女性文学,female literature
1)female literature女性文学
1.Description of female life in a different aspect——A newly-interpret of Shanghai female literature theme in the enemy-occupied period;女性生存的另类书写——对上海沦陷期女性文学主题的再阐释
2.Realistic trends of female literature since the 1990s;20世纪90年代以来女性文学的写实走向

1.Construction of Hunan Women s Literature and Chinese Women s Literature--A Cultural Perspective of Hunan Modern Women s Literature;湖南女性文学与中国女性文化建设——现代湖南女性文学的文化透视
2.A Penetrating Analysis of Female Sex Self - consciousness in Female Literature;从女性文学透视女性性别意识的自觉
3.A Study on the Female as "Him" and the Literal Image of Women;试析作为“他者”的女性与女性文学形象
4.Women s Literature and Women s Liberation in the 1990s;20世纪90年代女性文学与女性解放
5.On feminine awareness of Chinese female literary in the 20th century;试论20世纪中国女性文学的女性意识
6.Post-modern Context and Professional Women--Concurrently probing into the reflection of career women in literature;后现代语境中的职业女性与女性文学
7.Chinese English Women s Literature in the Patterns of Women s Liberation Movement;女性解放运动格局中的中英女性文学
8.The Important and Excellent Part of Chinese Literature --Taiwan Female Literature;女性出头一片天——台湾女性文学一瞥
9.The Evolution and the Doubt of Chili for Female Literature to Feminism Literature;池莉:从女性文学到女性主义文学的演变与质疑
10.Female Literature" or "Sexual Literature“女性文学”还是“性别文学”——“女性文学”及相关概念辨析
11.Western Women Literature in Light of Humanism;人文主义文化语境中的西方女性文学
12.Reflections on Courses for Female Education and the Teaching Practice on Women s Literature;关于女性学课程的思考及女性文学教学实践
13.The Women Consciousness in Women s Writting;女性文学之女性意识——《长恨歌》、《上海女性》女性生命意识解读
14.Western Literature of Feminism and the Development of Chinese Literature of Feminism;西方女性主义文论与中国的女性文学发展
15.On the Western Feminist Literature of the 19th Century from the Images of Isolated Women;从孤女形象看西方19世纪女性文学
16.The Relationship between Female Literature and Culture--About 19th British Female Literature;文学与文化的互文——论十九世纪英国女性文学
17.A Brief Study of Renaissant “Women Literature” through Pizan’s The City of Women;从皮桑的《妇女城》管窥文艺复兴时期的“女性文学
18.Change of the Female Role and Liberation of Chinese Women;女性角色演变与中国妇女解放——中国现代女性文学的文化透视

feminine literature女性文学
1.From harmony to alienation to revolt——reflections on the mother-daughter relations in Chinese modern and contemporary feminine literature从和谐到疏离与反叛——对中国现当代女性文学中母女关系书写的观照
2.Critics often interpreted Sun Huifen s creation in the "local culture",but this article thinks there is a brand-new feminism in Sun Huifen s novels and attempts to prove the value and contribution of Sun Huifen s creation to the feminine literature since new period.东北女作家孙惠芬近年来显示出越来越强的创作势头,评论界对她的小说常从“乡土文化”的角度进行阐释,文章认为:其小说更多地体现了全新的女性主义色彩,对新时期以来的女性文学发展具有重要意义。
3)women literature女性文学
1.On the Crankiness of Chinese Contemporary Woman Literature——Viewing Chinese Contemporary Women Literature through the Korean Play "Dea Jang Geam";偏执的女性表达——从《大长今》看中国当代女性文学
2.In the context of enlightened 1980s, the humanist didacticism presented in the women literature and the efforts of rebuilding subjectivity of women could not meet the inner requests of women s self-development, and the expressions of human subjectivity of neo-didacticism could not naturally agree to the goals of women subjectivity.在20世纪80年代的启蒙语境中,女性文学创作始终不渝遵循的人道启蒙以及重建个人自主性的努力,与女性自身发展的内在要求并不完全一致;新启蒙主义关于“人”的主体性的知识表达与建立女性主体的目标并非天然契合。
3.Chinese contemporary women literature has been receiving much concerns all the time, and has played a suitable role to the social development.中国当代女性文学一直备受关注,对社会发展起到了一定的作用。
4)feminist literature女性文学
1.Recovery Sex-the Developing Track of Feminist Awareness in Feminist Literature;复苏的性别──浅谈新时期女性文学女性意识的发展轨迹
2.Thinking on the loss and gains of the feminist literature after the New Era;关于新时期以后女性文学得与失的思考
3.The Defects of “Body Narrative” in Feminist Literature;论女性文学中“身体叙事”的缺失
5)women's literature女性文学
6)literary women文学女性
1.In the Ming Dynasty,there is a common trait that denotes a respect for literary women.在这一文化风气中,家中极富藏书、文化氛围浓郁的祁彪佳和文学女性的交往及文化生活有可研究之处。
