叙事功能,Narrative function
1)Narrative function叙事功能
1.On the Narrative Functions of the Mirror-like Character Butcher Hu;论镜子式人物胡屠户的叙事功能
2.The opera songs and detached songs in the libretto of The Golden Lotus have the narrative function,which shows that in the course of narration the focus is changed from the subject to narration and this is a process from unconscious to conscious,from unripe to ripe.《金瓶梅》“词话本”中的“剧曲”和“散曲”所显示的叙事功能,说明小说在叙事发展过程中,由注重“事”向注重“叙事”发展转化,而这一转化过程总是由不自觉到自觉,由不成熟到成熟。
3.As the core imagine of"White Deer Plain",white deer runs through the novel from the beginning to the ending,becomes the focus of the novel s composition,and has cohesive meaning and spirit,makes clear the novel s plot,runs through the narrative structure,preserves the aesthetic meaning,strersthen the narrative function of novel s long-lasting reading.作为《白鹿原》的核心意象,白鹿意象贯穿了小说的首尾,成为小说布局谋篇的中心点,并具有凝聚意义、凝聚精神,疏通行文脉络、贯穿叙事结构,保存审美意味、强化作品耐读性等叙事功能;同时,白鹿意象还承载着作者对美与善的精神向往,以及对仁义之德衰落的哀叹之情。

1.The Psychological Narrative Function of Folksongs in Lühua Tree;论《绿化树》中民歌的心理叙事功能
2.On the narrative function of Merlin in "Le Morte d Arthur";小议魔灵在《亚瑟王之死》中的叙事功能
3.On the Narrative Function of Wind in A Dream of Red Mansions论《红楼梦》中“风”意象的叙事功能
4.The Rhythmic Verses Narrative Functions and Their Influences to the Narrative Arts of the Popular Novels;韵文的叙事功能及其对通俗小说叙事艺术的影响
5.The Culture Implication and Narrative Function of Princess Role in Folk Tales;民间故事中公主角色的文化意义与叙事功能
6.Narrative Functions of English Syntactic Constructions and Their Cognitive Motivations;英语句法结构的叙事功能及其认知理据
7.The Narrative Function of Songs in The Golden Lotus and Its Significance in the History of Fiction Development;《金瓶梅》唱曲叙事功能在小说发展史上的意义
8.On Centennial Timeframe and the Narrative Function of the Ancient Chinese Novel;论中国古代小说的“百年”时间构架及其叙事功能
9.On the Narration Effects of Coincidences in Hardy's Novels of Character and Environment论巧合在哈代“性格与环境小说”中的叙事功能
10.An Analysis of Narrative Functions Based on Ma Ti and Grandpa“嘀…嗒”,“嗒…嘀”——以《马提与祖父》为示范析叙事功能
11.On the Narrative Function of Linda's Role in Death of A Salesman《推销员之死》中琳达形象的叙事功能分析
12.The Religious Phenomenon's Narrative Function of the First Chapter in the Chong Zhen "Jin Ping Mei"论崇祯本《金瓶梅》第一回宗教现象的叙事功能
13.Analysis of the functional characteristics of the narrative persons in the literary narrative activities;论文学叙事活动中叙事人称的功能特征
15.On Mixing Function of Metaphor in the Course of Narrating Aesthetics on Ethnic Ecology;民族生态审美叙事中的隐喻交合功能
16.Analysis of a Written Advertisement from Viewpoint of Ideational Function一则叙事体广告语篇的概念功能解读
17.The Discourse Function of Yes and No in Narration--A Cognitive-Functional Approach;Yes和No在叙事语篇中的功能:认知功能视角
18.The narration in The Water of Dark Blue Water seems to be simplified due to the purpose of narration with too much utility, and the author actually dominates and controls the narration.沧浪之水》在叙事上由于叙事目的过于功利而有简单化之嫌,作者成了叙事的僭越者和万能主宰。

narrative functions叙事功能
1.Image is of narrative functions and plays an original and important narrative role.意象具有叙事功能,发挥着独特而重要的叙事作用,这是中国古代小说,尤其《红楼梦》的艺术贡献。
2.Generally speaking, there are three narrative perspectives in SHA Ting s novels: all-round perspective, internal perspective and external perspective, which in some cases are mixed,resulting in various narrative functions so that the writer s styles including calmness,objectivencess,satire,implicitness and profoundness are appropriately shown in the novels.沙汀小说大致存在着三种叙事视角:全知视角、内视角和外视角,以及一些交叉视角,分别呈现了不同的叙事功能,从而更准确地反映了作家的冷静客现、暴露讽刺、含蓄蕴藉、选材精深的叙事个性。
3)narration function of space空间的叙事功能
4)The narrative functions of Teleplay-aside电视剧旁白叙事功能
5)narrative function叙述功能
1.This essay takes the usage of the event which achieves the narrative function of the discourse as an example.本文以实现叙述功能的活动词的运用为例 ,通过对两个英语语篇中一些活动的汉语翻译比较 ,揭示出只有形象地翻译活动词 ,才能更好地实现语篇中的叙述功能 ,才能使源语中的活动词在译语中依然体现出它们在语篇中的动态与活
6)narrative competence叙事能力

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]