爱伦.坡,Allan Poe
1)Allan Poe爱伦.坡
1.On Edger Allan Poe's "Effect Theory" Based on "The fall of the House of Usher"从《鄂榭府的倒塌》谈爱伦.坡的“效果说”
2)Allan Poe爱伦·坡
1.Comparison of the Themes of SHI Zhe-cun and Allan Poe s Fantastic Novels;施蛰存与爱伦.坡荒诞小说的主题之比较
2.Different Approaches but Equally Satisfactory in Results of Loneliness and Solitariness ——Comparative Research on Pu Songling and Allan Poe;孤独寂寞 异曲同工——蒲松龄、爱伦.坡之比较研究
3.The Short Fictions of Edgar Allan Poe and the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer;爱伦.坡小说和叔本华哲学

1.On Beauty-Appreciation of Poe s To Helen;一切唯美——爱伦·坡的《致海伦》论析
2.Poe composed mystery stories as well as love poems.爱伦·坡创作爱情诗歌也创作推理小说。
3.An Analysis of Death Topic in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems爱德嘉·爱伦·坡诗歌的“死亡”情结探源
4.Translating Poe into Chinese: In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe's Birth爱伦·坡作品在中国的译介——纪念爱伦·坡200周年诞辰
5.Here, Allan Poe eschews didacticism.在这种地方爱伦·坡避免说教。
6.Allen Poe lived in a neighbouring world to that of the mewspaper.爱伦·坡的生活圈子和报界十分接近。
7.On Edgar Allen Poe’s Creation of Detective Stories论埃德加·爱伦·坡的侦探小说创作
8.A Comparative Study on the Literary Viewpoint of Allan Poe and Whitman爱伦·坡和惠特曼文论观点之比较研究
9.Edgar Allan Poe made great contribution to horror fiction.爱伦·坡对恐怖小说作出了极大贡献。
10.Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most controversial writers in America.爱伦·坡曾是美国最受争议的作家之一。
11.On Feminine Ideal in Allan Poe s Works of "Death of Beauty";论爱伦·坡“美女之死”作品中的“女性理想”
12.On the Aesthetic Qualities of Edgar Allan Poe s Poetry;论埃德加·爱伦·坡诗歌的美学品质
13.Poe suffered from depression.爱伦?坡患上了抑郁症。
14.Poe also wrote detective stores.爱伦?坡还写作侦探小说,
15.Poe wrote on the raven and Poe also wrote on top of his writing desk.爱伦坡写了《乌鸦》,爱伦坡在他的写字台上写字。
16.Poe created many of these @short@ stories.爱伦?坡创作了许多这样的“
17.Poe died two years later, at the age of forty.两年后,爱伦?坡也去世了,年仅40岁。
18.For a time, it seemed that Poe would find some happiness.一段时间里,爱伦?坡似乎找到了幸福。

Allan Poe爱伦·坡
1.Comparison of the Themes of SHI Zhe-cun and Allan Poe s Fantastic Novels;施蛰存与爱伦.坡荒诞小说的主题之比较
2.Different Approaches but Equally Satisfactory in Results of Loneliness and Solitariness ——Comparative Research on Pu Songling and Allan Poe;孤独寂寞 异曲同工——蒲松龄、爱伦.坡之比较研究
3.The Short Fictions of Edgar Allan Poe and the Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer;爱伦.坡小说和叔本华哲学
3)Edgar Allan Poe爱伦·坡
1.I Think Where I am Not——The Selfhood in the Grotesque Short Fictions of Edgar Allan Poe;“我思于我所不在”——爱伦.坡怪诞小说中的“自我”
2.On Edgar Allan Poe’s Style of Poetry and the Translation of The Raven;诗成理通 诗理相映——评译爱伦.坡的诗论和《乌鸦》一诗
3.Edgar Allan Poe s Poetic Theory Manifested in "The Raven;埃德加·爱伦.坡的诗论在《乌鸦》中的体现
1.On the Similarities of Literary Style between Poe and Hawthorne;爱伦坡与霍桑小说创作比较研究
2."Death of Beauty" in Poe s Literary Creation;爱伦坡创作中的“美女之死”
3.Edgar Allan Poe s Literary Theory and Its Application in The Black Cat;爱伦坡的文学理论及其在《黑猫》中的体现
5)Edgar Allen Poe爱伦·坡
1.On Edgar Allen Poe’s Creation of Detective Stories;论埃德加·爱伦.坡的侦探小说创作
6)the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe爱伦·坡诗歌
