自由理念,idea of freedom
1)idea of freedom自由理念
1.I believe that,at least the idea of freedom may be discussed under the Hayek s economic ethics dimension in three factors.本人认为,至少可在三个维度探讨哈耶克经济伦理维度下的自由理念:第一,经济与政治互作用条件下的政治——经济哲学的维度。
2.Rousseau s idea of freedom is to establish a utopia based on “will of all” of a society, the purpose of which is to seek freedom of politics.卢梭的自由理念是要建立以社会公意为基础、以政治自由为目标的理想国。

1.The Philosophy of "Freedom" in Marx Individual Development Theory;论马克思关于人的全面而自由发展的自由理念
2.Study about Hayek s Freedom Theory under Economic Ethics Dimension;哈耶克经济伦理维度下的自由理念探析
3.On the Freedom of Press during the Bourgeois Revolution in England;析英国资产阶级革命期间的出版自由理念
4.Research on Perfecting Ideas and Systems of Academic Freedom of Sport University and College Journals;体育院校学报完善学术自由理念与制度的研究
5.The Contemporary System of Media in France and Its Analysis of the Concept of Freedom of Expression;法国当代传媒体制与表达自由理念探析
6.Idea of Liberal Education Helps to Attain World Top University--The Idea of Liberal Education of Yale University;自由教育理念成就世界一流大学——浅析耶鲁大学的自由教育理念
7.From "Freedom" to Freedom: the Historical Analysis of Labor Law Rationale;从“自由”到自由:劳动法的理念缘起与制度变迁
8.Two Kinds of Liberty--An Initial Study on Isaiah Berlin's Idea of Freedom Philosophy“两种自由”理念——以赛亚·伯林的自由哲学简析
9.That is, they use the concept of freedom to sell the car.其实,他们是在用自由的理念来卖车。
10.Study on Spinoza s Concept of Freedom;斯宾诺莎自由概念研究——读《伦理学》
11.Liberty and Democracy:An Inquiry into the Values of Administrative Procedure;自由与民主:宪法诉讼的价值理念探幽
12.Remodeling the ldeas of University--The Reversion and Transcendence of Liberal Education;重塑大学理念——自由教育的复归与超越
13.From the Nature of Hypostatic Idea to the Nature of Ecology Idea--On Approaches of Ecology Ethics由实体观念的自然到生态观念的自然——简析生态伦理学的理论进路
14.From Idea to System:More Thoughts ab out the "Autonomy of University" and "Academic Freedom;从理念到制度:对“大学自治、学术自由”的再思考
15.The ideals of OSS are about openness and freedom- stuff for the greater good.OSS的理念是开放和自由,开放和自由是创造更好产品的营养素.
16.The Political Idea of Taiwan Liberalists in 1950s;1950年代台湾自由主义者政治理念——以《自由中国》杂志为例
17.Liberalist Criticism and Rationality of Utopian Ideas;自由主义的批判与乌托邦观念的合理性
18.On the Idea Conflict and the Rules Harmonization in Free Trade and Environmental Protection;论自由贸易与环境保护之理念冲突及规则整合

The idea of the freedom of speech言论自由理念
3)Constitutional ideology of freedom宪法自由理念
4)the concept of freedom and democracy自由民主理念
5)Zhuangzi s Theory of Freedom庄子的自由理念
6)the conception of freedom自由观念
1.The tradition of law culture has great impacts on the existence and development of the British constitutionalism,in the sense that four law conceptions are provided to support its constitutionalism: the conception on the supremacy of law,the conception of power limiting,the conception of contract and the conception of freedom.法律文化传统对宪政的形成与发展有极为深刻的影响,在英国,法律文化传统为宪政提供了四个支撑性的法律观念,即法律至上观念、限权观念、契约观念和自由观念。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。