还乡,The Return of the Native
1)The Return of the Native还乡
1.An Artistic Centralized Mirror——A Tentative Analysis of Hardy s Coincidences in The Return of the Native;艺术的集中镜——试析哈代《还乡》中的巧合
2.Two Tragedies Based on One Complex:A Comparision between The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy and The Common World by Lu Yao.;一种情结 两处悲剧——哈代《还乡》和路遥《平凡的世界》之比较

1.Return to One s Native in Spirit: "Theme That Returns to One s Native" in Modern Chinese Literature;精神还乡:论中国现代文学中的“还乡主题”
2.A Discussion on the Cultural Connotationof the Theme of Returning to Native Place in Modern Literature;试论现代乡土文学还乡主题的文化内涵
3.Shi Tuo s Journey of Returning Home;中国现代作家的故乡叙事——师陀的还乡之旅
4.Modern Writers Native Memory and Spirit Return in Literature;现代作家的故乡记忆与文学的精神还乡
5.On the Cultural Meaning and Aesthetics Feature of the Narrative of Retuning to the Countryside;游走于都市与乡村之间——论京派小说的还乡叙事
6.On Poems Expressing Homesickness;从几首还乡诗看中国古代士大夫的乡愁
7.The Pursuit of Nature in 20th Century Chinese Literature;还乡文学:20世纪中国乡土文学的自然文化追求
8."Home" or "Hell"?--on the Conflict of the Two Forces in the Homecoming;“故乡”还是“地狱”?——试论《还乡》中两种势力在爱敦荒原上的搏斗
9.After 18 years in Congress, he intented to return to private life.在国会供职十八年后, 他打算告老还乡
10.May not be bad to get a job back home.返乡找工作,也许还不赖
11."I think it's quite peaceful in the country.“其实乡下也还太平。
12.In addition, rectification is to be conducted at the grass roots in the cities and the countryside.还有城乡基层整风。
13.She came fresh from the air of the village, the light of the country still in her eye.她刚从农村来,身上还带着乡村的气息,目光中还保留着乡村的光芒。
14.We were still provincials in the full sense of the word.严格说来,我们都还是乡巴佬。
15.Your fellow-countryman, Bonaparte, became emperor."你的同乡波拿巴还做了皇帝呢。”
16."And they say they've set up some of these Soviets in the villages!"“还听说乡下已经有了什么苏维埃呢
17.The new soldiers are still lamenting for their homeland.那些新兵还在为思念家乡而叹息。
18.In your village you couldn't get one for a dollar, could you?"这到乡里一块钱还恐怕买不到,不是么?”

The Return of the Native《还乡》
1.On the Artistic Reproduction of Zhang Gu-ruo’s Translation in The Return of the Native from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics;试论张谷若译本《还乡》对原著神韵的艺术再现
2.An Archetypal Interpretation of The Return of the Native;《还乡》的神话原型解读
3.Applying Aesthetic Modernity to Literary Criticism and Translation Studies——Based on Zhang Guruo's Translation of The Return of the Native审美现代性视角下的文学批评和翻译研究——基于张谷若《还乡》译本分析
3)return to the native place consciousness还乡意识
4)home-returning experience还乡经验
5)home-sick complex还乡情节
6)Spirit Returning to Hometown精神还乡
1.Reading Dormant Daguqigu:an Analysis of“Spirit Returning to Hometown”in Chi Zijian s Novel;读《沉睡的大固其固》——解读迟子健小说的“精神还乡
