文学政治,literary politics
1)literary politics文学政治

1."Politics" in literary imagination and its transcendence文学想象中的“政治”及其超越性——关于“文学政治学”的思考之三
2.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识
3.The Politicized Tendency Of Left-wing Literature;政治文化视角:左翼文学的政治化倾向
4.dabble in [ at ] art, politics, literature, etc涉猎艺术, 政治, 文学等
5.an essay on political economy政治经济学方面的文章
6.Combination of Literature and Politics--Critique on Political Novels in Late Qing Dynasty;文学与政治的交融:晚清政治小说论
7.Politics in Different Stage of Modern Chinese Literary History;中国现代文学史分期的政治学与文学
8.The Literature and Politics: Value Orientation of "Intervene Life" Literature;文学与政治:“干预生活”文学的价值取向
9."A History of Vernacular Literature":Politics of Writing Literary History《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治
10.We study Politics,Chinese,English and so on.我们学政治、中文、英文等等。
11.Political Civilization, Spiritual Civilization and the Development of Social Science;政治文明、精神文明与社会科学的发展
12.a Study on the Novel Deserted City;从《废都》的得失谈文学与政治文化
13.Political Meaning and Literary Traits of the Judge Paper of Imperial Examination in the Tang Dynasty唐代科举判文的政治意义及文学特质
14.Political Civilization and the Establishment of the Scientific Political Concept System;政治文明与科学的政治观念体系的构建
15.Establishment of political civilization and development of college-students political qualities;政治文明建设和大学生政治素质的培养
16.Orderly Political Participation of College Students under the Political Civilization政治文明视阈下大学生的有序政治参与
17.HAN YU AND LIU ZONG-YUAN--A Contrastive Study of Their Philosophical,Political and Literary Ideas;论韩柳——韩柳哲学、政治、文学观之比较
18.Politics·Revolution·Literature:Reflections on the relation between literature and politics over the three decades of reform and opening up政治·革命·文学——对改革开放30年文学与政治关系的反思

1."Aesthetics-practice"Literature:Study on Aying’s "Literature-politics"Criticism Pattern(2)“审美-实践”文学:阿英“文学-政治”批评模式的考察(二)
2."Aesthetics-practice" Literature:Study on Aying's "Literature-politics" Criticism Pattern(1)“审美-实践”文学:阿英“文学-政治”批评模式的考察(一)
3.Starting from“Three Dimensional Theory of Politics”, this paper takes the literature imagination politics as venation and penetrates Aying’s imagination world and tries to outline the basic characteristics of his Literature-politics criticism pattern based on the revolutionary literature.本文从“政治三元论”出发,以文学想象政治为脉络,以革命文学为背景,深入阿英的想象世界,尝试系统勾勒阿英“文学-政治”批评模式的基本面貌与特征。
3)political literat政治文学
1.The emerging of numbers of female in the liberated area s works is noticeable appearance, and it embodies the unique appreciation of the beauty and recognitation as political literature.大批出现的女性形象是解放区文学中一个十分引人注目的现象,它体现了作为政治文学的解放区文学独特的审美和认识价值。
4)literary political science文学政治学
5)literature and politics文学与政治
1.My essay is based on the research of "Relations between Literature and Politics In Mao Dun\'s Literary Criticism",with the balance of the two dimensions as the emphasis and clues.本文从茅盾文学批评中选取“文学与政治关系”这个问题加以研究,主要以其所包含的“文学之维”与“政治之维”的构织与展开是否均衡作为讨论的重点与线索,从纵横两个维度展开。
6)cultural politics文化政治学
1.Eagleton is a chief representative for cultural studies in the post-Bakhtin age,whose theory of cultural politics inherits the British new left tradition (such as Raymond Williams) on the one hand,influenced by Bakhtin\'s ideas at Vitebsk on the other.伊格尔顿是后巴赫金时代文化研究的主要代表,他的文化政治学一方面接续英国新左派(如威廉斯)传统,另一方面也受到巴赫金"维捷布斯克时期"思想的影响。

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。