大江健三郎,Kenzaburo Oe
1)Kenzaburo Oe大江健三郎
1.On Post-war Re-enlightenment Consciousness of Kenzaburo Oe’s Early Works: From "Breeding" to "Death of Political Adolescent";大江健三郎早期文学的战后再启蒙意识——从《饲育》到《政治少年之死》
2.On the Relationship between Kenzaburo Oe and Chinese Literature;涵养结晶:大江健三郎与中国文学的关系
3.On Kenzaburo Oe s Novels from the Perspective of Folk Culture;民间文化视野中的大江健三郎小说研究

1.Transforming the Existence--Interpretation of Kenzburo OE s Somersault;“翻”越“存在”——大江健三郎《空翻》解读
2.On the Reasons for Taking the Native Place as Source Material in Kenzaburo Oes Literary Creation;大江健三郎的文学“返乡”原因初探
3.Kenzaburo Oe and The Football Team of the Frist Wanyan Year;大江健三郎与《万延元年的足球队》
4.The Influence of Sartre s Existentialism s on Kenzaburo Oe s Writing;萨特存在主义对大江健三郎创作的影响
5.On the Characteristics of Localization in Kendzaburo Oa’s Existentialism Novels;试论大江健三郎存在主义小说的本土化特征
6.On the Relationship between Kenzaburo Oe and Chinese Literature;涵养结晶:大江健三郎与中国文学的关系
7.Intertextuality,Belief and Death:A Reading of Goodbye,Mybook!;互文性、信仰及其他——读大江健三郎《别了!我的书》
8.On Kenzaburo Oe s Novels from the Perspective of Folk Culture;民间文化视野中的大江健三郎小说研究
9.A Summary of Chinese Writers Academic Researches on OOE KENZABURO in Recent Years;近十年中国学界大江健三郎小说研究综述
10.Body Narrative and Soul Salvation--A Review of Narrative Aesthetics of Ooe Kenzaburo;身体诉说与灵魂拯救——论大江健三郎的叙事美学
11.An Exploration of the Dualities in Sex Human;大江健三郎《性的人》:二重性中的迷惘探索
12.Discourse on Poetic Language;诗语的言说——大江健三郎的文体策略和文体观
13.Disabled son: The starting point of Oe kensaburo s literary creation;残疾儿主题:大江健三郎文学出发的“原点”
14.LuXun And Kenzaburo Oe:Two Unyielding Soul Towerman鲁迅与大江健三郎:两个不屈的灵魂守望者
15.Seeking the Lost Homeland: The Theme of the ‘Utopia forest’Novels by Ooekenzaburo寻找失落的家园——大江健三郎“乌托邦—森林意识”小说的主题研究
16.On Post-war Re-enlightenment Consciousness of Kenzaburo Oe’s Early Works: From "Breeding" to "Death of Political Adolescent";大江健三郎早期文学的战后再启蒙意识——从《饲育》到《政治少年之死》
17.Contemplators Represent Existing Dilemma--The Comparison of Philosophic Connotation Between Ohe Kenzaburo and Shi Tiesheng;再现生存困境的思索者——大江健三郎与史铁生哲学意蕴之比较
18.The Acceptance and Surpassing of the Existentialism Explaining Personal Experience by Dajiangjiansanlang;存在主义的接受与超越——大江健三郎《个人的体验》解读

Oe Kenzaburo大江健三郎
1.Statement of "Finishing Novel Writing": Oe Kenzaburo s New Strategy in His Later Period of Writing——On Oe s Stylistic Form in his Later Novels;“挂笔”宣言:大江健三郎后期小说创作的新策略——兼论大江健三郎“后期作品的风格形式”
2.Oe Kenzaburo is generally known as a writer whose themes and styles have been changing constantly over the half-century.一般认为,在这近半个世纪的时间里,大江健三郎(1935— )的文学主题、作品风格都处于不断变化之中。
3.Oe Kenzaburo is a renowned modern Japanese writers, who won the Nobel literature prize in 1,994.大江健三郎是日本当代的著名作家,于1994获得了诺贝尔文学奖。
1.The artistic features of the works of Ooekenzaburo;大江健三郎及其作品的文学特色
2.Seeking the Lost Homeland: The Theme of the ‘Utopia forest’Novels by Ooekenzaburo;寻找失落的家园——大江健三郎“乌托邦—森林意识”小说的主题研究
3.Ooekenzaburo, on the other hand, is the representative of the post-war literature in Japan and his works embody modernity and universality.大江健三郎是日本战后文学的代表 ,作品极具现代性和世界性。
4)Oe Kensaburo大江健三郎
1.On Early Writing by Oe Kensaburo;从战后启蒙到文化批评——大江健三郎早期文学试论
1.Study on Kenzaburo s Early Morality;大江健三郎前期道德观研究
2.Discuss Kenzaburo Oe s Consciousness in Writing;论大江健三郎的创作意识
6)Dajiangjiansanlang大江健三郎(1935~  )
