顽童,naughty children
1)naughty children顽童
1.The happy and naughty children with game spirits become protagonists of children fictions instead of miserable children images before liberation.这些充满"游戏精神"的幸福顽童取代了解放前苦大仇深的难童形象而成为儿童小说的主公人。
2.In his works,he has created a series of characteristic naughty children whose images are different from those of the traditional children.郑渊洁是中国当代最杰出的童话作家之一,他塑造了迥异于传统儿童形象的颇具特色的一系列当代顽童形象。
3.Naughty children are the most typical Characteristics that are full of the spirit of play in children\'s literature."顽童"是儿童文学文本中最典型的人物形象。

1.young Tartar顽童, 调皮的小孩
2.That naughty child needs to be told off.那个顽童应受斥责。
3.An often homeless boy who roams about the streets; an urchin.流浪儿,顽童在街头游荡的无家可归男孩;顽童
4.Study on Aesthetics Meaning of Urchin Image in the Fairy Tale of Zheng Yuanjie;论郑渊洁童话中顽童形象的美学意义
5.The Development of the Characteristics of Naughty Children论顽童形象及其儿童观内涵的历史演变
6.He was a typicall New York tough in 1908.1908年,他还是一个典型的纽约市顽童
7.They naughty Boy pricked a toy Balloon with a needle这顽童用针刺破了玩具气球。
8.I have got a way to scare those naughty children off.我想出了一个吓跑那些顽童的办法。
9.I was then a naughty little child, only yay high.我那时还是个小顽童,只有这么高。
10.a dirty shabbily clothed urchin.衣裳褴褛而又肮脏的顽童
11.Sometimes only a good spanking will straighten out a naughty boy.有时只有狠狠鞭挞才能使顽童学好。
12.He shook his stick at the naughty boys.他挥动手杖,吓唬那些顽童
13.The brat sicked his dog on the passer-by.那个顽童纵狗去咬过路人。
14.An urchin who had frequently seen him before, stopped to gaze.一个以前常在那里看见他的顽童,停下来观望着。
15.All the children are afraid of Jenny because she's holy terror.所有的孩子都怕詹妮,因为她是一个顽童
16.Some dozen barefooted urchins ganged in from the riverside.几十个赤足的顽童从河边成群结队而来。
17.The naughty boy defaced the wall with some vulgar words with coloured chalk.那顽童用彩色粉笔在墙上涂写了一些污言秽语。
18.On the Triple Image in Wang Xiaobo’s Novels;巨人、顽童还是悒郁者?——论王小波小说的三重形象

mischief writing顽童书写
1.The Diary of A Mischief,an Italian famous works of children s literature,is based on the constructive clue of coming and going of "home",the crash of "space" as the main plot,according to the unique comprehension handling and combination to get the changeable form from the continuance to show the mischief writing to a surprising field.意大利儿童文学名作《捣蛋鬼日记》以"家"的归去来和有无转换为结构线索,以"空间"的碰撞为主导情节,按照其独特的理解、处理与组合,从常式里取变式,于恒途上行悖道,把顽童书写带入到一个令人且惊且喜且叹的所在,而这种变奏又因其自成一家独立出来,在丰富了叙事声部的同时,有力融合到顽童故事的常声合奏里——童年价值永在!对于顽童书写来说,"家"与"空间"这两个命题具有特别的意象和丰富的内涵。
3)the motif of "Young Adventurer""顽童"母题
4)Naughty Mentality顽童心态
6)Baby Split顽童式残局

顽童1.愚钝无知的人。 2.愚妄﹑顽皮的孩童。 3.指娈童。