1.This essay is intended to analyze Eliot s “Impersonal Theory of Poetry” by starting from the categorization of impersonality,namely,consensual impersonality and reality correspondence impersonality.本文从“非个性化”分类入手 ,通过分析“非个性化诗论”的社会文化背景和艾略特在《传统和个人才能》对其理论的阐述 ,旨在指出诗歌创作中个性的不可避免性 ,诗歌应该是“个性”和“非个性”的有机结
2.Furthermore, it forms a more historic multi-subject dialogue, which tallies with the emphasized traditional awareness in the “impersonality” theory of the poet himself.而这与诗人的“非个性化”理论所强调的传统意识完全吻合。
3.Dramatic presentation stands as a balanced resolution to propositions like impersonality and poetry as personal utterances,poetry as a moralizing agent,and the reception of the reader.创作非个性化诗歌和实现诗的道德教育功能,构成了世纪之交叶芝诗学观转变的两大内容,也是他采用戏剧化呈现的根本动因。

1.The Moral Choice behind Impersonal Narrative;小说“非个性化”叙述背后的道德关怀
2.On the Literary Critic Theory of Traditionalism and Impersonality by T.S.Eliot论艾略特的传统观与非个性化批评理论
3.The Poetic Theory of T.S.Eliot s "Non-individuality" and the New Criticism;T.S.艾略特的“非个性化”诗歌理论与新批评派
4.Towards the Principle of Impersonality in Leavis Fiction Criticism;谈弗·雷·利维斯小说批评中的非个性化原则
5.De-individuality Is a Complex Paradox;“非个性化”:复杂的悖论——艾略特诗学理论探源
6.The debate is emotional and deeply personal.这场争论非常情绪化,也非常个性化。
7.This means that they can make them individual;这就意味着他们可以使之非常个性化;
8.Exact Solutions to A Nonlinear Equation with Variable Coefficients;一个变系数非线性演化方程的精确解
9.Giving Priority to Personalization in "Non-Medicine Medical Doctoral Program";“非医攻博”应凸现实施个性化培养
10.A HISTORICAL STRATEGIC ERROR --Reexamination of Nationalization in Africa;一个历史性战略失误——非洲国有化重评
11.Study on Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Physics物理学中几个非线性演化方程的研究
12.On Individual s and Collective s Irrationality During SARS Period;“非典”时期的个体非理性与集体非理性
13.On Optimal Solution Computation of a Nonlinear Investment Model;一个非线性投资模型优化解的近似计算公式
14.A Nonlinear Lagrangian for Optimization Problems with Inequality Constraints求解不等式约束优化问题的一个非线性Lagrange函数
15.English individualized teachig mode of non-English major postgraduate非英语专业研究生英语个性化教学模式
16.A One-step Smoothing Newton Method for Solving Nonlinear Equation求解非线性方程组的一个光滑化一步牛顿算法
17.Nonlinear Regularization for Bi-level Image Restoration二值图像恢复的一个非线性正则化方法(英文)
18.The net result of a non-competitive inhibitor is equivalent to converting some of the enzyme present to an inactive form.一个非竞争性抑制剂的净结果相当于转化某些酶成为钝化形式。

1.Eliot proposes"depersonalization"theory to shed light on this question.艾略特的“非个性化”理论给了译者达“信”的新启示。
2.Eliot s literary outlook of the new criticism is the refutation against the traditional literary criticism,which transformed criticism from the author to the text;his major points of new criticism are "depersonalization"and "imagism";the development of new criticism is based on poems and essays,and for modern poems,hence,he became the founder of new criticism.艾略特新批评是对传统批评的反驳,将文学批评从作者引向文本;艾略特新批评主要观点是“非个性化”和“意象表现”;以诗歌与文论为新批评拓荒,为现代诗歌拓荒,从而成为新批评奠基人、现代诗歌先驱。
3.His reinterpretation of "tradition" is epoch-making; his anti-romantic idea of "depersonalization" and the notion of "objective correlative" are revolutionary in both literary criticism and poetry writing.他对于传统的新阐释具有划时代的意义;他提出的“非个性化”理论和寻找“客观对应物”的创作手法对现代西方文学批评和诗歌创作产生了巨大的影响。
1.In values it reflects the conflict between individualization and non-individualization.具体表现为价值观念上自我的个性化与非个性化之间的矛盾。
1.The theory of "non-individuality" is the key content of T."非个性化"理论是艾略特诗歌理论的核心内容,包括艺术情感、传统、客观对应物三个相互影响、相互制约的核心概念。
2.Depriving of human subject position, abandoning the author, transforming the text, as well as relocating the reader, post-modernists provide "non-individuality" with polygenic demonstration in the philosophy, linguistics, as well as psychology perspective, and make it a self-evident commonplace.后现代取消了人的主体地位,抛弃了作者,转换了文本,重置了读者,为“非个性化”在哲学、语言学、心理学方面提供了论证,并使之成为不言自明的常识。
5)impersonal theory非个性化
1.Eliot s impersonal theory is put forward against romanticists theory of personification and theory of talent.“非个性化”是艾略特最有影响力的文学理论,它是针对浪漫主义的“个性说”、“天才说”而提出的,它主张诗歌不是诗人个性与个人情感的反映,而是个性与情感的脱离。
2.Eliot made use of paradox as the main structure,adding with symbolism, interior monologue and literary allusion, to reflect his poetic theory,e·g·"impersonal theory "and "objective correlative" of his early age.艾略特在诗中以悖论为框架 ,佐以象征手法、内心独白和典故法等 ,反映了他早期的诗歌理论 ,即创作过程“非个性化”和营造“客观对应物”。
6)depersonalized and personalized language非个性化与个性化语言

非应非化【非应非化】  谓佛法、报二身,非属应、化,是名非应非化。