自传文学,autobiographic literature
1)autobiographic literature自传文学
1.Citing Jean Rousseau s Resconfessions and American Autobiography of Duncan,the paper explores the qualities of western autobiographic literature;meanwhile,Chinese examples HU Shi s Ideas At the Age of Forty and Sen Congwen s Autobiography are applied to expand the author s ideas.文章以法国卢梭的《忏悔录》和美国的《邓肯自传》为例,扼要考察了西方自传文学的重要品质;以胡适的《四十自述》和沈从文的《从文自传》为例,阐释了中国现代自传文学应有的品质,并分析了当下中国“明星自传热”的现状及成因。

1.Self, Nature, and the Contemporary Native American Autobiography;自我,自然及当代北美印第安自传文学
2.On Gains and Losses of the Psychological Description in the Revolutionary Autobiography of Seventeen Years论十七年革命自传文学心理描写的得与失
3.Theories of Truth and Justice: Narrative Ethics of (Auto)biographical Literature;“事实正义论”:自传(传记)文学的叙事伦理
4.Literary Presentation of Self-problem--New Unde rstanding of Self-narration Novels自我问题的文学呈现——自叙传小说新论
5.EFL Students Cultural Stereotype Change in Their Narrative;大学生自传性文本中的文化定型转变
6.Inheriting and Passing on the Traditional Concept of Nature "the Unity of Man and Nature" in the Teaching of Chinese Ancient Poems and Essays in Middle Schools;中学古诗文教学中“天人合一”传统自然观的传承
7.The effection of ancient media to "the pre-autonomous field of literature";论古代传媒对“前自主性文学场”的影响
8.Non-Scientific Tendency of Traditional Chinese Culture;论中国传统文化的非自然科学化倾向
9.Succession and Breakthrough--On Autobiographic Literature by Chinese Europeans/American Authoresses;传承与突破——欧美华人女性自传体文学创作谈
10.EFL Students’ Self-Reports of Identity-construction;英语学习自传性文本中的自我认同建构
11.On the Cultural View of the Contemporary Autobiography Written by the Chinese-European and Chinese-American Authoresses;欧美华人女作家自传体文学的文化视野
12.On modernity in Gong Zizhen s literary thoughts;“人”的觉醒对传统文学原则的挑战——论龚自珍文学思想的近代意义
13.The paper will be published in the online edition of Nature Genetics on April 1.文章将发表在4月1号的《自然遗传学》在线版。
14.The left-wing and liberal literary Tendencies andthe Traditional Thoughts of the Confucianists and Taoists;左翼及自由主义文学思潮与儒道传统思想
15.Cause and Enlightenment of Traditional Examination Culture s Inheritance and Development in Modern Time --Focusing on Self-taught Examination;传统考试文化在当代传承发展的原因与启示——以自学考试为中心
16.Internet transmission analysis of Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science) in 2005~2008《宝鸡文理学院学报:自然科学版》2005~2008年网络传播分析
17.Song of Nature--the Inheritance and Development of Ecological Ideas in Western Nature Writings;自然的歌者——西方自然文学中生态理念的传继与发展
18.The transmit way of the weaker culture: Life heteroptics and spiritual self-cured;弱者文化的传播途征:生命幻视与精神自疗——伤痕文学的征兆阅读

4)Contemporary Autobiographic Literature现代自传文学
1.A Typical Narriative of China s Contemporary Autobiographic Literature;中国现代自传文学叙事的典范
5)autobiography keywords自传文学关键词
6)Native American autobiography美洲印第安自传文学

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。