《剪灯新话》,Jian Deng Xin Hua
1)Jian Deng Xin Hua《剪灯新话》
1.With regard to the source materials on which the plot,artistic conception and language of the anthology,Wandering Records of Legends mainly imitates and draws upon Jian Deng Xin Hua,meanwhile,it shows creative and inn.在情节内容、艺术构思和语言等本事方面,《传奇漫录》主要模仿、借鉴了《剪灯新话》,同时也借阮屿非凡的文学才华和超群的艺术想像力进行了创新,在融合民族文化和民族思想的基础上有所发展。
2.The author analyses the ideological contents and artistic form of Jian Deng Yu Hua,comparing the stories with Jian Deng Xin Hua.与前此瞿佑的《剪灯新话》相比 ,在个人的情绪宣泄方面 ,《余话》体现的是李昌祺对仕途前程暂时的灰心和跻身功名淡淡的悔意 ,《新话》体现的是瞿佑的“感离抚遇”和“哀穷悼屈”;在同以战乱为背景的篇目中 ,李昌祺旨在重建理学的道德规范 ,瞿佑则多“只怨干戈不怨天”的反战呼号。
3.The novel collection Jian Deng Xin Hua appeared between the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty which inherits Tang Legend and influences Liao Zhai Zhi Yi.《剪灯新话》这部小说集出现在元末明初,是上承唐传奇,下启《聊斋志异》的桥梁,在文学史上地位十分特殊。

1.The Innovation of the Jian Deng Xin Hua s Love and Marriage Stories Description;试论《剪灯新话》婚恋故事描写的创新
2.the Novel Communication in the Early Ming Dynasty from the Perspective of Communication Study--taking Jian Deng Xin Hua and Jian Deng Yu Hua as examples;传播学视野里的明初小说传播——以《剪灯新话》《剪灯余话》为例
3.The Phenomena of the Novel Communication in the Early Ming Dynasty: Taking Jian Deng Xin Hua and Jian Deng Yu Hua as Examples;明初小说传播现象简析——以《剪灯新话》、《剪灯余话》为例
4.LI Chang-qi and his Jian Deng Yu Hua;试论李昌祺《剪灯余话》的创作思想——兼与瞿佑《剪灯新话》比较
5.On the Intertextuality between Record of Legends and New Stories Written While Trimming the Wick;《传奇漫录》与《剪灯新话》的互文性解读
6.A Study on Quyou and His Jiandeng New-story;瞿佑及其《剪灯新话》研究——兼与《金鳌新话》比较
7.Reconsideration on Qu You and His Jiandeng Xinhua;文章憎命达:再议瞿佑及其《剪灯新话》的遭遇
8.The reason of thought tendency of "to widen sexual passion and to revolt the nature′s law" of "JianDengXinHua";扬情抗理:论《剪灯新话》的思想倾向及其成因
9.Half Seawater and Half FlameOn the Concept of Ethics and Sexual Passion in Jiandeng New-story Anthology;一半是海水 一半是火焰——论《剪灯新话》的理欲观
10.The Dissimilation of Scholar s Legend--On JianDengXinHua s trend to common views;文人传奇小说的异化—论《剪灯新话》的世俗化倾向
11.After comparing and summarizing, the writer puts forward her own view points.《剪灯新话》达到了较高的艺术水平,也为后世的艺术创作提供了很好的创作模式与素材。
12.The Influence of the Chinese Fiction "Jian Deng Yu Hua" on the Korean Fiction "Jin Ao Xin Hua";论中国小说《剪灯余话》对朝鲜小说《金鳌新话》的影响
13.KJV] And the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure gold.[新译]灯台上的灯剪和灯花盆,也是要纯金做的。
14.On novel theory from the preface of JianDengXinHua and JianDengYuHua at early Ming Dynasty;明初“剪灯二话”序文中的小说理论
15.KJV] And he made his seven lamps, and his snuffers, and his snuffdishes, of pure gold.[新译]又用纯金做灯台的七个灯盏、剪和蜡花盘碟。
16.Research on Traditional Social Morals and Ghost Story Tradition of The Three Legends of Paper-cut Lantern;礼教趣旨与志怪反观——“剪灯三话”题材研究
17.Reflections on Li Changqi s Literary Creation Ideas in Jiandeng Yuhua from;从《运甓漫稿》反观李昌祺《剪灯余话》的创作思想
18.Dabao eng Temple and Li Changqi s Buddhism love knot;大报恩寺与李昌祺的佛教情结及其对《剪灯余话》的影响

Jiandeng Xinhua《剪灯新话》
1.Reconsideration on Qu You and His Jiandeng Xinhua;文章憎命达:再议瞿佑及其《剪灯新话》的遭遇
3)Jian Deng Xin Hua剪灯新话
1."Jian Deng Xin Hua" which was written by Qu You occupied an important position and set a new trend in the novel history of Ming Dynasty.瞿佑的《剪灯新话》在明代小说史上占有重要的地位,开一代风气之先。
4)A New Study on Jian Deng Xin Hua《剪灯新话》新论
5)Jiandeng Yuhua《剪灯余话》
1.Reflections on Li Changqi s Literary Creation Ideas in Jiandeng Yuhua from;从《运甓漫稿》反观李昌祺《剪灯余话》的创作思想
6)Two Talk on"Jian Deng"剪灯二话
