海外华文文学,Overseas Chinese Literature
1)Overseas Chinese Literature海外华文文学
1.Study on Overseas Chinese Literature in the Context of Globalization;全球语境下的海外华文文学研究
2.It not only records the 20 years development and a lot of new viewpoints about overseas Chinese literature,but also shows that there are many important achievements and a whole cognition about the course of study.该书不仅透现出20余年来海外华文文学研究的发展脉络,记录了饶先生在该学科发展的许多重要时期提出的创新性观点,而且展示了该学科研究诸多具有代表性的重要成果以及饶先生对学科发展的历史总结和宏观把握。
3.Studies of overseas Chinese literature,as a new academic field which emerged in 1980s have been developing gradually with the literature of Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao as its bridge.海外华文文学是20世纪80年代初出现的具有世界性的新学术领域,以台港澳文学作为“引桥”而逐渐拓展,也逐渐与国际上的移民文学、离散文学接轨,形成一个极具东方特色的文化、文学“圈”。

1.A Study of "Taiwan,Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature" in the Periodical of Special Zero;《特区文学》中的“台港与海外华文文学
2.Discusses in the Overseas Chinese Literature "the Great Cultural Revolution" Memory Writing试论海外华文文学中的“文革”记忆书写
3.Reviews and Prospects of Overseas Chinese Literature at the Turn of Two Centuries世纪之交:海外华文文学的回顾与展望
4.Oversea Chinese Literature shouldn't be Covered by History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature海外华文文学不宜进入中国现当代文学史
5.Chinese Literature and the Spread of Taiwan Hongkong and Overseas Chinese Literature in the Chinese Mainland;《华文文学》与台港及海外华文文学在中国大陆的传播
6.Analytical Differentiation of Poetics Concept of Overseas Chinese Literature in 1920s;二十世纪二十年代海外华文文学诗学观辨析
7.“Transplant”and“Graft” --On the Literary Inheritance of Overseas Chinese Literature“移植”与“嫁接”——海外华文文学滥觞时期的继承关系
8.Phoenix s Rebirth from Ashes:The Motif of Death in the Fire in Overseas Chinese-Language Literature;相期浴火凤凰生——海外华文文学中的因果母题
9.Cross-Cultural Context and Writing with Consciousness:Re-examining the Creation and Studies of Overseas Chinese-Language Literature跨文化语境与自主性写作——海外华文文学创作与研究再思考
10.A Typical Specimen of Overseas Chinese Literature--A Critique of A New Vision of the Overseas Chinese Literature by Rao Pengzi;海外华文文学研究的典型标本——简评饶芃子教授的《世界华文文学的新视野》
11.Development and Characteristics of Overseas Chinese Literature:And Talking about Some of the Ideas in the Chinese Literary History and Chinesisch Literature History海外华文文学的发展与特色——兼谈有关新编中国文学史、汉语文学史的一些想法
12.Sanctification and Secularization:Causality of the Motif in Overseas Chinese-Language Literature;圣化与世俗的因果脉象——海外华文文学中的因果母题
13.The Changes of the Meanings of “Diasporas”;“离散”的意义“流散”——兼论我国内地海外华文文学研究的独特理论话语
14.From "Dissemination" to "Communication"--The Basic Models in Overseas Chinese-Language Literary Studies从“传播”到“交流”——海外华文文学研究基本模式的选择
15.Cultural Identification and Puzzles ---A Look into Overseas Chinese Literature Study文化碰撞中的文化认同与困境——从林语堂看海外华文文学研究中的有关问题
16.The Model of Overseas Chinese Education:Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School海外华文教育的典范:马来西亚华文独立中学
17.The Chinese Diasporas Tears of Blood and Scattered Direction of Overseas Chinese Literature;海外华人迁徙血泪与华文文学播散的方向
18.Literature of Diaspora and Identity Studies --Also on Expanding the Interpretive Space of Overseas Chinese literature流散文学与身份研究——兼论海外华人华文文学阐释空间的拓展

overseas Chinese-language literature海外华文文学
1.Hence,it is of great significane historically and culturally to trace and redefine overseas Chinese-language literature,and to refer to and interpret the home culture of overseas writers.作为一个特殊的文化空间,海外华文文学具有多重的意味,既体现出文化资源上的多质性,又存在着形态上的多元性。
2.While the definition of overseas Chinese-language literature hinges on the language of the writings,as part of overseas Chinese-language literature,overseas Chaozhou people\'s literature is also often written in Chinese as an expressive means.语言是文学的工具,海外华文文学就是以其使用工具之文字国别来划分的。
3.the transnational and cross-cultural propensity of Overseas Chinese-Language Literature is instrumental in applying the "dissemination" model to the studies of new issues of this discipline,such as the dissemination approaches,modes,and media.海外华文文学的跨文化和跨国界的特点,使它适宜于运用"传播"模式。
3)overseas Chinese literature海外华人文学
1.Pursuit and Construction: The Identity of Overseas Chinese Literature追索与建构:论海外华人文学的身份认同
2.The question of body identity (identification) is a focus existed in overseas Chinese literature.身份 (认同 )问题是海外华人文学的主要关切。
4)research on overseas Chinese-language literature海外华文文学研究
1.It has been more than 20 years since the research on overseas Chinese-language literature came into being.海外华文文学研究在中国大陆兴起至今已有20多年的历史,通过回顾其发展历程,梳理该学科从孕育到走向成熟的历史脉络——从外在(研究领域、对象)平面空间上的拓展,到内在理论建设的不断进深。
5)Taiwan Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature台港及海外华文文学
1.For the moment, there are so many writings about Taiwan Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature in the Chinese Mainland.目前,中国大陆对于台港及海外华文文学有着颇为丰富的著述。
6)Taiwan,Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature台港暨海外华文文学
1.From this point of view, this paper explores how and why the "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" are transmitted and constructed in the literature periodicals of mainland, and has challenged the changeless imagination about the communication of "T.从这一基点出发,本论文爬梳了“台湾、香港、澳门与海外的华文文学”在大陆文学期刊中传播与建构的相关情况与若干问题,对有关“台港暨海外华文文学”大陆流播的刻板印象进行了质疑与否定。

世界华文文学论坛主管单位:江苏省社科院主办单位:江苏省社会科学院 江苏台港与海外华文文学研究中心 江苏省台港暨海外华文文学研究会编辑单位:《世界华文文学论坛》编辑部国内刊号:32-1478国际刊号:1008-0163邮发代号:28-261本刊是专门从事中国大陆以外即台港澳与海外华文、华人文学的理论性季刊,向国内外公开发行。自1990年创办以来,受到海内外文化学术界的广泛赞誉和极大关注,被称作是促进海内外文化学术交流的纽带,展示世界华文文学最新研究成果的重要园地。