古汉诗,classical Chinese poetry
1)classical Chinese poetry古汉诗
1.The paper introduces the categories of theme and theme inclination by analyzing the different meanings of "feng"and "shuang" in two classical Chinese poems,attempting to discuss lexical meaning changes within particular contexts in the English translation of classical Chinese poetry in the light of the relevance of theme and theme inclination.由"枫""霜"在不同诗篇中的意义嬗变引出主题与主题倾向范畴,试图从主题与主题倾向关联视角探讨古汉诗翻译过程中词汇概念语境化意义嬗变规律,分析了"枫桥夜泊"四种英译文,对古汉诗翻译过程中微观语词概念语义生成的主客观理据性进行了阐释。

1.A Study on Aesthetic Requirements of Ancient Chinese Poetry Translation and Aesthetic Principles of Cultural Communication论古汉诗英译与文化传播的审美规律
2.Important Poetic Style in Ancient Chinese Poetry;格律诗是古代汉诗主导诗体的原因——兼论词与曲在古代汉诗中的文体调和作用
3.Nineteen Ancient Poem” represents the highest merits of Five Words Poem of Han Dynasty.古诗十九首》代表了汉代五言抒情诗的最高成就。
4.Keeping and Developing the Stylistic Tradition of Chinese Poems in their Modern Translations;论古诗今译中汉语诗体传统的继承与发展
5.On FU Deriving from Poems in THE SONG BOOK;赋者古诗之流:《诗经》传统与汉赋的讽谏问题
6.Explicitation and Implicitation in English Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;汉古诗英译中的显性翻译与隐性翻译
7.Application of Categorization Theory in the English Translation of Classical Chinese Poems;范畴化理论在汉语古诗英译中的应用
8.The Interpositions of the Translators Subjective Cognition in the Translations of the Ancient Chinese Poems;汉语古诗英语中译者主体认知的介入
9.The Characteristics of Chinese Speech And the Musical Beauty of Ancient Chinese Poetry;汉语语音特点与中国古代诗歌音乐美
10.The Sentimental Features of Poems Written in Chinese by Ancient Korean Females;论古代朝鲜女性汉诗创作的感伤特色
11.Nineteen Ancient Poems and the Life Consciousness of Literary Men in Late Eastern Han Dynasty;《古诗十九首》与东汉末文人的生命意识
12.Offering Doubts about the Poetry in the Middle Ancient Times while Reading Wang Li s "Archaic and Ancient Chinese";王力《古代汉语》诗歌部分注释献疑
13.Creative employment of faithfulness in the translation of classic Chinese poetry;“信”于古典汉诗英译的创造性运用
14.To See the Rhymes in English Translation of Ancient Chinese Poetry from Histoncal Perspective;从历史观看古汉语诗词英译中的韵律
15.Cultural Losses: the Cultural Dimension of the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;文化缺失:汉语古诗词英译之文化维度
16.Mongolian Epics of Testing Marriage and Heroic Triathlons;探析蒙古考验婚史诗与好汉三项比赛
17.IActire Involvement in the World, Regression, Anxiety and Initiative;《古诗十九首》与汉末文人的情感世界
18.On the Important Period of the Poetic Style of Chinese Poetry s Forming from Han Dynasty to the Beginning of Tang Dynasty;论汉代至初唐是古代汉诗定型诗体建设的重要过渡时期

poems in the Han Dynasty and the Kingdom of Wei汉魏古诗
3)Ancient Chinese Poetry古代汉诗
1.On the Construction of Poetic Style of Ancient Chinese Poetry since Tang Dynasty;论唐代以后古代汉诗的诗体建设
2.Revolution in Ancient Chinese Poetry world at the end of 19th century is not a real reform movement with many reasons.诗界革命产生的是古代汉诗范畴中的近代诗歌而不是现代汉诗范畴中的现代诗歌。
4)ancient poems and songs of China古汉诗词
1.This paper idscusses the English translation of ancient poems and songs of China from the angle of the relative theory.从关联理论的角度探讨古汉诗词英译。
5)Classical Poems汉语古诗
1.A Pragmatic Analysis of Deixis in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poems;汉语古诗英译中指示语的语用分析
6)classical Chinese poetry古典汉诗
1.The practice of classical Chinese poetry translation goes ahead while the theory lagging behind.由于语言、文化、历史的巨大差异,古典汉诗英译的可译性问题历来就是译家争论的焦点。
