悼亡诗,mourning poems
1)mourning poems悼亡诗
1.The existing nineteen mourning poems show the poet s frankness and love to his late wife.所存十九首悼亡诗,上接潘岳、下启苏轼,延演于后世,诗人对亡妻的那份率真、至爱之情倾吐于诗中,凸显了悼亡诗"抚存悼亡"的共同主题,彰显了妻子勤劳、贤惠、与诗人心灵默契的美德,构建了悼亡诗的时空体系,丰富了我国古代悼亡诗创作的经验。

1.Elegies of Mourning and Self-mourning--Comment on some mournful poems by Li Shangyin;悼与自悼的悲情哀歌——李商隐的几首悼亡诗探析
2.Ways of Lament--A Comparative Study on Two Monodies;悼亦有道——爱伦·坡与纳兰性德的悼亡诗对比分析
3.Like Bitterness Like Admiration Like Weeping Like Pour Out;如怨如慕 如泣如诉——论《诗经》中的抗婚诗和悼亡诗
4.Discussion about Green Clothes and Ge Sheng s Influence on Ancient Chinese eloges;论《绿衣》、《葛生》对中国古代悼亡诗的影响
5.Contrasts between Pan yue poems of mourning for the dead and Yuan zhen three poems of conveying the sorrowful feelings;潘岳《悼亡诗》与元稹《三遣悲怀》比较
6.Cultural Perspective: Love and Death of Chinese and Western Elegies文化视域:中西悼亡诗的“爱”与“死”
7.Surpassing Of the Living and Death--A Comparison Between the Death Aesthetics Of Chinese and Wester Memorical Poetry;生与死的超脱——中西悼亡诗中死亡美学之比较
8.Passion and Profoundness in Ordinary Life--On the Mourning Poems for His Wife by Mei Yaochen;平凡中的真情 平淡中的深邃——论梅尧臣的悼亡诗
9.On the Prototype of Kenneth Rexroth s Elegiac Poems;论肯尼斯·雷克思罗斯悼亡诗风格的原型
10.Analysing the Confucian and Taoist Influence on the Poem Mourning a Deceased Person;试论儒道思想对中国古代悼亡诗的影响
11.On Li Shangyin s Poems Mourning his Deceased Wife and its Revelation on Marriage and Values;论李商隐悼亡诗对婚姻情感价值的新发现
12.A Comparison between Yuan Zhen s Memorial Poems and Li Shang-Yin s;雪中探梅 雾里看花——元稹、李商隐悼亡诗比较
13.Mourn a Dead Friend with Great Sorron Deep Affliction--Discussing the Chinese Eulogistic Poetry about the Achievements of the Dead;忆君情悲满,肝肠尺寸断——谈谈中国的悼亡诗
14.Sorrow Thesis and Value in Ancient Chinese Mourn Poems;论中国古代悼亡诗的伤逝主题及价值取向
15.Sadness over the Undying Heart: An Analysis of Su Shi and John Milton's Eulogies哀莫大于心不死——浅析苏轼与弥尔顿的悼亡诗
16."Osmanthus Hill,Sad Rain and Old Poetry Remain,Too Sorrowful to Brook to Recall"--On Wang Chuanshan s Poetry Dedicated to His Deceased Wife;“桂山哀雨旧诗留,读向泉台忆得不”——王船山悼亡诗赏析
17.A Comparison of the Aesthetics in Elegies of Chinese and English;品读中西文化 审视异样之美——中英悼亡诗之美学比较
18.A Comparison between Chinese and English Memorial Poetry;一样悲苦,两种风情——中西方悼亡诗之差异及文化根源

memorial poetry悼亡诗
1.There is apparent discrepancy between memorial poetry in China and that in the west.中西方悼亡诗的整体数量是中多西少;意象选择上中国悼亡诗是多用日常生活中的现实性意象,西方悼亡诗多用想象性意象;扬妻内容中国突出一个"善"字,西方突出一个"美"字;情感内容中方带伦理色彩,西方带性爱色彩;情感倾向中方是悲痛欲绝,西方是悲中有望;中西方悼亡诗的抒情表达方式也有明显的差异性。
1.The elegy Jiang Cheng zi written by a Chinese ancient poet(Su Shi) is compared with the elegy The Cross Of Snow written by the American writer(Longfellow) from the angle of writing background,writing style and the feelings of the two poets.中外文学有许多不朽的悼亡诗名作。
2.Because of the difference of culture、geographical position、historical tradition and economic structure between east and west, Chinese elegy and western elegy reflect different love points、marital points and thanatopsis.由于中西文化背景、地理环境、历史传统、宗教信仰、社会经济结构等方面的差异,中国和西方悼亡诗体现出两种不同的爱情观、婚姻观和生死观。
4)Memorial Poems悼亡诗
1.A Comparison between Yuan Zhen s Memorial Poems and Li Shang-Yin s;雪中探梅 雾里看花——元稹、李商隐悼亡诗比较
5)mouraing poeins悼亡诗词
6)Elegiae Poems Before the Tang Dynasty论先唐悼亡诗
