文学伦理学,ethical literary criticism
1)ethical literary criticism文学伦理学
1.This article tries to deeply analyze the African American inter-sexual relationship of Alice Walker’s masterpiece The Color Purple from the perspective of ethical literary criticism, in order to find how distortion of people’s mind and disharmony of inter-sexual relationship further lead to the miserable situation of black women.本文试图从文学伦理学角度深入分析艾丽丝·沃克的代表作《紫颜色》中的黑人男女两性关系,这样可以更加清楚地看到两性心理的扭曲以及两性关系的不和谐如何更进一步导致了黑人女性被奴役的悲惨境遇。
2.Dalloway and To The Lighthouse from the perspective of ethics, so it still leaves much room for further study on Virginia Woolf by making use of the theory of Ethical Literary Criticism.本文尝试从文学伦理学的角度出发,结合伍尔夫四部主要的意识流小说文本来分析其中蕴含的伦理思想,以试图从一个新的角度解读伍尔夫。

1.The "Free Space"of Ethical Literary Criticism文学与伦理学:文学伦理学批评发展的“自由空间”
2.Literary Ethics Criticism and Literature Reading Teaching in High School;文学伦理学批评与中学语文阅读教学
3.An Inquiry of the Notion of Literature from the Ethnic-Criticism of Literature;文学伦理学批评视野中的“文学观”追问
4.Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective;文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索
5.The Discrimination of Different Ethnical Types in Ethnical Criticism;文学伦理学批评中“诸伦理形态关系”辨析
6.Analysis of Consciousness of Community in Ethnic-Criticism of Literature;文学伦理学批评中的“共同体意识”分析
7.A Study of Toni Morrison's Novels from the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism托妮·莫里森小说的文学伦理学批评
8.Lack of Ethics & Justice of Moral--Desire Under the Elms in the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism;伦理缺失·道德审判——文学伦理学批评视角下的《榆树下的欲望》
9.Literature Ethics or Ethics of Literature and Art--Foundation of Literature Ethics文艺伦理还是文学伦理——论文学伦理成立的基础
10.An ethical & cultural approach to the problematic children in primary and high schools;中小学“问题学生”产生的伦理文化探讨
11.The Psychological,Theoretical and Ethical Issues in Cultural Exchange;文化交流中的心理、学理与伦理问题
12.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化
13.Emergence of Environmental Ethics: the Drastic Change in the History of Ethical Culture;环境伦理学的产生是伦理文化史上的深刻变革
14.A Study on the Ethical Values of Foreign Literature in Chinese Textbooks;语文教材外国文学作品伦理价值研究
15.Blankness in Studying of “Ethics Consciousness” of Modern Literature in Japan- On The Ethics Consciousness of Japanese Literature;日本近代文学“伦理意识”研究中的一块“白璧”——评《日本文学的伦理意识》
16.High School Foreign Literary Word Teaching and Ethics Criticism and Ethics Education;高中语文外国文学作品教学与伦理教育研究
17.A Preface to Professor Wei Yi s Appreciation of Literature and Arts;从伦理学看文艺鉴赏──魏饴主编《文艺鉴赏学》序
18.Striving for a New Critical Approach:Rereading English Literature in the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism评聂珍钊等著的《英国文学的伦理学批评》(英文)

literary ethics文学伦理学
1.This thesis is a study on the ethical values of foreign literature in Chinese textbooks which will use literary ethics criticism, comparative method and induction to make an exposition.尽管有些学者和教育工作者在研究外国文学作品的伦理问题,但遗憾的是针对中学语文教材外国文学作品的伦理价值研究较少,本文主要运用文学伦理学批评的方法和比较归纳法力求对中学语文教材中外国文学作品的伦理价值进行挖掘。
3)literature ethics文学伦理
1.Applied Ethics as a field of research, literature ethics should be interpreted as a literary activities, as well as ethical issues in the ethical issues related to literary studies, research literature, literary criticism and literary appreciation of the phenomenon of ethical issues and moral science.作为应用伦理学的一个研究领域,文学伦理应理解为以文学活动中的伦理问题以及有关文学的伦理问题为研究对象,研究文学创作、文学欣赏和文学批评中的道德问题和道德现象的学问。
2.The difference of the literature ethics and ethics of literature and art comes from the different understand-ing of literature theory in academic circle.文艺伦理和文学伦理的分歧源自学术界对文艺学与文学学或文学理论的不同理解,而文学伦理成立的基础在于文学本身所特有的性质。
4)ethics of literature and art文艺伦理学
1.It is the practical crisis of mode loss of literature that expedites the emergence of the ethics of literature and art as a branch of applied ethics.文学失范的现实危机,催生了文艺伦理学作为应用伦理学分支学科的出现。
5)Literature and Ethics文学与伦理
6)ethical literary criticism文学伦理学批评
1.When interpreting The Scarlet Letter from the point of ethical literary criticism and analyzing the psychology of Dimmesdale,we can find that Dimmesdale is always in the state of self-victimization.用文学伦理学批评方法解读《红字》,并剖析丁梅斯代尔这一重要人物的心理,可以看到他一直处于“自我受难”的状态之中,并同时也在无意识地逐渐实现着自我。
2.This paper is to explore the issues on practicability and validity of ethical literary criticism.本文主要讨论文学伦理学批评的实用性和有效性问题。
3.Nie Zhenzhao proposed to treat ethical literary criticism as a method.文学伦理学批评,是一个很古老而又非常现代的话题。
