及时行乐,carpe diem
1)carpe diem及时行乐
1."Carpe diem" in Renaissance Poems论文艺复兴时期诗歌中的“及时行乐
2.A Comparative Study on Carpe Diem in Classical and English Poetic Tradition希腊罗马诗歌和英国诗歌中“及时行乐”主题之比较研究(英文)
3.This paper will study an archetype, that is, carpe diem.及时行乐,在生活中指一种今朝有酒今朝醉的处世哲学。

1.A Sensible Correspondence Between"Sustainable Happiness"and the Optimistic Ambition of"Ease &Pleasure in Time"“可持续快乐”与“及时行乐”享乐观的理性对应
2."Carpe diem" in Renaissance Poems论文艺复兴时期诗歌中的“及时行乐
3.He had made up his mind to get as much fun as possible into the time.他已经下了决心要及时行乐
4.They like to enjoy life and often burn the candle at both ends.他们喜欢及时行乐,往往过度消耗精力。
5.Jack enjoys the pleasure of the here and now and never worries about the future.杰克及时行乐,从不担心未来。
6.Let him have his fling now while he is young.让他趁着现在年轻及时行乐
7.He enjoys the pleasures of the here and now and never worries about the future.他及时行乐,从不担心未来。
8.Brother, keep that in mind and rejoice.弟兄,把这个紧记在心及时行乐吧。
9.On the "Carpe Diem" Theme in the Eastern and Western Poetry;论东西方诗歌中的“及时行乐”主题
10.Many people sow their wild oats in their youth.许多人在他们年轻时尽情寻乐(注:尤指不考虑未来生活而及时行乐)。
11.Young people like to enjoy life and they often burn the candle at both ends.年轻人喜欢及时行乐,他们往往滥耗精力。
12.A Comparative Analysis of the "Enjoy Life While You May" in Li Bai and John Donne s Poems;李白与多恩诗歌中“及时行乐”主体的比较
13.Life Worried and Promptly Pleasure Sought--Trace to the Source of Poems Value Tend of Han Dynasty;忧生意识与及时行乐——汉代诗歌价值取向溯源
14.you're only young once(saying)(because they will have plenty to worry about when they get older)(谚)应准予年轻人及时行乐(因为年纪大时要有很多操心事).
15.These youngsters-it's all a short life and a merry one with them.这些年轻人——对于他们来说,人生只是朝露和及时行乐
16.None lives for ever, brother, and nothing lasts for long. Keep that in mind and rejoice.没有人永远活着,兄弟,没有东西可以经久。把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。
17.Some people are leading a life of @seize the hour seize the day@, while some others are dying on the vine.一部分人过着及时行乐的生活,而其他的人则默默无闻地活着。
18.Instead the atmosphere, on the streets and in the bars was a sort of greedy get-it-while-you-can consumerism.相反,在街道上,在酒吧里,到处都是贪婪的及时行乐的消费主义。

seizing the day及时行乐
1.The essay made an analysis of To His Coy Mistress,one of his masterpieces and laid emphasis on the theme of "seizing the day" .文章分析他的主要代表作《致他的娇羞的女友》突出地表达了"及时行乐"的作品主题,整篇诗作音律优美,结构严谨,气势磅礴,充满奇特的比喻,使作品具有经久不衰的艺术魅力,至今仍给人独特的艺术享受。
2.Nineteen Old poems in the end of East Han dynasty and some poems composed in the late 16th century to the early 17th century in England share many similarities: both favor the theme of seizing the day; both are written in turbulent times with great reforms; both represent the awakening of human nature and both are significant in their respective literary histories.中国东汉末年的《古诗十九首》中和英国十六世纪末十七世纪初反映及时行乐思想的诗歌皆创作于历史大变革时代,都体现出人性的觉醒,在文学史上都有重要意义,但《古诗十九首》反映“群体人本精神”,体现的是儒家经学理想同现实的矛盾;而英诗反映“个体人本精神”,体现的是人文与清教的冲突。
3)To enjoy at the right time行乐及时
4)enjoing-life timely及时享乐
5)enjoy the pleasures of life行乐
6)current check例行校验;及时校对
