孤独意识,sense of loneliness
1)sense of loneliness孤独意识
1.Ding Ling’s psychological actions in all her modern works present readers with women’s consciousness and sense of loneliness which implies the integrated relationship in which the former carries the writer’s own deep loneliness.纵览丁玲的现代创作,其创作心理所显示的女性意识与孤独意识存在着一种深度融合的关系,书写女性意识的同时也熔铸了作者深刻的孤独意识
2.The sense of loneliness in Xu Dishan s works is analyzed.剖析了许地山作品中的孤独意识
3.While attaching importance to experiencing loneliness in life, a great artist will experience the true loneliness by himself and imbue the sense of loneliness into his creation so as to d.作为生命存在的体验 ,孤独意识在每个存在主体内心中不同形态地存在着 ,它不仅是现实性的意识、理性的意识 ,还是主体的意识、潜意识。

1.Lonely Soul in Universe, Brave Fighter in the World;天地孤客 人间斗士——论鲁迅《野草》的孤独意识
2.On Loneliness in Heart of Darkness;疏离:解读《黑暗的心》的孤独意识
3.On Li Bai s Loneliness;大鹏中天力不济——论李白的孤独意识
4.The Mentality of Existence--On the Sense of Solitude of Shi Ping-mei s Prose Works;生存的心态——论石评梅散文的孤独意识
5.Time Experiences and Solitude Sense in 19 Ancient Poems;《古诗十九首》中的时间经验和孤独意识
6.Change of Women’s Consciousness and Sense of Lone in Ding Ling’s Modern Works;丁玲现代创作中女性意识与孤独意识的嬗变
7.Senses of loneliness and salvation in LU Xuns works;浅论鲁迅创作中的孤独意识及拯救意识
8.Analysis of the Loneliness in Carson McCullers' Novel永不落幕的孤独——浅析卡森·麦卡勒斯小说中的孤独意识
9.The Unavoidable Feeling of Loneliness of Human Beings--Trial Analysis on the Consciousness of the Lonely in Coetzee's Novels人类无可逃避的孤独——试析库切小说中的孤独意识
10.The Isolation Awareness and Religion Complex of Huang Guobin s Literature Works;论黄国彬作品中的“孤独意识”与“宗教情怀”
11.Resisting and Roosting--Exploring the Loneliness Sense in Wang Anyi s Fiction;反抗与栖息——论王安忆小说中的孤独意识
12.The Consciousness of Solitude in Wang An-yi’s Novels after 1980s;王安忆20世纪80年代以后小说中的孤独意识
13.Religious Colonization: An Interpretation of the Religious Consciousness in One Hundred Years of Solitude;宗教殖民:《百年孤独》宗教意识的解读
14.The Public and the Lone Fighter -The Sense of Wilderness in Lu Xun s Novels;大众与孤独者——论鲁迅小说的荒原意识
15.The Life Thoughts of Loner;孤独者的生命哲思——《野草》里的生命意识
16.Poetic Interpretation of Lonely Life-- On Life Consciousness of Yuhua s Novel;孤独生命的诗意阐释——漫论余华小说的生命意识
17.Allow the gates to the unconscious to open and you shall never be alone again.让通往无意识的大门打开,你会再次永不孤独。
18.He allowed his works to express an introspective consciousness of individual isolation.他使自己的作品表现了孤独的个人内省的意识。

1.Discussion on Lishangyin Loneliness and the Impact of his Loneliness on his Poems Creation;孤独意识与李商隐的诗歌创作
2.On the Change of Loneliness in Chenjingrong s Poetry;论陈敬容诗歌孤独意识的流变
3."Nineteen Ancient poems" displays heavily loneliness that embodied in its poems of the homesick husbands and the lonely wives.《古诗十九首》具有浓重的孤独意识,这种孤独意识可以从其中的游子思妇诗中得到集中体现。
3)lonely consciousness孤独意识
1.There are four aspects in Changyao s life consciousness of the middle and late 1980s: fatalism,fantastic consciousness,lonely consciousness and suffering consciousness.昌耀20世纪80年代中后期的生命意识主要有四方面组成:宿命感、荒诞意识、孤独意识和受难意识。
4)collective unconscious solitude集体无意识的孤独
1.The sense of solitude can be divided into two: individual solitude and collective unconscious solitude.王安忆小说创作的各个阶段都不同程度地呈现出对生命孤独意识的书写:个体的孤独和集体无意识的孤独。
5)lonely meaning孤独意味
1.Chuang Tzu s crying and singing are not secular dirge and eulogy,they are two peaks of sincere feelings,free will,lonely meaning and tragic spirit.庄子的歌与哭不是世俗的挽歌与颂词,而是艺术心灵真挚而深刻的绝唱,蕴含着浓厚的诗意情怀、自由意志、孤独意味和悲剧精神。
6)mentality of orphan孤儿意识
