处境意识,situation awareness
1)situation awareness处境意识
1.The importance of situation awareness is studied in the fields of UCAV task management and task-manipulation.研究了人的处境意识在作战无人机的任务管理和操作环节中的作用和地位,应用软件编程构建了目标判别任务条件下,基于人的监视效率变化的人-机界面自动调节环节。
2.Results show that the method applying polar-star display to design human-machine interface contributing improvement to human situation awareness (SA) sensitivity,and decreasing the man-made mistake significantly.以反应时和正确率为指标,比较了仪表组与多边形组两种不同显示方式下,人的处境意识的水平差异。

1.The Opening and the Noncovering of Heart--On the Dong People s Sense of Environment and the Value of Neighborhood;心灵的开启与去蔽——例说侗民族的处境意识与以邻为善观
2.Enquiry of the Individual Existence--On Predicament Awareness in Can Xue and Kafka's works个体之维的存在叩问——论残雪卡夫卡作品的处境意识
3.Instantly Dick awoke to the terrors of his position.霎时间,狄克意识到他处境危险。
4.He didn't appreciate the comedy of the situation.他没有意识到处境的有趣方面.
5.He is inapprehensive of his danger.他没意识到他的危险处境。
6.Ecological Environmental Consciousness of the Dong nationality--Get along Well with Nature;侗族的生态环境意识──与自然和谐相处
7.Ma, realizing that Tom was not safe, sent him away.乔德妈意识到汤姆处境不安全,就打发他走了。
8.Scott started to realize their hopeless situation:斯科特逐渐意识到他们所处的绝望境地:
9.awake to the dangers, the opportunities, one's surroundings觉察到有危险、 有机会、 意识到自己所处的环境.
10.Tax avoidance, ie managing to pay the minimum amount of tax required by law觉察到有危险、有机会、意识到自己所处的环境
11."Islamism":The Global Context,Social Movement and Political Ideology“伊斯兰主义”:全球处境、社会运动及其意识形态
12.Coincidence: You may have unexpected success. Be aware of your surroundings.偶发:你可能得到意外的成功.要意识到你所处的环境.
13.The most perceptive of the three, she is the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.她在他们三人中最敏感,首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险。
14.The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation她在他们三人中最敏感,首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险
15.Shan Shuja, realizing his peril, made a desperate attempt.沙·苏查在意识到自己的危险处境时,做了孤注一掷的尝试。
16.When Tony became aware of the company's financial difficulties, he decided to clear out.当托尼意识到公司所处的经济困境时,他决定离开公司。
17.The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.她在他们三人中最敏感, 首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险.
18.He did not wake to the danger until he discovered that he was surrounded on all sides by the enemy.直到发现被敌人四面包围, 他才意识到自己处境十分危险。

environmental awareness环境意识
1.Investigation and assessment of public environmental awareness in heavy chemo-industrial areas of Liaoning Province.;辽宁省重化工业地区公众的环境意识调查与评价
2.A review on the track of Environmental Awareness;现代环境意识的回归之路
3.A survey of environmental awareness of students in Chuxiong Normal University;我院部分大学生环境意识的调查
3)environmental consciousness环境意识
1.A rational consideration of realizing the sublimation of popular environmental consciousness;实现公众环境意识升华的理性思考
2.The environmental consciousness evaluation system of high school and elementary school in Kunming;环境意识评价指标体系研究——以昆明市中小学生为例
3.Several Suggestions to Improve the Chinese People's environmental consciousness;中国公众环境意识提高的若干建议
4)environment awareness环境意识
1.A survey and analysis on the environment awareness of Lanzhou citizens;兰州市民环境意识调查研究与对策
2.Both environment awareness and sustainable development take the environment and correlative questions as the object of reflection,cognition and thought.环境意识与可持续发展二者都以环境及环境相关的问题为反映、认识和思维对象。
3.It is essential to enhance the whole nation's environment awareness, and by using ecosystem's self regulation mechanism and its principle of circulation and intergrowth to plan cities to enable them complex ecosystems of "society, economy and nature".树立国民生态环境意识 ,运用生态系统自我调节机能循环共生原则 ,来规划城市、使城市成为“社会———经济———自然”的复合生态系统。
5)situation awareness情境意识
1.The traffic controller's situation awareness and aviation safety;空中交通管制员的情境意识与航空安全
2.Objective To develop event-based method for measuring air traffic controller s situation awareness(SA).目的提出基于事件的空中交通管制员情境意识的测量方法。
3.Two radar control simulation scenarios were created to examine the individual difference in air traffic controller situation awareness.51名管制学员参加两个模拟雷达管制任务情境的实验,采用主观评定法测量他们在执行任务时的情境意识,以考察情境意识的个体差异。
6)environmental sense环境意识
1.The achievement of the goal depends on the environmental sense of leading cadres to a great extent.这一目标能否实现,在很大程度上与领导干部的环境意识的强弱直接相关。
