姚木兰,Yao Mulan
1)Yao Mulan姚木兰
1.An Interpretation of Yao Mulan and Scarlett O’Hara;姚木兰和斯佳丽文化内涵对比分析
2.In the multitude of characters,Yao Mulan is the character whom Lin Yutang is extremely in favor of,who has legendary experiences and multi-roles: the combination of oriental and western cultures,the daughter of a devoted Taoist family,the standard virtuous wife and mother-in a word,the pe.在众多的人物形象中,姚木兰是作家林语堂极为推崇的角色,有着传奇经历的木兰集多重角色于一身:中西文化的宠儿、虔诚的道家女儿、标准的贤妻良母,可谓新时代的完美女性。
3.Comparing the theme of the Awakening and Moment in Peking,the same and different points between the two protagonists(\'Adna and Yao Mulan)marriage,quality,ability and opinion to love,the author trys to analyze the character\'s different individual during the same period under different culture and different background.通过《觉醒》与《京华烟云》两部作品主题的对比,从婚姻、素质能力和对爱情的解读三个方面的异同点来对比其主要人物艾德娜与姚木兰,以分析两个同一时期、不同文化、不同背景下的女性人物个性。

1.Translations of Yao Mulan s Speech in Two Chinese Versions of Moment in Peking;《京华烟云》:姚木兰话语翻译研究
2.On Character and Culture in Mulan Poem;从《木兰诗》看木兰形象的文化内涵
3.tall New Zealand timber tree.新西兰一种高大的木材。
4.I'm going to come back soon,@ she says.我很快就会回来,”木兰说。
5.They are very happy to see her.见到木兰他们很高兴。
6.She walks into the palace and the emperor says,木兰来到皇宫,皇帝说:
7.small genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and New Caledonia.新西兰和新的苏格兰的乔木或灌木的小的属。
8.Reflection on a Century s Study of the Year of Creation and the Author of "Poem of Mulan" and Mulan s Hometown;《木兰诗》成诗年代、作者及木兰故里百年研究回顾
9.timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood.新西兰木材,木身呈亮白色。
10.New Zealand timber tree resembling the cypress.新西兰一种类似于柏木的木材。
11.The competition of national power lies on the competition of creative talents.兰凸?Φ木赫?【鲇诖葱氯瞬诺木赫?
12.tall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood.新西兰一种高大的木材树种,白色木,木纹整齐。
13.(Irish) a cudgel made of hardwood (usually oak or blackthorn).(爱尔兰)硬木制成的棍棒(通常是橡木的或李木的)。
14.In 1978, red lacquer bowls and tubes of the Hemudu Culture were found in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province.根据是1978年在浙江余姚河姆渡文化遗址中发现了朱漆木碗和朱漆筒,
15."Hua Mulan" in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem "Mulan Shi" and Movie Mulan;穿比基尼的“花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编
16.Nearer and nearer she came till her bow was beside the stern of the "Magndia".它距离“木兰号”越来越近了,它的船头已经同“木兰号”的船尾平了。
17.Analysis of the Natural Organic Compounds in Tetraena Mongolica and Maxim Magnolia Grandiflora L. Etc;蒺藜科四合木及木兰科广玉兰等植物中化学成分分析
18.A Summary of Research of Mulanshi on the Time of Creation,the Author and the Hometown of Mulan in the 20th Century;20世纪《木兰诗》成诗年代、作者及木兰故里研究综述

Lanshu Bridge in Yuyao余姚兰墅大桥
1.The main bridge of Lanshu Bridge in Yuyao is the first cable-stayed bridge with single curve pylon.余姚兰墅大桥主桥为我国第一座独弯塔斜拉桥 ,针对其结构特点和技术标准 ,设计制订了施工阶段的施工方案和施工流程 ,明确了使用阶段各典型受力状况。
1.This paper has done carefully revision work on the three bigger genera, Manglietia, Magnolia and Michelia from the family Magnoliaceae.对中国产的木兰科植物3个大属即木莲Manglietia,木兰Magnolia和含笑Michelia进行了分类修订工作,共提出新组合5个,新异名8个,澄清2种和1亚种。
4)Mu Lan木兰
1.Researching Chinese Traditional Medicines and Extending Chinese Cultural Context:Corrected Names of ‘Mu Lan’(木兰),‘Sou Shu’(溲疏),‘Shu Yangquan’(蜀羊泉) in Emperor Shen Nong s Materia Medica;发掘传统中药 延续中华文脉——为《本草经》中的木兰、溲疏、蜀羊泉正名
2.Later,in the Period of Disunion(220-589AD)changes in the districts were very confusing and then mergered into Huang Pi and Mu Lan counties in the Sui Dynasty.黄陂县在汉代分属西陵、安陆两县地,三国至南北朝时期,黄陂县境内郡县名目繁杂,隋时进行了归并,只存黄陂与木兰两县。
1.Eco-agricultural economic model building in Mulan County;木兰县生态农业经济模式建立的探讨
2."Hua Mulan" in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem "Mulan Shi" and Movie Mulan;穿比基尼的“花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编
6)Magnolia mulunica木论木兰
