狼形象,wolf image
1)wolf image狼形象
1.The representative works,Yearning for the Wolf and Wolf Totem,explore the wolf culture,the wolf image and the wolf writing,truly reflect the existing state and spiritual condition of the contemporary Chinese ecological lit.《怀念狼》和《狼图腾》堪称这方面的代表作,它们对狼文化、狼形象、狼书写所作的探索,真实地反映了当下中国生态文学的生存状况和精神状态,为文学如何超越"人类中心主义"及实现人与自然万物的和谐协调提供了有益的启迪。

1.Entanglement of Human Beings and Wolves in the Ecological View--An Analysis on the Image of Wolves in Guo Xue-bo s Novels;生态视野下人与狼的纠结——郭雪波小说狼形象分析
2.An Allusion to the Human Soul--On the Symbolizing Meaning of Wolf Image in Shen Shixi s Novels;照出人类的灵魂——沈石溪笔下狼形象的象征意蕴探析
3.Brief Analysis of "Wolf-image" in Writings of Shen Shixi and Jin Zenghao谈中国当代动物小说创作的新动向——以沈石溪、金曾豪笔下的“狼形象”为例
4.Wolf Totem: Image Reconstruction and Philosophical Reflection;狼性形象的重构与哲思——关于《狼图腾》的一种阐释
5.On "the Wolf" Image in the Chinese Literature at the Early 21st Century;论21世纪初中国文学中的“狼”形象
6.Understanding of the image of wolf in the post-modern context from a cultural perspective;后现代语境下“狼”形象的文化解读
7.Any of various large dogs, such as the Irish wolfhound or the borzoi, trained to hunt wolves or other large game.猎狼犬一种大形狗中,象爱尔兰猎狼狗或俄国狼狗,被训练后来捕狼或其他大的野兽
8.A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.小偷识小偷,正象狼识狼。
9.Then what you do is make it meaner, badder and harder.之后你所做的不外乎使你的形象更卑鄙、更糟糕、更声名狼藉。
10.The inside Inofrmation of shangzhou culture from the Image of wolf;狼意象的商州文化底蕴——以《怀念狼》为例
11.He found time to admire the ease with which she sat down, then lurched toward a chair facing her, overwhelmed with consciousness of the awkward figure he was cutting.等到在她对面的椅子上坐了下来,又意识到自己形象的笨拙,感到狼狈。
12.Studies on Mechanisms of the Phenomenon of Lupus Band in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients;系统性红斑狼疮的狼疮带现象机制研究
13."Civilized Shape" view of "wolf Totem" "Wolf Totem" Interpretation of from the cultural angle of view;《狼图腾》的“文明形态”观——从文化视角解读《狼图腾》
14.wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia.澳大利亚象狼的黄褐色野狗。
15.It was such a scene of confusion as you can hardly fancy.房舱里一片狼藉,乱得你都不能想象。
16.a wolf is about the size of a large dog.一只狼的大小象一只大狗。
17.At supper the men eat like Vikings.吃晚饭时,男人们象海盗似的狼吞虎咽。
18."See a tiger ( a panda, an elephant, a lion, a wolf, a fox ) "见老虎(熊猫、大象、狮子、狼、狐狸)

wolf images狼形象
1.Ever since the 20th century, wolf images, under a sequence of cultural impacts, have been reenchanted to a certain extent, bringing further reflections on culture on the part of modern people.狼形象在人类文化演进的过程中并不是停滞不变的,它经历了从多样化到后来被恶魔化、定型化的形象演变过程。
3)Lupns with crisis狼疮危象
1.Home Range and Habitat Utilization of Wolves during Winter in Hulunbeir, Inner Mongolia;呼伦贝尔草原冬季狼的巢域和生境利用
2.Based on the clues of two wolves, the novel The Guillotine describes the traumatic experiences of their two escapes from life and death and their losses of their young for three times.长篇小说《断头台》以一对狼为线索 ,贯穿全篇 ,描写他们历经二次生死逃亡、三次失去幼崽的心灵创伤。
1.Preliminary Study on Structure of the Wolf Dens in Eastern Inner Mongolia;内蒙东部地区狼洞穴构造的初步研究
2.The Legnd of wolf and the suspicion of Life-Commenting on the Long Novel:"Missing Wolf" Wintten By Jiapingwa;狼的传奇与生命的疑虑——略论贾平凹的长篇小说《怀念狼》
6)Wolf (Canis lupus)狼
1.We examined predation on livestock by wolf (Canis lupus) in Dalai Lake Nature Reserve, Neimenggu, China, through field survey and studying claims made by residents from Jul 2004 to Jan 2007.2004年7月至2006年12月通过跟踪调查,我们搜集到狼捕食内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区家畜数据,共计95起捕食事件,共425头(只)家畜遭到捕食,折合人民币186575元。
2.Home range for a wolf (Canis lupus) pack in the prairie of eastern Inner Mongolia was studied in the winters of 2004 and 2005.狼是世界性广布物种,但随着生境的不断恶化,其生存受到了威胁。

狼毒—狼毒大戟【通用名称】狼毒—狼毒大戟 【其他名称】
【药物名称】狼毒—狼毒大戟 【英文名】Fischer Euphorbia Root 【别名】猫眼草。 【来源】为大戟科植物狼毒大戟Euphorbia fischeriana Steud. 的根。 【植物形态】多年生草本,高达40cm,有白色乳汁。叶互生,叶片矩圆形至矩圆状披针形,长3~8cm,宽1~3cm,全缘,叶状苞片5,轮生。总状花序多歧聚伞状,通常5伞梗,每伞梗又生出3小伞梗或再抽第3回小伞梗;杯状总苞裂片内面近无毛,外面有柔毛,边缘有睫毛,腺体肾形。蒴果密生短柔毛或无毛。花期5~6月,果期6~7月。生于干草原、向阳山坡。主产东北、华北。 【采集】春、秋季挖根,洗净,切片晒干。 【化学成分】含二萜醇类化合物,包括岩大戟内酯(jolkinolide)A、B,狼毒大戟甲、乙素(fischeriana A,B)等,并含大戟醇(euphol)、皂甙、强心甙、甾醇、酚类及鞣质。 【性味】性平,味辛;有毒。 【功用主治】散播结,杀虫。外用于淋巴结结核,皮癣;灭蛆。