汉文学,Chinese literature
1)Chinese literature汉文学
1.Chinese literature in Japan is a literary heritage of treasure.日本汉文学是一笔数量十分可观的文学遗产。

1.The Dynastic Change from Zhou to Qin and Literature in the Qin and Han Dynasties:One of the Special Research Topics of Literature in the Qin and Han Dynasties;周秦之变与秦汉文学——秦汉文学研究专题之一
2."Historicalization" and "Consciousness" of Literature:On the Literary Characteristics in the Qin-Han Dynasty“史化”文学与文学“自觉”——论先秦两汉文学的特点
3.A New Exploration on the Relations between Emperor and Literature--Study on Long Wen-ling's "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty and the Literature of West Han Dynasty"帝王与文学关系研究的新开拓——读龙文玲《汉武帝与西汉文学
4.The literary spirit and the literary stylistics of the Han Dynasty;汉代文学精神与汉代文学的风格特征
5.The Research of the Teaching of Chinese Character to the International Students Who Have no Background of Chinese Character;非汉字文化圈留学生的汉字教学研究
6.The Cultural Connotations of Chinese Characters Should Be Discussed in Order to Improve the Teaching of Chinese Characters of Middle School;探讨汉字文化蕴涵 改进中学汉字教学
7.Comments on Chinese Character and the Chinese Character Explanation within the Chinese Culture Research;试论汉字学与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
8.A Study on Translation of Subjects in English Literary and Nonliterary Texts英语文学/非文学文本中主语汉译研究
9.I love Chinese language and Chinese literature.热爱汉语和中国的文学。
10.An Investigation of Chinese Translations of Polish Literature from 1949 to 1999;波兰文学汉译调查:1949~1999
11.The study of Chinese language, literature, or civilization.汉学研究中国语言、文学或文明的学科
12.The Components of Chinese Character And Its Explanation In The Culturology of Chinese Character;汉字构形与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
13.The Study of Images of Han Women in the Historical Biography Literature Works in the Han Dynasty两汉史传文学中的汉代女性形象研究
14.I used to work as a translator during my vacations.英语专业并辅修汉语言文学,擅长汉语和英文。
15.Han Dynasty s Dispute Between Contemporary Classic and Traditional Classic Schools: The Influence on its Contemporary Classic Study;论汉代今古文之争对汉代今文经学的影响
16.Strategies for Teaching Foreign Students Who Learn Chinese from ABC;非汉字文化圈留学生汉字课教学策略研究
17.The Cognitive Difficulty of Chinese Characters of the Learners from the Non-Chinese Character Cultural Sphere and the relevant Teaching Strategy;非汉字文化圈留学生汉字认知难点及教学策略
18.The Cultivation of College Studlents' Chinese Proficiency and Teaching大学生汉语能力培养与大学语文教学

Chinese language and Sinology汉文汉学
3)Hanjian Literature汉奸文学
1.From the perspective of the colonization context and the literary history of the Japanese invaded areas of China, this paper investigates the"Hanjian 汉奸 (Traitor to the Chinese people) Literature"and analyzes the differences of"Hanjian Literature"in three different colonization systems.从殖民语境和沦陷区文学研究史角度,对"汉奸文学"加以辨析。
4)literary Chinese文学汉语
1.This article is to analyze the New Sensualism s expression of urban experience from the perspective of literary Chinese.本文从文学汉语的角度分析新感觉派对都市体验的表达。
2.This paper probes into the occurrence of modem essays from Zhou Zuoren s literary Chinese, which can be described as an intellectual language.本文从周作人文学汉语的实践过程来探讨现代美文的发生,认为周作人的文学汉语特色可以用"知言"来概括,分三层论述:首先描述了知言的特性构成了美文的特征,接着分析了知言与美文何以能够统一的历史过程与逻辑原因;最后探讨了周作人知言形成的原因。
5)Chinese literature汉语文学
1.Chinese literature can offer the geistic life experience about the material world in the exhibition of graphemes of Chinese characters.汉语文学能够在字形的展示中提供关于物质世界的感性生命经验,同时字形状物也造成了汉语文学超验意义和诵读意义的不足,所以,汉语文学力图把“意境”和“音韵”注入感物、咏物之中。
2.Characters naming in Chinese literature is one of the most national narrative strategies formed on the base of Chinese name culture and language laws, which possesses the functions of marking characters sex, displaying the author s creating intention and expressing cultural content and it s also an important form of reflecting authors art talents.汉语文学的人物命名是在中国名实文化和汉语语言规律的基础上形成的最富有民族性的叙事策略之一。
3.The awareness of tramping in Chinese literature since“new age”is worth of attention for its being a sort of modern awareness.“新时期”以来汉语文学中呈现的流浪意识,因其作为现代意识的一种而值得关注。
6)Two Han Dynasties culture两汉文学
1.The formation and development of Quyuan complex drove the development of Two Han Dynasties culture and influenced types of literature greatly.“屈原情结”的形成和发展不仅推动了两汉文学的发展,对后世的诗歌、散文、小说、戏曲等各种文学体裁也产生了非常大的影响。

辛汉文Xin Hanwen辛汉文(1906~1969)中国戏剧、电影化妆师。上海杨树浦人。幼年丧父,家道清寒。20年代初,曾当过商行练习生。后进入民新影片公司任制片。1928年加入南国社担任化妆造型工作。后加入中国左翼戏剧家联盟。积极参与发起组织春秋剧社。1933年与刘保罗等人去杭州建立五月花剧社。1935年在左翼剧联领导下参与组织上海业余剧人协会,积极进行革命戏剧活动。“八·一三”淞沪战役时,他参加了抗日救亡演剧10队的领导工作,辗转各地,深入农村宣传抗日救国。皖南事变后到达重庆,加入中华剧艺社任化妆师兼舞台监督,并兼任吴晓邦、盛婕等人组织的新舞踊表演会等的化妆造型工作。1945年底回到上海,任影业公司化妆师,并担任了上海处于地下状态的中国共产党在文艺界的联络工作1949年底至1950年初,去长春东北电影制片厂培训全国电影化妆人员,后又在电影局组建并主持了化妆造型室的工作,电影局授予“造型专家”称号。但从此一病不起,息影艺坛直至1969年6月去世。辛汉文自20年代从艺以来,除担任繁重的社会活动任务外,曾为舞台剧《赛金花》、《复活》、《屈原》等及电影《夜半歌声》、《万家灯火》、《三毛流浪记》、《丽人行》等负责化妆造型工作。他在化妆造型上,讲究根据剧本要求及人物的特点进行性格塑造。在技术上不因循守旧,敢于创新,为戏剧、电影化妆技术的发展做出了贡献。                  李德权