善与恶,Good and Evil
1)Good and Evil善与恶
1.Lasputin’s tragic consciousness which tries to get to the tragic root of the conflict between good and evil.本文通过对他主要作品的分析,论述了他小说创作的悲剧意识:于善与恶的冲突中,去寻找悲剧的根源;于行星思维的悲剧情结中,昭示他对全人类命运的关注;于皈依宗教的虔诚中,游离他小说创作的悲剧意识。
2.This paper attempts to analyze the black female images in Toni Morrison s novels, and interprets the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, love and hatred and life and death in black people s world.文章探析托妮·莫里森小说中的黑人女性形象,解读黑人世界的美与丑、善与恶、爱与恨、生与死,关注黑人女性反抗种族、性别、文化的歧视所经历的艰难坎坷,揭示了她们追寻自我及生存意义、追求平等幸福的两难困境及其根源。
3.In The Scarlet Letter, good and evil of humanity and moral criterion will be discussed in this thesis through analyzing and appraising the four leading characters.本文通过对《红字》中四个主要人物的分析和评价来探讨人性的善与恶和道德准则问题。

1.There is a great contrast between good and evil.善与恶有明显的差别。
2.a twilight zone between good and evil善与恶之间的模糊区域
3."The story outlines are fairly uniform; In a military play, good is pitted against evil in combat, and after some stratagem, evil is destroyed."在武戏里,一般是善与恶交锋,然后善用计谋战胜了恶。
4.In this Book the writer contrasts good and evil.在这本书中作者将善与恶相比较对照。
5.he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil.他把它看作是善与恶的平衡极点。
6.In this book the writer contrasts good with [and] evil.作者在本书中, 把善与恶作了对比。
7.In this book the writer contrasts good with evil.在这本书里,作者对善与恶进行了对比。
8.The combat between good and evil will continue forever.善与恶的斗争将永远继续下去。
9.the unending struggle betweengood and evil善与恶之间永无休止的斗争.
10.sheep and goats善人与恶人来自《圣经》。
11.Contrast between Kindness and Evilness;“善”与“恶”的对比——对《双城记》中“善”与“恶”的分析
12.A Comparison of the Buddhist View of Good and Evil with that of Common Law;佛教的善恶观及其与世俗法律之善恶观的比较
13.They give me back evil for good; they are my haters because I go after the thing which is right.以恶报善的与我作对,因我是追求良善。
14."As man sows, so he shall reap"善有善报,恶有恶报
15.Bad deeds, as well as good, may redound on the doer.恶有恶报,善有善报。
16.Good will Be rewarded with good, and evil with evil.善有善报,恶有恶报。
17.Virtue carries a reward with it; and so does vice, with a vengeance .善与报偿俱来,恶与惩罚同至。
18.To be evile and to be good aren't usual evilness and goodness of ethics,but Mingde is made to be clear and covered up.这里的“善恶”不是通常伦理学意义上的善恶,而是明德的呈明与遮蔽。

virtue and evil恶与善
3)Good& Evil and humanity善恶与人性
4)discern good from evil辨别善与恶
5)Education beyond Good or Evil of Human Nature善恶与教化
6)Freedom and Confinement善行与恶习
