好人,Good Man
1)Good Man好人

1.We should commend good people and good deeds.我们应当表扬好人好事。
2.It is easier to spare a good man from the front than a good horse.前线少一个好人比少一匹好马好办。
3.If a good man thrives, all thrive with him.[谚]好人富,大家富。
4.Learning makes a good man Better and a Bad man worse.学习使好人更好,坏人更坏(好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏)。
5.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏。
6.Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. -- Thomas Fuller赞美的言论使好人更好,坏人更坏。——富勒
7.He is not a good guy. You'd better brush him off.此人并非好人,你最好撇开他。
8.Hello, hello, Mrs Hu.你好,你好,胡夫人。
9.If they say you is good, ask yourself if it is true.别人说你好,自问好不好。
10.a good [bad] neighbor与邻居处得好[不好]的人
11.He is good, because he is honest with other piople.他好就好在为人老实。
12.One who has good fortune, especially a wealthy person.有好运的人交好运的人,尤指有钱人
13.Oh, Richard, how exciting!哦 Richard 好令人兴奋
14."Good evening, Mrs.Heath.“晚上好,西斯夫人。
15.Good evening, Mrs. Green.晚上好,格林夫人。
16.Good evening, Mrs. Carson .晚上好,卡逊夫人。
17.Good evening, Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。
18.Good evening, Sir, Madam.晚上好,先生、夫人。

Give cake and ale to perfect soul.好人有好报。
3)use sb. well [ill对人好[不好]
4)Patients favoritism病人偏好
5)beauty of the world人间美好
6)Still Life三峡好人
1.Succession of Still Life to the Cinematic Realism;论《三峡好人》对电影艺术现实主义的传承
2.Experienced the trilogy of hometown,Jia Zhangke broke the limits of the narrative subjects based on his personal style,and his film Still Life won the prize in the Venice Film Festival.在经历了故乡三步曲之后,贾樟柯在延续其一贯个人风格的基础上,突破叙事主题的局限,成就了《三峡好人》在威尼斯电影节上的熠熠生辉。
