抒情主体,lyric subject
1)lyric subject抒情主体
1.Through analyzing the shift of the lyric subjects in Guo Moruo,s poems of early time,the lost of "self" from Western Individualism of intellectual elite during the May 4th to the Great Revolution was dicussed.通过对郭沫若早期诗歌中抒情主体变迁的分析,观察"五四"到大革命的历史转折时期知识精英们所曾大力倡导的西方个人主义"自我"的失落。
2.Its cause is closely related both to the lyric subject s sentiment complexity and life philosophy,and to the appreciative need of the receptors.情感复合显示的原因既与抒情主体的复杂情感状态、人生哲学密切相关 ,又与受众的鉴赏需求密切相关。
3.Focus on the lyric subject in T.普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中的抒情主体为研究对象,通过对诗歌中的意象、戏剧独白的手法、以及融入其中的"非个性化"诗学理论的分析,揭示出其抒情主体的含义。

1.On Lyric Subject in The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》抒情主体析论
2.Shift of Lyric Subject in Guo Moruo s Poems of Early Stage;论郭沫若早期诗歌中抒情主体的变迁
3.The Lyric Subject in R.M.Rilke s " Der Panther;从里尔克的《豹》看抒情主体的结构
4.Contrast in the Subject of Monody Between Poems of "Coming-Back Person" and "Misty Poetry"论“归来者”诗与“朦胧诗”抒情主体的差异
5.On the Lyric Subject of Red Flag Ballads;无法抵达的民间——论《红旗歌谣》的抒情主体性问题
6.His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity.其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。
7.The Appearance of The Lyric Hero--Li Yu's Contribution to the Ci抒情主人公的出现——李煜对词体的贡献
8.A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.融装饰性、化的、线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。
9.Talk about the color in the verse idea and create the sentiment mechanism that corpus appreciate beauty;论诗歌中的色彩意象与创造主体审美的抒情机制
10.On Artistic Form of western Painting-Abstractism;抒情的抽象与抽象的抒情——西方抽象主义艺术简评
11.A lyric poem characterized by couplets formed by a long line followed by a shorter one.长短句相间的抒情诗体一种抒情诗体,其特征为长短相间的对偶句
12.On the Time Theme in Chekhov’s Lyrical Psychological Works论契诃夫抒情心理作品中的时间主题
13.On Sayer of Gua-Zhi-er;明代民歌《挂枝儿》的抒情主人公研究
14.Chinese Style of Lyric Humanitarian--On WANG Zeng-qi;中国式的抒情的人道主义者——汪曾祺论
15.On Emotional Expression and Signs of Symbolism in Zhu Xiang s Poems;论朱湘诗的客观抒情与象征主义倾向
16.On the lyric protagonist and aesthetic perception of A Night of Flowers and Moonlight by the Spring River;论《春江花月夜》的抒情主人公及意脉
17.The New Lyric"-Mu Dan s Viewpoint on Poetry during the Anti-Japanese War;“新的抒情”与穆旦抗战时期的诗学主张
18.Analysis of Self-Image on Lyric Protagonist in Wangwei s Poems;试析王维诗中抒情主人公的自我形象

Lyric subjectivity主体抒情
3)main character image抒情主体形象
4)lyrical expression of a dual-theme双重主体抒情
5)emotion-expressing themes抒情主题
6)subjective-expressed emotion主观抒情
1.The style of Yu Dafu\'s novels in his earlier stage is autobiographical narratives of self-exposure and subjective-expressed emotion such as in Decadence.郁达夫前期小说风格是以《沉沦》为代表的自我暴露、主观抒情的自叙传,但后期以《迟桂花》为代表的小说追求人性美和理性节制的风格,与他前期的小说形成了巨大的反差,体现出作者写作态度的转变。

宏观抒情诗所谓宏观抒情是试图从纵深的时间过程和开阔的空间范围来把握个人和民族历史的艺术追求 是面对着国家 民族人类 乃至于全宇宙所作出的抒情 这种特殊的政治抒情诗讲究结构 主要在艾青的诗中体现 如:《光的赞歌》《古罗马的大斗技场》