维多利亚小说,Victorian novels
1)Victorian novels维多利亚小说
1.Taking the male middle class characters in the Victorian novels as researching subjects, this thesis aims to find out the relationship between their moral values and their social conditions.引言部分综述维多利亚小说的国内外研究现状,并在此基础上提出论文的中心论题及理论依据。
2.Based on a close reading of the Victorian novels, it can be easily found that the Industrial Revolution caused the changes on the Victorian women and that the status of middle class women changed from passively pertaining to the family to a new social part.本论文从具体小说文本出发,采用西方马克思主义和女性主义文学批评结合的方法对维多利亚小说中的不同中产阶级女性人物群像进行分析,阐述该时期英国中产阶级女性道德观的多样化。
3.This thesis has put its focus on the aristocratic characters depicted in the Victorian novels.本文将重点放在了维多利亚小说中描绘的贵族阶级人物身上。

1.The Victorian Fiction That Reproduces the Mindset of Single Girls;再现单身女子心路历程的英国维多利亚小说
2.A Study of the Moral Values of the Male Middle Class Characters in Victorian Novels维多利亚小说中产阶级男性人物道德观解读
3.A Study of the Morality of the Middle Class Women in the Victorian Novels维多利亚小说中的中产阶级妇女道德观研究
4.Use and Abuse--On the Intertextuality of The French Lieutenant s Woman and the Victorian Fiction;利用与变用——析《法国中尉的女人》与维多利亚小说的互文性
5.The Tendency of Pursuing Human Beings Primitive Nature in Two Victorian Novels;从两部作品看维多利亚小说追求人类原始天性的倾向
6.On the Uncertainty of the Morality of the Working-Class Characters in the Victorian Novels论英国维多利亚小说中劳工阶级人物道德观的不确定性
7.The Choices in Dilemma: A Study of the Morality of the Lower Middle Class Characters in the Victorian Novel尴尬中的选择:维多利亚小说中下层中产阶级人物道德研究
8.Postmodern Culture Rewrites Darwinism:Darwinism in the Neo-Victorian Novels of A.S.Byatt;后现代文化重写达尔文主义——A.S.拜厄特新维多利亚小说中的达尔文主义
9.A Victorian novel.维多利亚时代的小说
10.Victorian novels, poets, houses维多利亚女王时代的小说、 诗人、 房屋.
11.His novels bring to life the Victorian age.他的小说把维多利亚时代的生活写活了。
12.A Study of English Genitive in Victorian English Novels;维多利亚时代小说英语中的名词所有格研究
13.Novels of Victorian England社会问题小说:维多利亚时代的一面镜子
14.In her latest novel she paints a vivid picture of life in Victorian England.她在最新的一部小说里生动描绘了维多利亚时代的英国生活.
15.Establishment of Identity of the Female in Victorian Age--Jane Eyre as a Grown-up Novel维多利亚女性艰难的身份认同——女性成长小说《简·爱》探析
16.Novels by George Eliot: A Mirror of the Woman Question in the Victorian Age乔治·艾略特的小说:维多利亚时代妇女问题的镜子
17.A Study of the Marginalized Characters in Dickens s Novels and the Victorian Ideological Power Discourse;狄更斯小说中的“边缘人物”与维多利亚意识形态的权力话语
18.Feminine Consciousness in Feminine Fictions of Victoria Period in 19th England;试析19世纪维多利亚时期英国女性小说中的女性意识

Victorian novel维多利亚小说
1.A Study of Manors in the English Victorian Novel;论英国维多利亚小说中的庄园
3)the Victorian novels维多利亚时期小说
4)Victorian fiction利亚小说
1.This paper examines the writing of Victorian fiction, especially "the fallen woman" issue which often appears in the classical novels written during this period of time.本文意在探讨维多利亚小说的写作,尤其是经典维多利亚小说中关于"堕落女性"这一命题的处理。
1.Analysis on the Cause of the Emerge of theLeisure Class in Victoria Age;维多利亚时期闲暇阶层出现的成因
2.Impact of social value change on British novels in Victorian era维多利亚时代社会价值观的变迁对英国小说的影响
6)Victoria green维多利亚绿
1.Based on the fact that aniline can sensitively inhibit the decoloration of Victoria green by KIO_4 in KH_2PO_4-Na_2HPO_4 solution.基于KH2PO4-Na2HPO4缓冲介质中,痕量苯胺对高碘酸钾氧化维多利亚绿反应有阻抑作用,建立了一种测定痕量苯胺的催化动力学的新方法。
2.It was based on phones could catalyze the decoloration of Victoria green by KIO4 in NaH2PO4 - Na2HPO4 solution.基于NaH2PO4-Na2HPO4缓冲介质中,痕量苯酚对高碘酸钾氧化维多利亚绿反应有催化作用, 建立了一种测定痕量苯酚的催化动力学的新方法。
