异域想象,exotic fascination
1)exotic fascination异域想象
1.It reflects the exotic fascination,the desire for freedom and the thought of the conception of more reasonable values in folk ethics.西方吉普赛女郎形象具有丰富的文化内涵,作家通过对她们超凡的美、独特的爱情观、自由观的着重展示,构建了一个魅力四射的"他者神话",折射出创作主体的异域想象、女性想象和自由渴望,以及对民间伦理中更合理的价值理念因子的思考。

1.Exotic fascination and ethical perspective:Analysis of Cypsywomen's classical figure in western literature异域想象与伦理透视:西方文学中吉普赛女郎经典形象探析
2.Realistic Space, Imaginary Space and Illusionary Space--Modern Chinese "Alien Fiction";现实空间·想象空间·梦幻空间——小议中国现代异域小说
3.From the Imagination of Others to Self Mirror Image:The Inheritance and Development of the Overseas Legends in Flowers in the Mirror从他者想象到自我镜像——谈《镜花缘》对殊方异域传说的继承与发展
4.The butt of whimsical persecution.异想天开迫害的对象。
5.Observation and Imagination --On imagologie and images of foreign countries;观看与想像——关于形象学和异国形象
6.Preliminary Research on the Symbolic Culture of Gude Temple Enriched with Exotic Styles in Wuhan武汉古德寺之异域风格象征文化初探
7.Convergence or Divergence-The Case of China;浅析中国区域经济的趋向或异化现象
8.The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up;imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.想象力心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的
9."Fancy:The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.""想象力:心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的."
10.Rather, they allege that alienation exists under socialism and can be found in the economic, political and ideological realms.而是说社会主义存在异化,经济领域、政治领域、思想领域都存在异化,
11.Foreign Writer Image Variation in Network--Taking Jelinek s Network Image Mold as Example;网络中的异域作家形象变异——以耶利内克的网络形象塑造为例
12.The Variability of lmage in Literature Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions and Creative lmagination;《红楼梦》翻译中的文学形象变异与创造式想象
13.Flowing Image,Symbolic Dehumanization--On Conrad's Views on Humanities流动的意象 异化的象征——康拉德人文思想研究
14.Culture Encounter and Alien Imagination:the Image of Indian Monks in Tang Literature文化遭遇与异族想象:唐代文学中的天竺僧形象
15."An amazing feat of imagination."一个令人惊异的超凡想象力的壮举.
16.The Comparison of Guo Xiang and Cheng Xuan-ying s Thoughts on Independent Growth;论郭象与成玄英“独化”思想的异同
17.Analysis of the Ideology of Spiritual Dissimilation in "Phenomenology of Sprit;浅析《精神现象学》中的精神异化思想
18.The land or realm of the fairies.仙境想象中的地域或王国

Exotic cultural imagination异域性文化想象
3)Vision Differences想象差异
4)imagination to alien异族想象
1.The Function of Imagination in the Development of the Earth Scientific Theory;想象在地球科学理论发展中的作用
2.The Fundamental Approach towards the Construction of Aesthetic Utopia——on Herbert Marcuse s Imagination;构筑审美乌托邦的根本途径——论马尔库塞的“想象”
1.Beginning with the relationship between cartography teaching and thinking in images paper discussee how to train the abihty of thinking in images in cartography teaching from four aspects of increasing the accumulation of images,making clear the mode of thinking,developing the ability to imagine and learning the basic knowleege well.从制图教学与形象思维的关系入手太丰富表象储备、明确思维模式、发展想象能力及学好基本知识等4个方面论述了制因教学中如何发展形象思想能力。
2.The history that he relates is "a person s history",which is what he experiences,imagines and makes up,and which is also a history of life for each hero.他笔下的历史是"一个人的历史",是苏童个人体验到的、重组的、想象的、虚构的历史,也是故事中每个人的生命史。
3.Based on analysis of these conditions,the author discussed the procreative process of ethnic groups consciousness,mostly starting from cognition means of ethnic groups consciousness imagined being possible,and the state manufacture.安德森认为,时间认知的转变、认知手段的产生与社会条件的具备是族群作为一种想象共同体得以产生的基本条件。
