《牡丹亭》,The Peony Pavilion
1)The Peony Pavilion《牡丹亭》
1.Implied Messages in Key Dialogues in The Peony Pavilion;探究《牡丹亭》经典段落中的潜台词
2.Intelligent Person in Harem——On The Peony Pavilion and the Female Readers in Ming-Qing Dynasties;“闺阁中多有解人”——《牡丹亭》与明清女读者

1.The True Feelings of The Peony Pavilion:Appreciative Comments on Tang Xianzus The Peony Pavilion;至情牡丹亭——汤显祖《牡丹亭》赏析
2.The perfect marriage in The Peony Pavilion--On the artistic persuit in The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu;伉俪绝唱《牡丹亭》——论汤显祖《牡丹亭》的艺术追求
3.Interpretation to Feminine Awareness of The Romance of West Chamber and Peony Pavilion《西厢记》《牡丹亭》“女性意识”之解读
4.A Comparison between "Peony Kiosk" and "Romeo and Juliet《牡丹亭》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之比较
5.A Hermeneutic Approach to the Different English Versions of the Peony Pavilion;以诠释学视角解读《牡丹亭》不同英译本
6.A Study on the Acceptance of "Peony Pavilion" by Boudoir in Ming & Qing Dynasty;明清江南闺阁女性《牡丹亭》接受研究
7.Implied Messages in Key Dialogues in The Peony Pavilion;探究《牡丹亭》经典段落中的潜台词
8.Intelligent Person in Harem--On The Peony Pavilion and the Female Readers in Ming-Qing Dynasties;“闺阁中多有解人”——《牡丹亭》与明清女读者
9.On the "Quti" Awareness of the Scholar-Critic Version of The Peony Pavilion;论《牡丹亭》文人评点本的“文体”自觉
10.Discussion of the Youth-Oriented Edition of The Peony Pavilion;析青春版《牡丹亭》中的传统与现代
11.The Representational Strategy of the Emotion-Morality Conflict in The Peony Pavilion;《牡丹亭》情理冲突的表现策略探析
12.On the Performance of The Peony Pavilion From the Perspective of Mass Communication;从传播学的角度观照《牡丹亭》的演出
13.The Historical and Cultural Origins of The “depth Emotion” Theme in The Peony Pavilion;《牡丹亭》“至情”主题的历史文化渊源
14.The impression of Youth Version of The Peony Pavilion--Compared with CHEN Shi-zheng’s version;青春版《牡丹亭》印象——兼与陈士争版比较
15.The Joyous Drama Pavilion of Peony:On "Elegance" and "Miscellany" of the Ming s Romance;闹热的《牡丹亭》——论明代传奇的“俗”和“杂”
16.Stereotyped Scholars Are Not Hackneyed--on the character of Chen Zuiliang in "Peony Pavilion;腐儒不腐——谈《牡丹亭》中的陈最良
17.Feeling of “Western House”and “Pavilion of Peony”;《西厢记》《牡丹亭》抒情艺术的比较
18.The Completion of Epic Title of“Peony Pavillion"and Lin Mengmei Portrait;柳梦梅形象与《牡丹亭》时代命题的完成

Peony Pavilion《牡丹亭》
1.Conflict and Fusion of Affection and Ethic in Peony Pavilion;《牡丹亭》情与理的冲突融合
2.From Full-Length Play to Zhezi Xi:An Interpretation of Adaptations to Peony Pavilion from a Perspective of Communication;从全本戏到折子戏——对《牡丹亭》改编的传播学解读
3)The Peony Pavilion牡丹亭
1.The Representational Strategy of the Emotion-Morality Conflict in The Peony Pavilion;《牡丹亭》情理冲突的表现策略探析
2.The Implication in The Peony Pavilion《牡丹亭》的深层意蕴探析
4)Peony Pavilion牡丹亭
1.The Jitang Verses in "Peony Pavilion";略论《牡丹亭》中的集唐诗
2.The yuan Dynasty s poetic drama "Qian-nu s Soul Fleeing with Her Lover" and the Ming legend "Peony Pavilion" have many points in common.元杂剧《倩女离魂》和明传奇《牡丹亭》,有许多相同的地方,最突出的是借灵魂意象来实现女主人公对礼教的叛逆和对爱情的追求。
3.Compared with Western Chamber and The Dream of Red Mansion, Peony Pavilion is up to a summit in the Chinese romanticism literature tradition.《牡丹亭》上承“西厢”,下启“红楼”,是中国浪漫主义文学传统中一座巍巍高峰。
5)dramatic verse in The Peony Pavilion《牡丹亭》唱词
6)Kunqu opera,the'Peony Pavilion'昆曲《牡丹亭》
