底层写作,bottom writing
1)bottom writing底层写作
1.The literature has noticed the existence of this social peripheral group,and thus has formed a strong shock wave of "bottom writing".当代文学注意到了这个社会边缘群体的存在,并在近年形成了"底层写作"的强大冲击波。
2.Three issues about the new century s novels will be analyzed : bottom writing, female wirtting, and the transformation of the form of the novels.底层写作、女性写作和写作形式上的一些新的探索是其中具有较明显变化的三个方面。
3.Bottom writing is the novel creation picture which presents an impressive sight at the beginning of the new century in China current literature creation.底层写作是新世纪初中国当代文学创作中涌现出的蔚为大观的小说创作景象。

1.Bottom of Politics and Life--A Discussion on the Enlightenment of Anti-Japanese Literature for Grass-roots Writing;政治的底层与生命的底层——谈抗战文学对“底层写作”的启示
2.How Do Contemporary Intellectuals Depict the Bottom of Society?--Seeing Through the "Bottom" Writing;当代知识分子如何表述底层——从打工文学透视底层写作
3.Another Imagination Employed in Writing Underworld life--On Reading Recent Novels written by Zhou Chong-xian;底层写作的他种(侠客式)想象——周崇贤近作解读
4.Enlightening Orientation of the May-4th Literature and Today's Grass-root Writing“五四”新文学的启蒙指归与当代底层写作
5.Tragedy Why to Lose a Strength悲剧为什么失去力量——对当下“底层写作”的反思
6.The Suffering and Vigorous Stripping: Bottom Writing Spirit Is Cross-examined苦难的渲染与精神的剥离:底层写作的精神追问
7.The Anxiety,Awkwardness and Transcendence of Identity;身分的焦虑、尴尬与超越——兼谈转型期“底层写作”问题
8.How to Sublate "Pure Literature" and "Left-Wing Literature"?;如何扬弃“纯文学”与“左翼文学”?——底层写作所面临的问题
9.Thoughts on There as the Core;底层写作的误区与新“左翼文艺”的可能性——以《那儿》为中心的思考
10.On Zhang Chengzhi's Literature in the New Century底层和边缘立场下的知识分子写作——论张承志新世纪的文学创作
11.Bottom-up programming means writing a program as a series of layers, each of which serves as a language for the one above自底向上编程意味着一层一层地写程序,每一层作为“语言”供上一层使用。
12.A Discussion of Grassroots Writing and Peasant Workers Poetry;“打工诗歌”:底层述写的缘由与意义
13.On the Textual Writing of the Current Understratum Literature in Multi-cultural Fields多重文化场域中的当前文学底层书写
14.Pulling himself up from the bottom of society, he became the first millionaire author in America by sheer will and hard work.他出身社会底层,全凭毅力和苦干爬了上来,成为第一个靠写作当上百万富翁的美国人。
15.Puzzle in Narrating the Story About Low Estate;底层世界叙说的困惑——底层小说创作现状解析
16.Writing of the Dignity of the Bottom of Society--On the Ethic Thoughts of Wang Anyi s Fictions;社会底层尊严的书写——王安忆小说伦理观解读
17.The Life on the Brambles:Perspective on the Grass Roots Description of Recently Printed Novels;荆棘上的生命——透视近期小说中的底层书写
18.The Writing of Poetry about the Bottom of Society--An Analysis of the "Iron" Image in Zheng Xiaoqiong's Poetry诗歌的底层书写——对郑小琼诗歌中“铁”意象的分析

grass-roots writing底层写作
1.Grass-Roots Writing and Realism;“底层写作”如何现实主义
2.In grass-roots writing,the excessive concern about the political bottom expanded its artistic fields,but at the same time led to potential problems in few possibilities to sustain it."底层写作"对于政治性"底层"的过度关注,为其开拓了艺术的空间,也使其存在着难以持续的潜在问题。
3.In dealing with the questions confronting grass-roots writing,people should discriminate the relation between "pure literature" and grass-roots writing.针对底层写作所面临的问题,我们应该辨析底层写作与“纯文学”思潮的关系,它们虽然取向不同,但在某些方面是一致的,底层写作不能无视“纯文学”在形式探索等方面的成就;底层写作与“左翼文学”传统既有区别又有联系,只有充分借鉴“左翼文学”的经验与教训,底层写作才能有更好的发展。
3)understratum writing底层书写
1.Cultural context has an effect that can not be underestimated on the current literary understratum writing.文化情境对当前文学底层书写具有不可低估的影响。
4)basic motion底层动作
1.Optimization of robot soccer s basic motion based on fuzzy control;基于模糊控制的足球机器人底层动作优化
2.It is introduced in this paper the construction of robot soccer match system,analyzed the fuzzy control applied in the basic motion control of soccer robot.介绍了足球机器人比赛系统的组成,分析了模糊控制在底层动作控制系统中的应用,通过仿真和实验结果可以看出,模糊控制具有较强鲁棒性,在控制系统中发挥良好的作用。
3.Considering timelag, nonlinear and other characters of system which can not be overcome by traditional PID algorithm, we applied predictive fuzzy control to optimizing robot s basic motion.根据足球机器人的运动学模型,考虑到系统的时滞性、非线性等特点,采用预测模糊控制优化机器人的底层动作,详细介绍了足球机器人预测模糊控制系统的设计过程,并通过实验验证了该方法的可行性。
5)bottom operation底层操作
1.Based on discussion on the importance of database security and analysis on the shortcoming of the traditional method on security, the bottom operation scheme and specific method on Microsoft Access database security by using VB6.0环境下对MicrosoftAccess数据库安全性的底层操作方案和具体实现的方法,并给出了核心代码。
6)How Lu Xun Writes the Society Bottom鲁迅怎样写底层
