贾平凹,Jia Pingwa
1)Jia Pingwa贾平凹
1.On Jia Pingwa s Acceptance to Dream of the Red Chamber;试论贾平凹对《红楼梦》之接受
2.Jia Pingwa and the Cultural Significance of His Literature;贾平凹及其文学的文化意义
3.The Female Consciousness in Novels by Jia Pingwa;论贾平凹小说中的女性意识

1.JIA Ping-wa and the Literary Turn to Grassroots in the Current Century;贾平凹与新世纪文学的“底层”转向
2.Jia Ping-wa s New Novel Style in Happiness;从《高兴》看贾平凹小说风格的新变
3.Hovering between Urban and Rural Areas--The Spirit of Migration Jia Ping-wa;徘徊于城乡之间——贾平凹的精神游走
4.Aesthetic Art of Delight for Sorrow in Jia Pingwa s Long Novel Happy;评贾平凹《高兴》中以喜状悲的美学观
5.The comparison of female images in Jia Pingwa and Chi Li s works;贾平凹与池莉作品中女性形象之比较
6.Qin Opera:Jia Pingwa s Commemoration of His Ex-wife in Self-criticism;《秦腔》:贾平凹在自责中对前妻的追念
7.UGLINESS:AESTHETIC CONCERN OF JIA PING-WA--Taking "Gao Laozhuang" as an Example;丑:贾平凹的审美观照——以《高老庄》为例
8.Change of Jia Pingwa s Writing Style Through his Novel Gao Laozhuang;从《高老庄》看贾平凹创作风格的嬗变
9.The Mystical Coloring of Jia Ping-ao s Novel Shaanxi Opera;试论贾平凹小说《秦腔》中的神秘色彩
10.Bandits Behavior and Human Nature--Interpretation of JIA Ping-wa s Novels Concerning Bandits;匪事与人性——对贾平凹涉匪小说的解读
11.Watching and Singing of the Country Writers --On Jia Pingwa s Country Novels;乡土作家的咏唱——论贾平凹乡土小说
12.On the Artistic Innovation of Yearning for the Wolf by Jia Pingwa;论贾平凹小说《怀念狼》的艺术创新
13.Transcendency the Costant Center of Jia Pingwa s Seeking for Truthfulness;超越性——贾平凹真实性追求的恒定轴心
14.Creation and Embarrassment──JIA Ping-wa in my view;突围与尴尬——我的阅读视野中的贾平凹
15.On the Emergence and Development of Country Complex in Jia Pingwa s Novels;论贾平凹小说乡土情结的发生与发展
16.Anxiety of Living--An Analysis of JIA Ping-wa s Spirit Character;生存的忧虑——贾平凹精神人格分析
17.Contrast Study between the Characteristics of Folk Customs in Jia Pingao s Novels and Li Hang Yu s Novels;贾平凹、李杭育小说中民俗特色的比较
18.Jia Ping-wa s Moon s Trace and Artistic Conception of Prose;贾平凹《月迹》与散文意境:心诚·情真·境美

JIA Ping-wa贾平凹
1.Return to the Scenes of Daily Life:A Review on Gaoxing by JIA Ping-wa;疼痛与抚摸:回归日常生活的现场——评贾平凹长篇小说《高兴》
2.JIA Ping-wa and the Literary Turn to Grassroots in the Current Century;贾平凹与新世纪文学的“底层”转向
3.JIA Ping-wa s Psychic Progress Seen from ZHUANG Zhi-die to LIU Gao-xing;从庄之蝶到刘高兴看贾平凹的心路历程
3)JIA Ping-ao贾平凹
1.JIA Ping-ao: Hesitating Between the Decaying Village and the Decaying City.;贾平凹:踯躅于废乡和废都之间——兼论《秦腔》
2.A Probe into Mystery Culture in JIA Ping-ao s Novels;贾平凹小说神秘文化探源
1.The Legnd of wolf and the suspicion of Life-Commenting on the Long Novel:"Missing Wolf" Wintten By Jiapingwa;狼的传奇与生命的疑虑——略论贾平凹的长篇小说《怀念狼》
2.Jiapingwa is an important writer in contemporary literature circles.贾平凹是一个当代比较重要的作家,同时也是一个社会责任感很强的作家,他在作品中进行着精英思考和人文关怀,有很浓的社会关注情结,本文主要从四个方面分析贾平凹的社会关注情结。
3.Jiapingwa is an influential country writer in contemporary era , with strong country complex as an important spiritual thread in all of his novels.贾平凹是当代有重要影响的乡土文学作家,作为一个蛰居现代都市的乡村知识分子,浓厚的乡土情结已成为贯穿其全部小说创作的一条重要精神线索。
5)Jia Ping wa贾平凹
1.One aspect,Jia Ping wa step off the writer who comes as a rural area,have passionate feelings to rural area bosom,civilization has acceptation,another aspect on one kind of emotion to country civilization or tradition,he the more than twenty years having lived after all in the city,has the.贾平凹是中国当代典型的乡土作家,其乡土小说表现出了极大的现实热情和当下关怀。
2.China s contemporary writer JIA Ping wa stands alone in the Literary world for his persevering pursait and creation of the literary imagery All of his Literary imagery could be classicficed into some types primarily concering personal experience, allegory, illusion and local consciousness auording to the structure fromation.中国当代作家贾平凹以文学意象世界的执著追求与创造 ,独立于中国当代文坛。
3.JIA Ping wa s prose is natural, fresh and delicately beautiful.贾平凹早期散文清新灵秀,飘逸自然,以其独特的艺术魅力独秀于中国文坛,为新时期散文的发展和繁荣作出了可贵贡献。
6)Jia Ping-wa's calligraphy贾平凹书法
