古希腊悲剧,ancient Greek tragedy
1)ancient Greek tragedy古希腊悲剧
1.On the inheritance of western humanism literature from the narration mode of ancient Greek tragedy;论西方人文主义文学与古希腊悲剧的叙述模式对接
2.Eugene O Neill: An Inheritor and Reformer of Traditions of the Ancient Greek Tragedy;尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承与发展
3.The tragic nature of Eugene O Neill s plays is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek tragedy,the expressionism of Strindberg,and O Neill s own experience.奥尼尔戏剧的悲剧性质深受古希腊悲剧、斯特林堡的表现主义及其个人经历的影响。

1.Did Thomas Hardy and Greek Tragedians Share the Same Notion of Fate?哈代认同古希腊悲剧的命运观念吗?
2.Fresh Understanding about Prometheus Spirit in the Tragedies of Ancient Greece;古希腊悲剧的普罗米修斯精神之新解
3.The predeterminate Relationship of CAO Yu s Thunder Storm and the Greek tragedies;论曹禺《雷雨》与古希腊悲剧之因缘
4.The Sacrifice Plays on Construction of the Elasticity in Tragedes of Ancient Greek论“献祭”与古希腊悲剧张力的建构
5.On the Inheritance and Development of Hamlet to the Ancient Greek Tragedy;略论戏剧《哈姆雷特》对古希腊悲剧的传承和发展
6.Discussing ancient Greek tragedy s inheritance of Shakespearian dramatic creation;论莎士比亚的戏剧创作对古希腊悲剧的继承性
7.Greek Tragedy in Phenomenological Horizon;现象学视域中的古希腊悲剧——从尼采《悲剧的诞生》谈起
8.Ponderation Over and Resistance Against Fate--Tragic Spirit Comparison between Qu Yuan and the Ancient Greek Poets;命运的思索与抗争——屈原与古希腊悲剧诗人悲剧精神之比较
9.The Reality and the Ideal:the Real Figures in the Ancient Greek Tragedy and the Tragedy of the Yuan Dynasty May Vary in the Pursuit of Humanity现实与理想:古希腊悲剧与元代悲剧人物似同实异的人性追求
10.Sacrificial Offerings to Men Tragedies--Insight into Women Tragedies in Ancient Greece男性悲剧的祭供——古希腊悲剧女性命运结局审美透视
11.Eugene O Neill: An Inheritor and Reformer of Traditions of the Ancient Greek Tragedy;尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承与发展
12.Eugene O Neill s Inheritance of and Transcendence over the Greek Tragedy;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承与超越
13.Greek Tragedy Consciousness Embodiment on "Tess of the D Urbervilles";古希腊悲剧意识在《德伯家的苔丝》中的体现
14.On Eugene O Neill s Development of Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧文化的发展
15.On Eugene O Neill s Inheritance of Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧文化的继承
16.On Technical Aids in the Performance of Greek Tragedies;古希腊悲剧演出中舞台辅助技术应用之分析
17.Study on the Flavor of Destiny in Hardy Fiction Through a View of Ancient Greece Tragedy;以古希腊悲剧观照哈代小说的命运色彩
18.On The Inheriting and Reforming of Eugene O Neill to The Ancient Greek Tragedy;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承与发展

Greek Tragedy古希腊悲剧
1.On the Fate of Greek Tragedy;论古希腊悲剧中的命运观
2.Though apart from each other with over two thousand years, the writer find that there are many similarity between the existism theater and Greek tragedy in terms of creation system and spirit.然而,时隔两千多年之后,由于相仿的战争背景,笔者发现存在主义戏剧和古希腊悲剧的创作体系与精神有着诸多的相似之处,存在主义戏剧中蕴含着大量的古典主义原则,这是以往被大家忽视的问题。
3)Greek tragedies古希腊悲剧
1.The predeterminate Relationship of CAO Yu s Thunder Storm and the Greek tragedies;论曹禺《雷雨》与古希腊悲剧之因缘
4)ancient Greece tragedy古希腊悲剧
1.Impact of memorial ceremony and original sensibility——Discussion on the origination of ancient Greece tragedy;祭神仪典与原始情结——试论古希腊悲剧的创生
2.From a view of ancient Greece tragedy this paper discusses the rich content of the flavor of destiny of Hardy s fictions.从古希腊悲剧的视角切入,阐述了哈代小说中命运色彩的丰富内涵。
5)classical Greek tragedies古希腊悲剧
1.King Oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of ancient Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies.古希腊悲剧,是世界艺术殿堂中不可缺少的瑰宝,也是古典艺术留给世人的一笔丰厚的遗产。
6)Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies古希腊悲剧文化
1.On Eugene O Neill s Development of Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧文化的发展
2.Not only does he carry forward ancient Greek culture of tragedies in its subject matter,pattern,motif,and tragic spirits,he also expounds the meanings of mod- em soci.古希腊悲剧文化对尤金·奥尼尔的影响是持久而深刻的,他不仅在悲剧的题材、模式、主题以及悲剧精神等方面继承了古希腊的悲剧文化,还以其自身的经历,独特的认识视角、生存洞察力以及他对人生的理解和感悟,阐释现代社会和人生的意义,也为人本体生存的真实状况提供了解释的依据,揭示出人生的真谛,净化人们的心灵,赋予生命以崇高的意义。
