecology文学生态
1.After the reign of XIAN Tong,Emperor TANG Yi-zong,literary ecology is greatly violated and the fate of men of letters is deteriorated due to the separatist warlord regimes,rampancy of eunuches and the collusion of various parties.唐懿宗咸通以后,军阀割据,宦寺猖獗,朋党构祸,文学生态环境遭到严重破坏,文人命运急剧恶化。
2.Literary Education is inextricably bound to literary ecology,and the present conditon of literary education comprehensively embodies the crisis of literary ecology in new century.文学生态与文学教育休戚相关,唇齿联动,当代文学的教育现状是新世纪文学生态危机的集中体现。
5)literature ecology文学生态
1.Based on its own cultural views,the Western sinology has formed a unique feature in studying Chinese modern literature ecology.西方汉学基于不同的文化视野和问题意识,多维度地介入中国现代文学的生态结构,相关研究大致经历了初期在域外视野下对文学生态有意味的呈现,文化研究的自觉意识影响的研究热,及多种理论向度指引下的发散性研究的三个阶段,从丰富变化的角度呈现出现代文学层次繁杂、视景交叠的生态景观。
6)literary ecology文学生态学
1.This dissertation is a tentative construction of literary ecology which has emerged as a disciplinary discourse in the development of ecocritical movement.本论文尝试着建构文学生态学这个概念。

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学