顺从姿态,obedient stance
1)obedient stance顺从姿态
1.The obedient stance hidden in the struggle——Comparision between Elizabeth and Bai Liusu抗争背后的顺从姿态——伊丽莎白与白流苏的对照比较
2.Jane Austen and Zhang Ai-ling are important writers in feminine literature who manifest distinctive woman consciousness which is hidden in the superficial obedient stance.她们都在创作中体现出独特的女性意识,这种女性意识隐秘地包蕴在表面的顺从姿态之下。

1.The obedient stance hidden in the struggle--Comparision between Elizabeth and Bai Liusu抗争背后的顺从姿态——伊丽莎白与白流苏的对照比较
2.XIE You-shun s Stance towards Literature and Sheer Overlook of the Novelists;谢有顺的文学姿态及其对小说家关注的空白
3.abject or cringing submissiveness.带有媚态和奉承的顺从。
4.However, from an interface posture standpoint, phones are also transient.然而从界面姿态的角度来看,电话也是暂时姿态的。
5.I recognized him by the set of his head [shoulder我从他的头[肩]的姿态认出是他。
6.The Attitude of A Dancer--Commenting on ShenCongwen s Literary Criticism;舞者的姿态——论沈从文的文学批评
7.On the "Pose" of Dancing Creation from the Performance "Staff"从演出“班底”论舞蹈创作“姿态”
8."Ready Position- Ready position designates a condition where, under the direct command of the Range Officer: "预备姿势-预备姿势为一种听从靶场主任直接口令的状态.
9.The palms are fully exposed in the submissive position and the fingers are spread wide to give more impact to the gesture.手掌以一种顺从的姿势完全朝外,手指分得很开更增加了这一姿势的效果。
10.though we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that,虽然 我们不再从它们的飞翔姿态来占卜吉凶,
11.In front of the Buddha are two mighty stone lions;on two sides are four followers.主尊前有两只姿态雄健的石狮,左右侍立侍从。
12.Changing positions (i.e. from standing to kneeling).变换姿势(例:从立姿到跪姿)。
13.submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior.态度、行为上顺从或者奉承。
14.Literary Pragmatic Translation From the Contextual Dynamic Aspect;从语境动态顺应论看文学语用学翻译
15.Reading Three Kinds of Translation about King Leare on the Basis of Dynamics Adaptability;从动态顺应看《李尔王》的三种译本
16.an extravagant gesture怪异的动作 [姿态]
17.Artists Living State and Their Life Posture -On Two "Novels of Artists;艺术家的生命状态与人生姿态——从两部“艺术家小说”谈起
18.Reconciliation behind the Confrontation--A reaseach of modernity of Shen Congwen s Novels;撑拒背后的“和解”姿态——从《萧萧》看沈从文作品的现代性

submissive posture服从姿态
3)waxen minds.顺从的心态
4)XIE You-shun's stance toward literature谢有顺的文学姿态
1.Resistance and Obedience--Women Characters by Pearl S.Buck;顺从和反抗——赛珍珠笔下的女性人物
2.Under the impact of the family system and the slogan "making a good wife and a devoted mother",Onao displays such properties as wordlessness,obedience and endurance.阿直受到当时主流话语和家族制度的影响,以“贤妻良母”的标准来约束自己,在家庭中寡言、顺从和忍耐;但同时她又有着朦胧的自我意识。
3.Ba Jin has succeeded in portraying a tragic personage s double character in “family”: obedience and honesty, compromise and opposition were unified on Jue Xin peculiarly and harmoniously.巴金在《家》中成功地刻画了一位悲剧人物的双重性格:顺从与正直、妥协与反抗奇特而又和谐地统一在觉新身上。
1.In this article,the author tries to learn this novel from another angle,that is to illustrate the two opposite characters ——resistance and submission,both reflected in the clothes of the heroine Pamela.小说的女主人公帕美勒通过对自己着装的选择体现了她性格中并存的两个特点:反抗与顺从。

顺从性顺从性submission 顺从性(submission)一个人在确定行为的目的和实施行为的过程中缺乏主见,易受暗示或不加批判地接受别人的意见。是与独立性相对的一种意志品质。顺从性强的人,容易不加分析地接受别人的意见并付诸行动;对自己决定的正确性经常发生动摇:在困难时刻往往难于应付,总希望有人给予指点。顺从性不是绝对的,有的人在某些方面表现为顺从,而在另-些方面却很有主见,富于独立性。 (朱新砰撰王启康彭转玲审)