华语文学,Chinese literature
1)Chinese literature华语文学
1.The paper proposed the concept of worldwide Chinese literature,and positioned Donggan Literature as a branch of worldwide Chinese literature,and then described the evolution of Donggan Literature.提出世界华语文学的概念,将东干文学定位为世界华语文学的一个分支,勾画了东干文学的演变历程,把民间文学与俄罗斯文学视为东干书面文学发展的两大动因,并从拼音文字、语言、文化等不同层面揭示了东干文学独特的研究价值。

1.A Sociolinguistic Study of Chinese Language Learning in Singapore;新加坡社会语言土壤下的华语文学习——新加坡国立大学学生华语文问题探讨
2.Standardization of Language Use in Overseas Chinese-Language Literature;谈谈华文文学的文学语言规范化问题
3.By the time I reached secondary school, ACS was encouraging its ethnic Chinese pupils to take Mandarin as the second language.到我升上中学,英华学校正鼓励华族学生选择华文为第二语文。
4.The way in learning and introducing Chinese to foreigners.三、学习华语文的方式、途径与介绍外国人学习华语文的方法。
5.Singapore Chinese Literature Under Its Urban Context;南洋都市语境下的新加坡华文文学语言
6.The Research and Teaching of the Chinese in the World:The Summary of the 3~(rd) Graduate-Student Forum on Teaching Chinese in the World面向世界的华文研究与华文教学——“第三届世界华语文教学研究生论坛”纪要
7.A Case Study of Language and Identity of the Teenagers of Chinese Descendants in Indonesia --An Investigation on the Students of Chinese Descendants in Indonesia in the College of Chinese Language and Culture of Huaqiao University;印尼华裔青少年语言与认同的个案分析——华侨大学华文学院印尼华裔学生的调查研究
8.Paper presented at 2005 International Conference &Workshop on TEFL &Applied Linguistics, Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.2004台湾华语文教学学会年会暨研讨会,台湾华语文教学学会,宜兰,台湾。
9.Confucius Institute: Traditional Chinese Culture and Foreign Language Teaching;从孔子学院的设立看中华文化与外语教学
10.Cultural Identification of Southeast Asian Students of Chinese Descent and Their Motive of Learning Chinese Language;东南亚华裔学生的文化认同与汉语学习动机
11.An Investigation into the Process of Thesis Writing of the Senior Students in the English Department at East China Normal University华东师范大学英语专业学士论文写作过程调查
12.But there is also broad support for the introduction of this teaching method for Chinese students from English-speaking homes, at the beginning stage of their learning of CL.不过,也有很多人支持为来自讲英语家庭的学生,在一开始学习华语的时候,推行双语华文教学法。
13.A Booming Literature in Multicultural Context--Reposition of Chinese American Literature;多元文化语境中的新兴文学——重新定位美国华裔文学
14.SINGAPOREAN students' proficiency in Chinese, spoken and written, has been on the decline ever since the language was reduced to a single subject on the syllabus.新加坡学生的华文华语水平,随着华文成为学校的单一科目之后便每况愈下。
15.By the same token, Chinese students will also be able to learn the mother tongues of other ethnic groups, such as the Malay language.同样的,华族学生也能选修马来文或其他族群的语言为第三语文。
16.The Chinese Story in the Western Context--On the Writing of Chinese Culture in the Chinese American Literary Texts;西方语境的中国故事——论美国华裔英语文学的中国文化书写
17.Teach yourself English (select edition)《英语自学》(精华本)
18.The decision by the Education Ministry to change its policy on the learning of a third language means that non-Chinese students will be allowed to study Chinese as a third language.教育部已决定修订第三语文政策,也就是说在籍的学生,如属非华族,可选修华文为第三语文。

Chinese French literature华人法语文学
3)the Language of the Chinese Literature in Indonesia印尼华文文学语言
4)overseas Chinese literature华文文学
1.As a major overseas Chinese literature creation center, Singapore has attracted the attention of numerous scholars, and Chinese literature of Singapore has become another hotspot of overseas Chinese literature research besides the Chinese literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong.作为海外华文文学创作的重镇之一,新加坡吸引了众多学者的目光,新加坡华文文学成为除台港文学之外的另一个华文文学研究的热点,研究不断深入,成绩斐然。
2.The academic circles of overseas Chinese literature have recently manifested a tendency to change its focus from overseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature.从华文文学转向华人文学,目前已成为华文文学研究界值得关注的一种学术趋向。
5)Chinese-language literature华文文学
1.It has been more than 20 years since the research on overseas Chinese-language literature came into being.海外华文文学研究在中国大陆兴起至今已有20多年的历史,通过回顾其发展历程,梳理该学科从孕育到走向成熟的历史脉络——从外在(研究领域、对象)平面空间上的拓展,到内在理论建设的不断进深。
2.It s an inevitable trend to interpret the relationship between overseas Chinese-language literature and homegr.站在特定的视角阐释海外华文文学与中国本土文学的关系,阐明它们既共同推动中华文化的全新进程,又互动互补相互融合,共同驱使华文文学走向全球化与现代性是不可避免的。
6)Chinese literature华文文学
1.Constructing and Leaving in Suspension——Reflections on naming scientificity of"Chinese literature throughout the world";纷争、建构与悬置——关于华文文学命名科学性的思考
2.Recently,in the discussion about "Diaspora" in the Chinese literature,the products by feminine Chinese writers of North America in the 20th century became the focus,for they looked into the double question of the sexual identity and ethnic identity of feminine immigrants coming from China through literary imagination.近年来,在有关“离散”的华文文学讨论中,20世纪北美华文女作家的创作被认为是用文学想象的方式探讨华人移民女性的性别身份与族裔身份的双重“问题”而成为热点。
3.In the last twenty years the main body of Chinese literature ——writers creative model——has hardly changed as a result of no drastic changes in most societies where Chinese literature exists.20多年来,就总体而言,由于华文文学所在地区的社会存在大都没有发生突变性的变化,华文文学的创作主体———作家所运用的创作方法基本上没有变,华文文学中的各种体裁也没有什么突变,所以华文文学的总体是渐进性地向前发展。

缅甸文学宫文学奖  缅甸独立以来唯一的全国性文学奖。缅甸文学宫(亦称缅甸翻译协会)从1949年开始,举办文学作品评奖活动,每年评选出前一年出版的各类书籍的获奖者,给予一定的奖金。最初只评选长篇小说一种,后逐渐增加评奖项目。1962年改称为"艺术文学奖"。1964年又改名为"缅甸民族文学奖"。现设长篇小说、短篇小说、儿童文学等11项。为鼓励和培养青年作家的写作,1969年另设"文学宫稿件奖"。青年作家未出版的稿件均可申报参加评选。对得奖的稿件,除授予奖金外,并负责出版。