渡边淳一,Junichirou Watanabe
1)Junichirou Watanabe渡边淳一
1.Brief Analysis on Paradise Lost by Junichirou Watanabe;渡边淳一小说《失乐园》略说
2.Junichirou Watanabe is a widely known writer in Japan.渡边淳一是日本当代著名的畅销书作家之一。
3.Junichirou Watanabe, a famous contemporary writer, wrote a lot of novels with the subject of sexual love in extramarital affairs.渡边淳一是日本当代的著名作家,他创作了很多以婚外恋中的男女的性爱为题材的小说。

1.On the "Novels About Men and Women"of Watanabe Junichi--With a Focus on the"Sexual Love Complex";浅议渡边淳一的“男女小说”——以其“性爱情结”为中心
2.The Incompleteness and Completeness of Humanity --Discussing the Symbol Meaning of theLost Paradise by Watanabe Junichi;人性的残缺和完满——试论渡边淳一《失乐园》
3.Confronted with the Truth of Death--A Brief Discussion on the Formation of Nihilism in the Early Works of Junichi Watanabe;直面“死”的真实——试论渡边淳一早期作品中虚无主义思想特质的形成
4.He's an honest peasant.他是一个淳朴的庄稼人。
5.3. This refers to the attack in July 1945 by Kuomintang troops on Chunhua County in the Kuanchung sub-region of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region.〔3〕指一九四五年七月国民党军队进犯陕甘宁边区关中分区淳化县的事件。
6.Presently a great jet of white smoke burst from the ferryboat's side,后来,渡船边突地冒出来一大股白烟,
7.We spent a lazy summer at the shore.我们在海边渡过了一个慵懒的夏天。
8.The Ferryboat Leading to the Other Short --An Interprietation of A Small Town on the Borderland;撑向彼岸的渡船——《边城》的一种解读
9.The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC, are warm and simple.特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。
10.So phistication wars with simplicity, with only one possible conclusion.阴险和淳朴一交锋,只能有一个结局。
11.Mao Zedong s "One-sided" International Strategy and Establishment of the Theory of the Transitional Period;毛泽东“一边倒”国际战略与过渡时期理论的提出
12.Bounday and Communication:An Study on the Relationship Between Nationalities in a Transition Zone of Plateau;边界与对话——一个高原过渡地带民族关系的考察
13.He imagined himself to be as accomplished as Linton.他想象他自己跟林淳一样地有才能哩。
14.Junko spent a year in California as an exchange student.淳子作为交换学生在加州呆了一年。
15.She was an honest country woman.她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。
16.Construction monitoring of No.1 bridge at Zhonghu south road in Chun'an town淳安县城中湖南路一号大桥施工监控
17.Then I sat down on a log among the leaves and began to eat it while watching the ferryboat.然后我坐在树叶间一根圆木上,边吃着面包,边望着渡轮。
18.Huck was already upon his watch when the ferry-boat's lights went glinting past the wharf.渡船的灯光一摇一闪从码头边经过时,哈克已经开始守夜了。

Junichi Watanabe渡边淳一
1.On Aesthetics of Junichi Watanabe s Novel Creation;渡边淳一小说创作的美学观照
2.Confronted with the Truth of Death——A Brief Discussion on the Formation of Nihilism in the Early Works of Junichi Watanabe;直面“死”的真实——试论渡边淳一早期作品中虚无主义思想特质的形成
3.Junichi Watanabe is a famous writer who is stick to the area of the serious literature.坚守在严肃文学阵地上的渡边淳一,他积极地关注现代日本社会中人的生存状态,探寻死亡的意义并探索性的领域。
3)Watanabe Junichi渡边淳一
1.On the "Novels About Men and Women"of Watanabe Junichi——With a Focus on the"Sexual Love Complex";浅议渡边淳一的“男女小说”——以其“性爱情结”为中心
2.Watanabe junichi is one of the representational writer of contemporary "Center Novel" in Japan.渡边淳一是日本当代“中间小说”代表作家之一。
4)Shimokobe Atsushi下河边淳
5)Funahashi Junichi舟桥淳一
6)Haruo Watanabe渡边晴夫
1.Professor Haruo Watanabe is famous for comparative studies between Chinese mini-fiction and Japanese Super-short story in the world of Chinese mini-fiction field.渡边晴夫教授从事中日现当代文学比较研究达五十年之久,尤其在中日超短编小说发展沿革及文章选讲方面的研究造诣杰出,近20年来一直为世界华文微型小说界所称道。
