文化独立,cultural independence
1)cultural independence文化独立
1.This paper analyzes how Morrison,in Song of Solomon,uses symbolism intelligently in the title,names,myth,song,and folklore to express her theme: only by identifying with their own racial status,facing up to the racial discrimination and interior conflicts,and retaining self-reflect and their cultural independence can the black promote their independence and development.对《所罗门之歌》中的象征手法,即篇名、人名、神话、歌谣、传说等象征意义进行解析,探讨作者莫瑞森的主题:美国黑人应该认同自己的民族身份,正视种族歧视和黑人内部矛盾,学会自我反省并保持自己的文化独立等,才能促进黑人自身的独立和发展。

1.Independent Power in Politics,Economy and Culture in Southeast Asian Countries;论东南亚国家的政治、经济和文化独立
2.Intercultural Communication and the Independence of the National Culture;跨文化交际与坚持民族文化的独立性
3.Culture not only blend in,but also is independent each other.文化是可融的,又是相互独立的。
4.Congeal our heritage into a distinct Singapore identity of Culture凝聚传统建立独特新加坡文化
5.Complete cultural independence still lay over the horizon.文化上的完全独立还遥遥无期。
7.On Characteristics and Strategies of Campus Cultural Construction in Independent College;独立学院校园文化建设的特性与策略
8.Criticism and Transcendence--On Independent Concionsness of Culture in Qian Zhong-shu s Works;批判与超越——论钱钟书独立的文化意识
9.The relative independent character of national culture, show the relative independent character of the spiritual psychology of nationality.民族文化的相对独立性,表明民族精神心理的相对独立性。
10.Exposition on Ding Wenjiang s Military Thoughts from The Independence Comments;从《独立评论》解析丁文江的军事文化思想
11.Chinese morden Folk Literature Develops Independently Along with the Iiterary Evolution of folklore;中国现代民间文学在民俗学文学化中独立发展
12.Fictions in Prose Style:an Indepent Style Chased by Modern Writers;散文化小说:现代作家自觉追求的独立文体
13.Integration Or Independence──Pop Culture Existence In The Globalization Horizon“整合”抑或“独立”——全球化视野中的大众文化生存
14.Cultural Institutions: refer to units which have their own organiz ational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cult ural development.文化事业机构:指从事专业文化工作和为专业文化工作服务的独立建制的单独核算的单位。
15.an ideological position that holds Black culture to be independent and valid on its own terms.认为黑人文化为独立和有效的一种政治倾向。
16.Research on the Present Situation and Construction Paths of Campus Culture of Independent College;独立学院的校园文化现状研究及建设途径
17.The Investigation on the Campus Physical Culture Construction of Zhejiang Independent Colleges;浙江省独立学院校园体育文化建设的调查研究
18.Thinking on Remoulding the Personality Independence of the Chinese Intelle Ctuals From Cultural Angle;对中国知识分子独立人格重塑的文化思考

independent culture独立自主文化
3)text independence文本独立
1.Mandarin-Sichuan dialect bilingual text-independent speaker verification using GMM;基于GMM的普通话和四川方言独立文本的说话人确认
5)an independent style独立文体
6)independence of literature文的独立

“独立”号航母为“福莱斯特”级第4艘。始建于1955年7月,服役于1959年1月。舰长326.4 米,宽39.6米,飞行甲板最宽82.3米,吃水11.3米,满载排水量8万余吨。动力 为4台蒸汽轮机,4轴推进,功率28万马力,航速33节,续航力12000海里。主 要武器装备:3座“海麻雀”防空导弹系统,3座“密集阵”近战武器系统防弹装 甲较强。载固定翼飞机约80架,直升机6架。舰员2900人,航空人员2279人。 自服役来,该舰频繁参与地区性冲突的警戒与作战。参加过越南战争、入侵 格林纳达、海湾战争