1.Spirit Dancing in the Arcadia——On Wordsworth’s Michael;田园中跳动着的精灵——论华兹华斯的《迈克尔》
2.Discrimination on “Different Trees with the Same Flowers” ——Contrast analysis between the artistic conceptions of Wordsworth s and Wangwei s poetry;“异树同花”之辨析——王维与华兹华斯诗歌意境的比较分析
3.A comment on romantic style of Wordsworth s poems;讴歌自然崇尚人性——论华兹华斯的浪漫诗歌

1.Wordsworth s Dilemma: A Study of Wordsworth s Concept of Nature in "Michael";华兹华斯的困境:《迈克尔》中华兹华斯自然观研究
2.Where do you rank Wordsworth as a poet?你将华兹华斯列为哪一等诗人?
3.earth's diurnal course(William Wordsworth.地球的每日运行(威廉 华兹华斯)。
4.William Wordsworth lived to the age of 80 and died in 1850.华兹华斯活到80岁高龄,死于1850年。
5.Christian Ideas in William Wordsworth s Poems;威廉·华兹华斯诗歌中的基督教思想
6.Poetics: Vehicle Reconstruction--From Plato to Wordsworth;诗论:喻体的选择——从柏拉图到华兹华斯
7.Significances of Nature:A Reading of Wordsworth s "Tintern Abbey";自然的意义:解读华兹华斯“丁登寺”诗
8.An Ecological Reading to Wordsworth s Hart Leap Well;从《鹿跳泉》看华兹华斯的生态主义思想
9.Elegance·Grace·Harmony·Profundity--ON the poetry character of Wordsworth;秀·雅·和·远——华兹华斯诗歌艺术特色试论
10.William Wordsworth and THE SOLITARY REAPER;华兹华斯和他的《孤独的收割人》赏析
11.On Eco-crisis and Wordsworth s Eco-concern;现实语境压力与华兹华斯自然观评析
12.Modernist Features of Wordsworth s "Spots of Time";华兹华斯“瞬间”诗学观念的现代性特征
13.The Analyses on Wordsworth s "There Was a Boy";华兹华斯《有一个男孩》的多重读解
14.Creating a Spiritual World --A brief Account on Wordsworth s Inspiration of Poetry;心灵的超越——论华兹华斯的创作灵感
15."The Still, Sad Music of Humanity" -On Wordsworth s poetic motif;“沉静的人间悲曲”——华兹华斯的诗歌主题
16.Research on the Comparison of YANYu and Wordswoth s Lyric Theory;严羽与华兹华斯的抒情诗论比较研究
17.Rethinking Wordsworthian Poetics;关于华兹华斯诗学遗产价值的再认识
18.Study on the Theme of Nature in Wordsworth s Poetry;关于华兹华斯诗歌中自然主题的研究

William Wordsworth华兹华斯
1.Serenity from the Oblivion of Self and Stimulation from the Affirmation of Self --A comparison of Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth s Attitudes toward Nature;“无我”的宁静与“有我”的振动——陶渊明与华兹华斯诗歌中“自然”观比较
2.William Wordsworth and THE SOLITARY REAPER;华兹华斯和他的《孤独的收割人》赏析
3.Research on William Wordsworth in Contemporary Chinese Context;现代中国语境中的华兹华斯
3)William Wordsworth (1770~1850)华兹华斯,W.
1.A Dialogic Analysis of Wordsworth s Daffodils;从对话关系看《水仙》与华兹华斯
5)Wordsworth's "Immortality Ode"华兹华斯的《颂歌》
6)Wordsworthian poetics华兹华斯诗学
1.He comprehensively discusses such concepts in Wordsworthian poetics as subject and object, time and history, and allegory and symbol, all of which he also effectively defines and gives a penetrating analysis of.德·曼在解读华兹华斯时,沿用了由燕卜荪开拓的策略,比较全面地评介了华兹华斯诗学中主体与客体,时间与历史,寓言与象征等概念组,对这些概念进行了有效的界定,并加以透辟的分析。
2.In this paper, Wordsworthian poetics is revaluated from the perspective of new historicism.通过借鉴新历史主义的视角,对华兹华斯诗学遗产价值再认识,着重分析华兹华斯诗学对于文明建构的历史和现实意义,以及对于文学创作中语言使用的现实指导意义。
3.The paper is redefinition of the essential feature of the Wordsworthian poetics.通过对华兹华斯诗学中主体性复归问题的阐述来重新界定华兹华斯诗学的本质。
