亨利·菲尔丁,Henry Feilding
1)Henry Feilding亨利·菲尔丁
1.A deconstructive reading of British masterpiece Tom Jones which was written centuries ago, makes us be aware of Henry Feilding s specificity of a text s critical diff.从解构主义观点重新审视菲尔丁代表作品的语言结构、篇章构架 ,我们会发现亨利·菲尔丁的创作与解构主义理论有许多吻合之处。

1.On Henry Fielding s Novel-writing Theories From the Deconstruction Point of View;从解构主义看亨利·菲尔丁的小说创作
2.In balancing his faults with his perfections,the latter seemed rather to preponderate(Henry Fielding)平衡他的缺陷与才艺,后者相对说来似乎是主要的(亨利·菲尔丁)
3.It was novelist Henry Fielding who finally thought of equipping regular patrols with arms and uniforms and sending them out to police the streets of London.是小说家亨利·菲尔丁终于想到了用武器和制服装备常规巡警,派他们到伦敦街道上去维持治安。
4.The first conscious novelist, Henry Fielding, born in 1707, was a skilled writer.第一个自觉的小说家是亨利·菲尔丁,他出生于1707年,是一个技巧熟练的作家。
5.“Ill breeding . . . is not a single defect, it is the result of many” (Henry Fielding).“缺乏教养…并不是一个孤立的缺点,而是由许多缺点引起的”(亨利·菲尔丁)。
6.Henry Fielding, the famous novelist who was also a London magistrate, once made a night raid on two known hideouts in this city-within-a-city; he found seventy men, women, and children packed away in a few tiny, stinking rooms.著名小说家亨利·菲尔
7.The dusky night rides down the sky, / And ushers in the morn(Henry Fielding;it often refers to deepness of shade of a color:黑夜驱走了天空/带来了早晨(亨利 菲尔丁);它常指阴影或颜色的深度:
8.So it is the nature of such persons to insult and tyrannize over little people(Henry Fielding)如此侮辱和欺压弱小的人是这种人的本性(亨利 菲尔丁)
9.Vice was a deviation from our nature(Henry Fielding)不道德行为就是背离我们生活常轨的行为(亨利 菲尔丁)
10.He died.of a broken heart, a distemper which kills many more than is generally imagined(Henry Fielding)他死…于心碎绝望,这种心理失调使许多人死去,这比人们一般所想象的要多得多(亨利 菲尔丁)
11.Henry Fielding's Arguments for Rational Egoism in His Novels论菲尔丁小说中的合理利己主义思想
12.KIILU, Raphael Muli拉菲尔·穆利·基卢
13.His buildings, which were completely hidden by thick forest, were largely excavated by Philippe Stern and Henri Marchal.他的建筑物完全隐藏于丛林之中,主要是由菲利普·斯特思和亨利·马夏尔发掘的。
14.PHILIP: So good to meet you, Mr. Hunter.菲利普:亨特先生,很高兴认识你。
15.Among the giants were Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.这些人中有杰伊-古尔德、J-P-摩根、安德鲁。卡内基、约翰-D-洛克菲勒和亨利-福特等。
16.“Some folks rail against other folks, because other folks have what some folks would be glad of” (Henry Fielding).“一些人抱怨另一些人,因为另一些人拥有他们为之高兴的事物“(亨利·费尔丁)。
17.Hello. I'm Philip Walter.你好,我叫菲利普?沃尔特,
18.How gross he had been at Mr. Fielding's!他在菲尔丁先生家表现得多么恶劣!

Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁
1.The History of Tom Jones is one of English realism novelist Henry Fielding s masterpieces.《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》是英国小说家亨利·菲尔丁的代表作。
2.Henry Fielding, whose works represented the 18th-century British realistic novels of the highest achievements, his nov.丹尼尔·笛福和理查逊的作品可以称为小说的开创之作,而作为18世纪英国现实主义小说集大成者的亨利·菲尔丁的小说理论及其创作实践对英国小说的确立和发展起了不可忽视的作用,在英国小说发展史上占据着一个十分重要的地位。
3)Henry Fielding亨利.菲尔丁
4)Henry Moore亨利·摩尔
1.The Space Art In Henry Moore s Production;现代雕塑大师亨利·摩尔作品中的空间艺术
5)Henry Moore亨利摩尔
1.Oriental Understanding of Implication Style in Henry Moore's Sculpture亨利摩尔雕塑隐寓风格的东方解读
6)Henry Philip Tappan亨利·菲利普·塔潘
1.Henry Philip Tappan is famous American higher educational reformer during the Mid-19th century.19世纪中期美国著名高等教育改革家亨利·菲利普·塔潘,深受德国大学办学模式的影响,形成了一种百科全书式的大学观,提出大学应兼具规模与内涵两种性质,塔潘独特的大学观对密歇根大学乃至19世纪美国研究型大学的未来发展具有重要意义。
