
1.gospel oath手按《福音书》宣誓
2.of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament.福音的,关于福音的,合乎福音的,尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一。
3.the Synoptic(al) Gospels对观福音书(指马太、马可及路加三福音书)
4.Acts is the second volume of the Good News- the sequel to the account of the Gospels.使徒行传是福音的第二卷——排在四福音书之后。
5.The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels.从旧约最后一本书玛拉基书到第一本福音书马太福音间隔的时间.
6.Synoptic Gospelsph.1. 【宗】(《圣经》的)对观福音书(马太、马可、路加三福音书)
7.One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.使徒书信在新约中当作福音书收录的书信
8.Stand up at the gospel of course.朗诵福音书时,自然要起立喽。
9.Perhaps also from the Gospel it passed into the tradition of scouting.也许又从《福音书》传入守望的传统。
10.As for him, he took the path which shortens,-- the Gospel's.可是他,他采择了一条捷径棗《福音书》。
11.but for you--in the words of the gospel, seek, and you shall find."‘找吧,’福音书上说,‘你总会找到的。’
12.A Pragmatic-Cognitive Analysis of the Synoptic Parables同观福音书比喻故事的语用认知分析
13.The proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the Gospels.基督福音的布道对宗教原理的宣讲,尤指讲福音书中的原理
14.One of the sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels but supposed to have belonged to the source material from which they were compiled.耶稣语录耶稣所说但并未记于福音书中的语句,据信载于编纂福音书的材料中
15.One who reads or sings the Gospel as part of a church service.在一些教堂做仪式时朗诵或吟唱《福音书》的人
16.It has been said that Bach's cantatas represent the fifth Gospel.从前有人称巴哈的大合唱为第五福音书
17.sayings of Jesus not recorded in the canonical Gospels.《圣经》的《福音书》里没有记载的耶稣的言辞。
18.It is the most detailed of the 4 Gospels.它是四福音书当中最为详尽细致的一部。

the Gospels福音书
1."Self" and "the Other" in the Context of Narratology——Analyzing "the Authors" and "the Readers" in the Gospels;叙事学语境中的“自我”与“他者”——浅析福音书的“作者”与“读者”
2.Most of the parables are found in the New Testament, especially the Gospels.圣经中的比喻大部分都包含在《新约》,尤其是福音书当中。
5)Lindisfarne Gospels林迪斯芳福音书
1.The prestige of rule of the law,the Gospel of government;法治权威:利维坦的福音
2.On the Concept of "Peace" in the Gospel of Matthew;试论《马太福音》中的“和睦”观
3.Tea, Gospel and Mission --A Case Study of Justus Doolittle from Bission to Musiness in 19th Century s China;茶叶·福音·传教——十九世纪来华传教士卢公明弃教从商个案研究
