《吉姆爷》,Lord Jim
1)Lord Jim《吉姆爷》
1.An Analysis of the Marginal Contoxtualization in Lord Jim;《吉姆爷》中的边缘情境解读
2.Lord Jim,the meaningful world of life;《吉姆爷》:生命的意义世界
3.From Sea to Jungle——A Postcolonial Reading of Lord Jim;从大海到森林——《吉姆爷》的后殖民解读

1.Lord Jim-The Artistic Code of Jesus:Analysis of the Influence of Bible on the Image of Jim in Lord Jim吉姆爷——伟大的艺术代码——论《圣经》对《吉姆爷》中吉姆的形象影响
2.An Analysis of the Protagonist Jim in Lord Jim and the Thematic Meanings of the Novel;试析《吉姆爷》主人公吉姆及小说主题思想
3.Tragicity and Comicity: The Double-voiced Narration in Lord Jim《吉姆爷》的叙述:悲剧性与喜剧性的双声
4.From Sea to Jungle--A Postcolonial Reading of Lord Jim从大海到森林——《吉姆爷》的后殖民解读
5.An Interpretation of the Heroes Images in Nie Hai Hua and Lord Jim;解读《孽海花》与《吉姆爷》中的英雄形象
6.Conrad s Lord Jim: Subversion of the Imperial Myth;康拉德的《吉姆爷》:对帝国神话的颠覆
7.Exploration of Lord Jim s Human Nature from the Multiple Points of View;论小说《吉姆爷》多视角下的人性探索
8.The Introduction of Antagonistic Characters in Lord Jim and Lolita;《吉姆爷》与《洛丽塔》中对抗性人物的引入
9.On the Moral Concern of Impressionism in Lord Jim论《吉姆爷》中印象主义的道德内涵
10.On Quest for Morality in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim评约瑟夫·康拉德《吉姆爷》的道德探索
11."Butterfly" and "Beetle" in human nature--On symbols in Lord Jim;人性中的“蝴蝶”与“甲壳虫”——评《吉姆爷》中的象征
12.Trust,Doubt and Reflection--on the First Narrative Shift in Lord Jim;信任 怀疑 反思——析《吉姆爷》叙事声音的第一次转变
13.The Loss and Regain of Human Dignity;尊严的失去与重新获得——论约瑟夫·康拉德悲剧小说《吉姆爷》
14.Absorbing the theories of psychoanalysis and phenomenology etc, the western critics have conducted systematic criticism of Lord Jim and widened the research of this novel.西方评论家则借助精神分析学、现象学等理论,拓宽了对《吉姆爷》的研究领域。
15.What Conrad explores in Lord Jim is also the expressions of the themes of existentialism.通过以上分析,康拉德在《吉姆爷》中的深刻认识与存在主义所展现的主题是一致的。
16.Jim shook his head and said: @Can't, Mars Tom.吉姆摇摇头,说:“不行,汤姆少爷。
17.Who doesn't know the well-known Master Jim?谁不知道大名鼎鼎的吉姆老爷?
18.Conrad s Imperialistic Complex in Lord Jim;《吉姆老爷》中康拉德的帝国主义情结分析

Lord Jim吉姆老爷
1.Lord Jim And Conrad s Views on Tragedy;《吉姆老爷》与康拉德的悲剧意识
2.If Sawyer’s analogy between Borgee’s magical realism style and his "third space" was to emphasize the infinite open nature of social space, then Wegener’s analysis of Conrad’s novel "Lord Jim" was the revealing of the irreversible remodeling process of the global market exploration.如果说索亚以博尔赫斯的魔幻现实主义风格来类比他的"第三空间",是强调社会空间可以具有无限的开放性的话,那么韦格纳对康拉德小说《吉姆老爷》的分析,毋宁说就是揭示了全球市场开拓的这个有进无退的空间重塑过程及其带来的毁灭性后果。
3)Lord Jim《吉姆老爷》
1.A New Approach to Realistic Literacy Creation——on Joseph Conrad s Lord Jim;现实主义文学创作新探——评康拉德的《吉姆老爷》
2.Pricking the Bubble—a Post-colonial Study of Joseph Conrad s Lord Jim;帝国主义神话的营构——论约瑟夫·康拉德的《吉姆老爷》
3.This paper attempts to analyze how three different types of codes: the personal code, group code and social code affect the hero, Jim in Lord Jim, drawing the conclusion that Jim s tragedy arises from his elevation of personal code above group code and social code.笔者试图分析三种准则:个人准则、群体准则以及社会准则对《吉姆老爷》书中主人公吉姆的影响,认为吉姆一生的悲剧源自他将个人准则凌驾于群体准则和社会准则之上。
4)Lord Jim吉姆爷
1.Lord Jim—The Artistic Code of Jesus:Analysis of the Influence of Bible on the Image of Jim in Lord Jim;吉姆爷——伟大的艺术代码——论《圣经》对《吉姆爷》中吉姆的形象影响
2.His masterpiece, Heart of Darkness,Lord Jim have been accepted for the hot opinion in recent years , a lot of papers is studied this acticle.在我国,人们也同样关注到了这位并不多产的小说家,他的代表作《黑暗的心》、《吉姆爷》近年来受到了学者们的热议,研究文章众多,本文仅拟从原型批评的角度出发来探讨一下《吉姆爷》与经典文本《圣经》之间在诸多方面的密切关系。
1.By doing so,the concentration should be put on the colonialist representation of Contad s Oriental narratives and .通过聚焦康拉德的有关马来叙事《阿尔迈耶的愚蠢》和《吉姆姥爷》两部小说,借助后殖民理论,对叙事成分、视角、语言和呈现方式进行评析,揭示康拉德作品的潜在殖民意识,指出这种殖民意识是根植于其所推崇的欧洲传统与作品对帝国形象所起的特殊作用,再现康拉德东方叙事与重新审视经典文学中的东西方关系。
6)Lord Jim and Lolita吉姆爷与洛丽塔
