白话文学,vernacular literature
1)vernacular literature白话文学

1.The Malposition Between Hu Shi s Vernacular Literature Theory and His Practice of Vernacular Literature;胡适白话文学理论与白话文学实践的错位
2."A History of Vernacular Literature":Politics of Writing Literary History《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治
3.Comments on the Theory of Colloguial Literature in the May 4th Literature;白话文学传统与历史进化的文学观的寻根意味——浅论五四文学的白话文学理论
4.A Review of Hu Shi s "Vernacular History of Literature";富有“创造的思想力”的文学观——评胡适《白话文学史》
5.Hu Shi′ View on Writings in the Vernacular and the Construction of "the May 4th" Literature Concept;胡适的白话文学观与“五四”文学理念的建构
6.The East-spreading of Christianism--One of the Sources of Modern Chinese Literature;作为现代白话文学源头之一的基督教东传
7.Full of Nonsense, It Can t Stop the Rivers Flows;满纸荒唐言 岂废江河流——胡适《白话文学史》批判
8.The Compares Research of Lin Chuanjia the History of Chinese Literature and Hu Shi Vernacular Literary History;林传甲《中国文学史》与胡适《白话文学史》之比较研究
9.Bing Xin s Acceptance & Reception of Foreign Matters to Mould Modern Chinese Literature;冰心文本世界的外来因素及在铸型白话文学中的作用
10.Vernacular:as the Language of Modern Literature--On the Ascendancy of Vernacular and Novel in the Late Qing Dynasty;白话:“近世文学”之语言——论近代白话文运动的“文学”内涵
11.On the Discourse and Thought of Qian Zhong-shu on the Classical Style and the Vernacular;从文言、白话看钱学的话语方式和思维特征
12.Construction of the May 4th Vernacular Poetic Theories;探访意义:“五四”白话文的诗学建构
13."The Vernacular" and "National Language"--On Literary Revolution from National Language Movement;“白话”与“国语”:从国语运动认识文学革命
14.in the vernacular用方言 [白话文]
15.In the wake of the May 4t" Movement, he took an actively part in the New Literary Movement, writing in vernacular Chinese.“五四”运动后积极投入新文学运动,用白话文写作。
16.The Status of Vernacular Chinese in Literary History and the Vernacular Trend in the New Literature: The Debate among New Literature Advocates during the Post May Fourth Movement Period;文学史上白话的地位和新文学中白话的走向——后五四时期提倡新文学者的内部论争
17.Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.把这篇古文译成白话文。
18.The Activities of Qian Xuantong in the Vernacular Movement at the End of the Qing Dynasty--With the Discussion of the Relationship between the Vernacular Movement at the End of the Qing Dynasty and the Literary Revolution;钱玄同在清末白话文运动中的活动——兼谈清末的白话文运动与文学革命之关系

view on writings in vernacular白话文学观
3)vernacular poetic theories白话文诗学
1.On the ruins of the classical writing, vernacular writing movement naturally constructed the vernacular poetic theories.文言的衰微为白话提供了必要的活动空间,在文言文的废墟上“五四”白话文运动顺理成章地建构了“五四”白话文诗学。
4)History of Vernacular Literature白话文学史
5)Modern Chinese Literature现代白话文学
1.The East-spreading of Christianism——One of the Sources of Modern Chinese Literature;作为现代白话文学源头之一的基督教东传
6)vernacular literary language白话文学语言
