意义的不确定性,meaning indeterminacy
1)meaning indeterminacy意义的不确定性

1.View the Pragmatic Value of Ambiguity from the Indeterminacy of Meaning;从意义的不确定性看歧义的语用价值
2.The Indetermination of the Structural Meaning of“差(一)点儿+VP”;“差(一)点儿+VP”结构意义的不确定性
3.The Uncertainty and Open-endedness of Meaning--an Analysis of Different Translations of Poems;从诗歌的不同翻译看意义的不确定性和开放性
4.Uncertainty in Meaning and Possibility of Multi-interpretations--Reading Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken"意义的不确定性与多重阐释的可能——读弗罗斯特《未选择的路》
5.Like Blossoms, Yet Not Like Blossoms―The Indeterminacy of Meaning and the Flexible Interpretation Space Entailed in Translation;似花还似非花——意义的不确定性和翻译预留的拓展空间
6.On Indeterminacy in Textual Meanings Resulted in the Substitution of the Plots and Genres in Hawkes' Novel论霍克斯小说中情节、多文类相互替代的文本意义的不确定性
7.Meaing and Uncertainty Analysis of Property Tax Levy;物业税开征的意义及其不确定性分析
8.Besides, the significance of the alleged changes of human nature is dubious, and very hard to assess.其次,所谓人性变化的意义也不清楚,且难以确定。
9.Metaphor, Symbol and Indeterminacy of Literary Meaning;文学文本中的隐喻、象征与意义不确定性
10.Life is only meaningful when it faces uncertainty.生命因为有不确定性才变得有意义。
11.Between Certainty and Uncertainty--Interpretation of Inquiry of the Meanings about Law;在确定性和非确定性之间——解读《法律的意义追问》
12.Studies on Robust Quadratic Optimal Control in LQ Significance and Robust Stable Bounds of Uncertain Linear System;不确定线性系统LQ意义下鲁棒二次最优控制及鲁棒稳定界的研究
13.The Indeterminate Text, Indeterminate World--on the Postmodern Indeterminacy of Babysitter;不确定的文本,不确定的世界——论《保姆》的后现代主义不确定性
14.Investigation into the Definiteness and Indefiniteness of Semantic Association in English;英语语义联想中的确定性和不确定性调查
15.Modernity:Definity of Meaning in the Subsquent History;现代性:后续历史进程中的意义确定
16.On the Uncertainly Principle in Literary and Artistic Interpretations and its Significance in Realistic Contexts;文艺阐释中的不确定性原则及其在现实语境中的意义
17.Towards the Blanks and Indeterminacy in Literary Texts;文本的意义空白与不确定性——兼谈文学翻译的审美效果
18.Let's determine the meaning of the word.咱们来确定该词的意义。

Uncertain Meaning不确定的意义
3)meaning indeterminacy意义不确定性
1.This paper begins with two key concepts in theory of reception aesthetics, one is meaning indeterminacy and the other is horizon of expectation .本文从接受美学理论的两位主要创始人伊瑟尔和姚斯的意义不确定性理论和期待视野理论入手,分析了孟浩然的《春晓》及其四种译文。
2.This paper begins with two key concepts in theory of reception aesthetics, one is meaning indeterminacy and the other is horizon of expectation.本文从接受美学理论的两位主要创始人伊瑟尔和姚斯的意义不确定性理论和期待视野理论入手,分析了孟浩然的《春晓》及其四种英译文。
4)meaning certainty意义确定性
5)meaning uncertainty意义不确定论
1.The meaning uncertainty of the deconstruction denies the author s intention by sentencing him to death,whereas theories of translation indebted to deconstruction acclaim the birth of the translator at the cost of the author s death.解构主义意义不确定论以宣称作者死亡来否定作者意图,与这一思潮一脉相承的解构主义翻译论则以作者死亡,译者诞生来强化译者的能动作用。
6)indeterminacy of meaning意义非确定性
1.Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet,as an example of "writable texts",can illustrate the indeterminacy of meaning.本文通过对《哈姆雷特》版本不确定性的认识,以及对剧情中意义非确定性的分析,探讨剧本和剧中人哈姆雷特王子如何成为后现代批评的典型范例。

战略性贸易政策的积极意义战略性贸易政策的积极意义: 战略性贸易政策以更为符合现实的规模经济与不完全竞争市场为分析基础,探讨了国家适度干预对一国产业和贸易发展的积极影响,分析了寡头垄断条件下国家贸易政策选择的基本取向,对一国制定符合本国利益的贸易政策提供了重要的指导,其对传统的自由贸易政策的修正,也在一定程度上给人们以启示。此外,日本等国实施战略性贸易政策的成功也提高了该政策的受关注程度。战略性贸易政策的缺陷: 首先,战略性贸易政策以本国利益为最高目标,政策导向常常以牺牲全世界的经济利益为代价,其对自由放任的背离也与市场经济传统相悖;其次,战略性贸易政策保护的是那些技术含量高、外部效应明显、动态规模效益突出的产业,然而如何准确选择这些战略产业是政策实施者必须面对的问题,甄别不准、保护措施不当,都会使战略性贸易政策的效果大打折扣;第三,当多数国家都实行以保护为特征的贸易政策时,政策效果会在很大程度上相互抵消,毕竟这是一种以邻为壑,以牺牲别国利益为前提,招致报复是不可避免的。