历史必然,historical necessity
1)historical necessity历史必然

1.A New Interpretation of Historical Materialism;唯117物史观视野中的历史必然性问题
2.The Historical Mission and Necessity of China-Charactered Marxism;马克思主义中国化的历史任务与历史必然
3.III. The Historical Inevitability of Tibet's Modernization三、 西藏现代化发展的历史必然
4.The historical inevitability of Lenin's thought on political education.列宁政治教育思想发展的历史必然性。
5.Briefly on the Historic Necessity or the Korean war Results Maintaining the Status Quo Ante论朝鲜战争结局维持原状的历史必然
6.On the Historical Inevitability of the CCP s Ruling of China by Law;论中国共产党依法执政的历史必然
7.A Talk About the Historical Necessity from“Poems Expressing Wills”to“Poems Endowed With Feeling”;论“诗言志”走向“诗缘情”的历史必然
8.Historical Inevitability of Marxism Chinaization;也谈马克思主义中国化的历史必然
9.Recomment on the historical inevitability for Red Army stopping in Northern Shaanxi;再论红军长征落脚陕北的历史必然
10.On the Historical Inevitability of Moving towards the Urbanizationwith Chinese Characteristics;走中国特色城市化道路的历史必然
11.The Historical Inevitability Of The Important Thought Of The Three Representatives;“三个代表”重要思想产生的历史必然
12.Liberal Education: Historical Inevitability of Higher Education;自由教育:高等学校教育的历史必然
13.Establishing the Science of Translation:the Historical Necessity and Practical Possibility;建立翻译学:历史必然性与现实可能性
14.Analysing the Historical Inevitability of Unifying Motherland by "One Nation,Two Systems;试析“一国两制”统一祖国的历史必然
15.The Historical Necessity for the Formation of the Ideological System of "Three Represents;“三个代表”思想体系形成的历史必然
16.All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up at criminals in history.一切伪造历史的人必然会成历史的罪人。
17.Historical Inevitability of Our Motherland Unity祖国统一是历史的必然——论历史上三次收复台湾
18.The October Revolution: It's Origins,Historical Significance and Enlightenment to Us十月革命:必然性、历史意义和启迪

historical inevitability历史必然
1.Reunification between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits,a historical inevitability of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;两岸统一是中华民族走向伟大复兴的历史必然
3)Historical inevitability历史必然性
1.This paper verifies it from historical inevitability,justness,legality of reign.我们从历史必然性、正当合理性和执政合法性三个维度进行考证,可以得出这样的结论:发展人民利益是全面建设小康社会的客观需要,是推进人的全面发展的主体诉求,是巩固我党执政基础的必由之路。
2.The author generally scrutinizes the history before the foundation of the Communist Party of China from a new angle and makes the historical inevitability of the Party s foundation clear,which will help us deepen the understanding of the Party s historical position and the important thought about “three represents”.从新的视角审视中国共产党成立前的历史,讨论中国共产党创立的历史必然性,有助于加深对中共历史地位和“三个代表”重要思想的认识。
3.It also reflects the historical inevitability of the Northeast Army from civil war to ally the Communist Party and resist Jappan."剿共"丧师失利,中共中央战略和策略思想的转变,蒋介石一贯坚持错误政策,等等,均成为东北军从内战转向联共抗日的因素,也反映了东北军从内战转向联共抗日之途的历史必然性。
4)historical necessity历史必然性
1.By clearing up people s misunderstandings of the interrelationship between historical necessity and natural necessity, Marx managed to achieve the revolutionary transformation in understanding the historical necessity and reveal its essential functions upon human practice.马克思消除了对历史必然性与自然必然性关系的误解、实现了历史必然性观念上的革命性变革、揭示了历史必然性同人的实践及其结果之间的本质联系。
2.It is an important tendency to local higher education,and has profound historical necessity.它是地方高等教育发展的一个重要趋势,具有深刻的历史必然性。
3.I analyzed the development of the translation theory research in China in the view of history and reality, and pointed out the establishment of science of translation is the inevitable result of the development of translation theory research and bears the historical necessity and practical possibility.从历史与现实的角度分析了我国翻译理论研究的发展情况,并指出建立翻译学是翻译理论研究发展的必然结果,具有历史必然性和现实可能性。
5)the historical inevitability历史的必然
6)inevitable tendency of history历史的必然趋势

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。