移民文学,immigrant literature
1)immigrant literature移民文学

1.Cultural Aesthetic Value of Literature by Chinese Immigrants;华人移民文学的文化审美价值——兼谈所谓“新移民文学
2.Reflections on and representations of the loss/reconstruction of diaspora cultural identity in postcolonial migration writing后殖民移民文学对移民文化身份失落/重构的思考与再现
3.Rough and Real,Jewish Immigrant Writing as Case Study;作为文化阐释个案的犹太移民文学(英文)
4.On the Literature of Chinese Immigrants:An Interview with Chen Ruilin;海外新移民文学纵横谈——陈瑞琳访谈录
5.Cultural Air-Root Phenomenon and the Literary Mentality of New Immigrant Literature:Also about the Phenomenon in Macau New Immigrant Literature文化气根现象与新移民文学心态——兼论澳门新移民文学中的文化气根现象
6.Cultural Conflicts in “Neo-Immigrant Literature”;差异·冲突·融合──论“新移民文学”中的文化冲突
7.From Self-colonialism to Post-colonialism Deconstruction--On the Female Narration of the New Immigrant Literature从自我殖民到后殖民解构——论新移民文学的女性叙事
8.Lin Mei s Looking Toward the Heaven:A Masterpiece of Immigrant Literature;“新移民文学”中的长篇杰作——读评林湄的《天望》
9.Conflict and struggle --New immigrants literature and the cultural conflict;冲撞与挣扎——从“新移民文学”文本看中西方文化冲突
10.From "literature of immigration" to writers nativization──Writing before publication of The general history of Heilongjiang literature;从“移民文学”到作家本土化——写在《黑龙江文学通史》出版之前
11.A Throughbreaking of New Immigrant Literature --On Canadian Chinese novelist Zhangling s Writings;新移民文学的崭新突破——评华人作家张翎"跨越边界"的小说创作
12.Anthropology Looks Migrants"Culture Adaptation"--Taking Han Migrants in South of Ningxia as an example;民族学视野下的移民“文化适应”研究——以宁夏南部的汉族移民为例
13.Immigrant and Local Mentalities in the Chinese Language Literature of South East Asian Countries东南亚华文文学的移民心态与本土心态
14.The Resettlement Education and the Reconstruction of Community Culture--A Perspective of the Anthropology of Education on the Resettlement Community of Lucaowa移民教育与社区文化重构——宁夏芦草洼吊庄移民的教育人类学透视
15.Immigrants,Cultural Identity and Literary Writing;移民、文化认同与文学书写——新华散文人文关怀论述
16.On School Educational Intervention in the Sub-Cultural Transition of the New Immigrants Children in City;论城市新移民子女亚文化跨越的学校教育干预
17.On the Transfer of Li Minority Culture and Psychology to English Learning;少数民族文化及心理特征对英语学习的迁移
18.Assimilation of Immigrants and Prejudices against Immigrants;台吉乃尔人对移民的认同与偏见——从文化学角度看民族关系

new emigrants literature新移民文学
1.Concerning the cultural implications of new emigrants literature;论“新移民文学”的文化意蕴
3)Postcolonial migration literature后殖民移民文学
4)Chinese immigrant's literature华人移民文学
5)non-white immigrantliterature非白人移民文学
6)immigration culture移民文化
1.The paper takes Zhen-bei-bu of Ningxia as an example,making an analysis of the origin and feature of its immigration culture.移民文化具有多元性、宗教性、民族性和开放性的特征。
2.It is not only the result of the influences of the transformation of immigration with "European characteristics" to that with "non-European characteristics" and changes of immigration culture, but also the result of economic recession and inconstant politics and immigration policies in the European mem.这既是进入欧洲国家的外国移民由"欧洲特点"向"非欧洲特点"转变、移民文化变更因素的结果,也有欧洲国家自身经济衰退、政治与移民政策摇摆不定的原因。
3.The last but not the least,the colorful multi-ethnic immigration culture has been playing an important role in the life of Australians,for instance,their food and their religion.现代的建筑,和澳大利亚人的思想中还留着安格鲁-凯尔特文化的印记;与此同时,其蓬勃发展的娱乐、传媒业更是透着所谓"大熔炉式"的美利坚文化的光芒;不可小视的是,澳大利亚人的生活,譬如说饮食、宗教诸多方面,都影射着其五彩斑斓的移民文化。

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。