文学本质,literary nature
1)literary nature文学本质
1.Now there are many interpretations of them in the perspective of the imperial examinations but their literary nature is ignored.在目前学术界热衷于从科举文化解读文社兴起和繁盛的热潮下,却忽视了文社的文学本质

1.Ontology of Literary Structure --On René Wellek s Theories of the Nature of Literature;文学结构本体论——论韦勒克的文学本质
2.Changing from Literariness to Entertainment:A Strategy of Deconstruction of Literary Essence View从“文学性”到“娱乐性”:一种解构文学本质观的策略
3.Philosophical Ontology determines Theories of Literary Nature --a general view on relationship between ancient Western philosophies and literay theories;哲学本体论决定文学本质论——西方古代哲学与文论关系概说
4.The relationship of the literary essence and the ideology is complicated.文学本质与意识形态的关系是复杂的。
5.The Issue of Literariness and a Reconsideration of the Nature of Literature: On the Two Kinds of Literariness;“文学性”问题与文学本质再认识——以两种“文学性”为例
6.The Definition of Chinese and Western Thinkers and Writers of Literary Theory to the Literary Nature;中西思想家、文论家关于文学本质的界定
7.Russian Formalism: Its Literary Essence and Aesthetic Foundation;俄国形式主义的文学本质论及其美学基础
8.The Essence of History Teaching in Middle School is Humanistic Education;中学历史教学的本质是人文主义教育
9.Put Essence aside--A Reflection on the Literary Theory study;“本质的悬置”:文学理论学科性之反思
10.Thenature of Literary under the Cultural Studies in the New Period新时期文艺学文化转向下的文艺本质观
11.TLiterary Studies:Essentialism,or Relationism;文学研究:本质主义,抑或关系主义
12.A Study of Literature Signs Connotation And Functional Relations;论文学符号的本质与功能性结构关系
13.Local Conditions and Customs Produce Folk Writers--the essential meaning of folk literature;斯土生吾民——民间文学的本质含义
14.The Nature of Reading & Its Implication for Teaching Procedures;阅读的本质及对教学过程的启示(英文)
15.Reflection on Children's Play from the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy儿童游戏的本质——基于文化哲学的视角
16.Reconstructing Science Textbooks Discourse of Nature of Science;论理科教科书科学本质文本话语的重建
17.The Concept of Autonomy in Literary Semiotics of Western Poetics and its Nature of Humanity;西方诗学中的文学符号自律观念及其人学本质
18.On the Power of Language in a View of Language Philosophy,Cultural Studies论语言的力——语言的哲学、文化学与语用学本质

literary essence文学本质
1.The relationship of the literary essence and the ideology is complicated.文学本质与意识形态的关系是复杂的。
2.During the 30 years from the 1980s,plenty of different ideas on the controversy of literary essence have come into view,some of which are overwhelming for a while and underwhelming before long.追问文学本质,不仅是特定历史境遇中特定文学观念的反映,而且承担了双重的自我价值建构的使命。
3)essence of literature文学本质
1.While the apposition of essence of literature and existing mode of literature leads to the separation of the literary theories,the establishment of noumenon is the initial consi.20世纪的西方哲学和文论研究为克服文学本质主义,为确立文学存在方式的文学本体观念开辟了道路。
4)nature of literature文学本质
1.On the basis of listing and analyzing several main ideas on what nature of literature is, this paper thinks that new criticism school, started from in the 19th century, has special opinions on this problem.而兴起于19世纪的新批评派在这个问题上有着独到的见解,它摒弃了前人观点的不足,将文学看成是一个以文本为中心的独立自足的世界,为推进文学本质研究起到了重要作用。
5)the nature of literature文学本质
1.Marx did not treat the form of social consciousness and ideology as equals; neither did he define the nature of literature in terms of ideology.“审美”与“意识形态”的关系极为复杂,将“审美”和“意识形态”组合成“审美意识形态”概念,并用此作为对文学本质的界定,是不准确的。
6)essence view of literature essence文学本质观

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。