边缘意识,marginal consciousness
1)marginal consciousness边缘意识
1.From the viewpoint of feminine criticism and relevant theories of archetypal psychology it can be found that the female marginal consciousness and the potential collective unconsciousness have great impa.在以男性为话语中心的传统批评界,这些女性一直被看作是红颜薄命的典型代表,但从女性主义批评角度,结合原型心理学的有关理论,重新对这些女性形象进行审视时就会发现:女性边缘意识与潜藏在其内心中的集体无意识对女性命运模式所产生的影响同样是不可忽视的。
2.Afterinterpreting what the marginal consciousness is, I idiographicallyanalyzed zhang s writings in my dissertation, then gen.本文以边缘意识为切入点,研究童年的创伤性经验对张爱玲及其创作的影响。
3.Therefore,a study on similarities and differences of Chinese "New-Generation" writers in different regions from comparative perspectives of nomination of "New-Generation",marginal consciousness and identity construction has special importance in literary history.因而,立足于比较研究视角,从新生代命名、边缘意识、身份建构三个层面深入探讨不同地区华人新生代作家的异同性具有重要的文学史意义。

1."Edge Consciousness" and "Deep Structure";“边缘意识”与“深层结构”——对《莎菲女士的日记》的心理分析
2.Comparative Study on Marginal Consciousness and Identity Construction of Chinese New-Generation Writers:With Writers of Mainland China,Taiwan and Malaysia As an Example华人新生代作家边缘意识和身份建构比较论——以中国大陆、中国台湾、马来西亚为例
3.Relating to or located at the fringe of consciousness.与意识边缘有关的,或在意识边缘的
4.The Theme Consciousness of Surviving City Brinks As Exploited in the Film "Lease Term";《租期》对都市边缘生存意识的开掘
5.On the Circumference in Emily Dickinson s Religious Aesthetics;爱米莉·狄金森宗教审美意识中的边缘性
6.The Sense of "Family" Reflected in ZHANG Ai-ling s Works;行走在“家”的边缘——论张爱玲作品中“家”的意识
7.I have a rude awakening when i find myself on the verge of bankruptcy我发现自己已到了破产边缘时才猛然意识到事情不妙
8.I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy.我发现自己已到了破产边缘时才猛然意识到事情不妙。
9.A Study of the Marginalized Characters in Dickens s Novels and the Victorian Ideological Power Discourse;狄更斯小说中的“边缘人物”与维多利亚意识形态的权力话语
10.Analysis on farmer s consciousness and demand on rural environment--A case study in the rural fringe areas of Nanjing outskirts;农户环境意识与环境投资需求偏好分析——以南京市城市边缘区为例
11.Research on the Unintentional Mechanism of False Memory under Peripheral Stimulus Condition边缘刺激条件下错误记忆无意识机制的探索研究
12.Method to Identify Sandstone Boundary with Edge Detection边缘检测技术砂体边界识别方法研究
13.The Male Awareness Behind the Female Awareness in "the Destiny of Rebirth";《再生缘》女性意识背后的男性意识
14.Edge detection of fabric in fabric drape performance testing system织物悬垂测试系统中织物边缘的识别
15.Recognition of Two-dimension Barcode Based on Subpixel Detection基于亚像素边缘检测的二维条码识别
16.Combination of active contour with passive edge detection in contour extraction边缘检测和Snake Model结合的轮廓识别
17.Strengthen and Improve the Studies on Students’ Ideological and Political Education--Thinking caused by today s students’ consciousness of “marginality”;加强和改进大学生思想政治教育研究——当代大学生“边缘化”意识引发的思考
18.Inspection and Soliloquy on the Despairing Edge --Taking “Lament” as a Case to Analyze Luxun s Standpoint of Time and Life;绝望边缘的体认与言说——以《伤逝》为个案解析鲁迅的时间观与生命意识

fringe of consciousness意识边缘
3)meaning of brink边缘意义
5)the ideas of fate缘意识
6)edge recognition边缘识别
1.A new edge recognition technology based on the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative for potential field data位场数据归一化总水平导数垂向导数边缘识别方法(英文)
2.Complex edge recognition algorithm of micro-accessory微小尺寸零件复杂边缘识别算法
3.By using threshold segmentation,edge recognition,pixel labeling and center of gravity method,the accurate sites of every model can be acquired from the image.综合运用阈值分割、边缘识别和像素标记法等图像识别技术,通过图像得到每个模型的相关定位信息。

北京边缘人作者:宁小龄 著出版社:昆仑出版社isbn:7800406954印次:1纸张:胶版纸 出版日期:2003-6-1字数:218版次:1内容提要:城市永远都有边缘,都有阳光稀薄的角落。这些在繁华都市奔走的边缘人,如同微不足道的一滴水、一粒沙:他们是没有北京户口的长期漂泊者,是饱受心理疾病折磨的现代人,是梦想瞬间结束贫穷生活的彩票族,是四处游荡兜售盗版光盘的外地人,是大路朝天满腹辛酸的北京的哥的姐,是追寻理想的纪录片独立制作人……本书以一个作家的良知与悲悯情怀,真实描写了城市弱势群体的生活现状,倾情关注京城边缘人群的命运悲欢。这是现实中你司空见惯的人们,这却可能是你闻所未闻的故事。作者简介:宁小龄:男,生于重庆,1983年毕业于四川大学中文系。曾发表过小说、散文和报告文学,现就职北京某文学杂志社。目录:引子 在大都市繁华的背后第一章 户口:项链与绳索“我再也回不到北京了”户口的隐痛争夺进京指标遣送的故事一个已经拱到底线的卒人格绿卡难以述说的话题最昂贵的城市第二章 那些心灵,那些阴影这就是我们的生活看不见的伤痕女孩,搁浅的小鱼没有阳光的童年寻访心理门诊你为什么如此抑郁性,难以启 齿的问题贪吃的女人们心理医生的两难处境第三章 彩票背后的故事在北京到处飞翔我的先农坛呀衷情的比不上薄情的各“族”人民大博彩突然而结束的贫穷生活中了!我中了!除了巨奖,还有什么擦肩而过第四章 北京的哥的姐说吧,出租车民间“统计学家”“招魂灯”仁义的倒霉蛋女骆驼样子第五章 盗版生活寻找瘸子李卖毛片的女人这一个赵胖儿“说实话,我是穷人乍富”刘大鹏与萨日娜陕北女知青第六章 镜头摇向深处