施蛰存,Shi Zhecun
1)Shi Zhecun施蛰存
1.A Pioneer of New-Vernacular Literature and the Experience of Old Literature:About Shi Zhecun s Collection of Articles during His Early Time of Career;新文学先锋与旧文学经验——关于施蛰存早期未结集创作
2.Shi Zhecun s Position in Literature of the 1930s;夹缝中的存在——施蛰存在30年代文学地图上的位置
3.Shi Zhecun:Influenced by, but Also Trying to Flee from Freud;“受其影响,又摆脱影响”——施蛰存与弗洛伊德理论

1.On the Psychoanalytical Novels by Shi Zhecun--On His Literary Motif Preference as well;论施蛰存的心理分析小说——兼论施蛰存文学旨趣
2.Shi Zhe cun s Survival Tactic in Editing Magazines:Observed from Wen Fan Essay;从《文饭小品》看施蛰存办刊的生存策略
3.From a Brilliant Shanghai Style Scholar to a Profound One: The Theory of Shi Zhecun s Essay;从才子气息到学者风度:施蛰存散文论
4.Temple and Compartment:Cultural space of Shi zhecun s novels;寺院与车厢——施蛰存笔下的文化空间
5.SHI Zhecun Evening of the Plum Rains Blockade Compares with ZHANG Ailing;施蛰存《梅雨之夕》与张爱玲《封锁》比较
6.EXPRESSES THROUGH IMAGERY:On SHI Zhecun s Poems Written in the 1930 s;意象抒情——评施蛰存20世纪30年代的诗
7.On the Path of Exploring “Modernism”--Reexamination of Shi Zhicun;在探索“现代”的蹊径上——重论施蛰存
8.How to Read Lan Ting Xu : A Discuss with Shi Zhe-cun;《兰亭序》文理辩正——与施蛰存先生商榷
9.SHI Zhe-cun s Feeling of Old Acquaintances in His Novel The Lantern over Spring Festival;从《上元灯》看施蛰存小说的怀旧情结
10.Looking back to the issue between Lu Xun and Shi Zhecun on traditional culture;回眸鲁迅与施蛰存关于传统文化之争
11.Fictitious flavour in Shi Zhecun s Works Inferred from “The Ganeral s Head”;从《将军底头》看施蛰存小说的虚构色彩
12.The Fifth Window of SHI Zhe_cun--His Editing and Publishing Life;施蛰存的第五扇窗子——施老的编辑出版人生
13.The Comparative Studies of Shi Zhecun s Novel and Japanese New-feeling Genre;施蛰存小说与日本新感觉派小说之比较研究
14.The Masculine Analysis of Shizhecun s Novels;冷漠与温柔对施蛰存小说男性气质的分析
15.On Shi Zhecun and Modernist Literature of 1930s in Shanghai;论施蛰存与上海30年代的现代主义文学
16.Comparison of the Themes of SHI Zhe-cun and Allan Poe s Fantastic Novels;施蛰存与爱伦·坡荒诞小说的主题之比较
17.Shi Zhecun:Influenced by, but Also Trying to Flee from Freud;“受其影响,又摆脱影响”——施蛰存与弗洛伊德理论
18.The changes of female consciousness in novels by Shi zhe-cun;从女性构型看施蛰存小说女性意识的嬗变

Shi Zhe-cun施蛰存
1.Commercial Motivation and Striving for Modernity——On Modern Magazine Edited by Shi Zhe-cun;商业性的动机和现代性的追求——论施蛰存编辑的《现代》杂志
2.Comparison of the Themes of SHI Zhe-cun and Allan Poe s Fantastic Novels;施蛰存与爱伦·坡荒诞小说的主题之比较
3.Analysis on Satire in Historical Novels Written by SHI Zhe-cun;浅析施蛰存历史小说的讽刺色彩
3)Shi Zhe Cun施蛰存
1.Both SHI Zhe cun and MAO Dun began their literary career in 1927 in Shanghai and both of them write in realistic style.茅盾与施蛰存 192 7年在上海开始创作 ,他们一个推崇现实主义 ,一个推崇现代主义 ,创作出迥然不同的作品。
2.Over the past years, most studies of Shi Zhe cun s novels focus their attention on his psychoanalytic writing method and the innovation of a new novel form,but neglect the sense of realistic value hidden therein.多年来 ,对施蛰存小说的研究 ,多聚焦于他作品精神分析创作方法的运用、小说形式的创新等方面 ,而忽略了隐藏其后的现实价值意义 ,甚至有人认为他的小说无现实价值意义。
4)Shi Zhecun's novel施蛰存小说
5)A Chronological Table of Shi Zhe-cun施蛰存年表
6)On SHI Zhe-cun s Novels施蛰存小说论
