婚姻爱情,marriage and love
1)marriage and love婚姻爱情

1.Study on the World of Merchants Marriage and Love in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;论《聊斋志异》中商人的婚姻爱情世界
2.Philosophical Thinking of CHI Li s Tragic Consciousness of Love and Marriage;池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考
3.On the marriage and love tragedy types in modern Chinese literature;浅析现代文学中的婚姻爱情悲剧类型
4.the bond(s) of friendship [affection, marriage]友情 [爱情,婚姻] 的关系
5.A loveless marriage.一场没有爱情的婚姻
6.Where there is marriage without love, there will Be love without marriage.哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就会有没有婚姻的爱情。
7.Where there's marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. -- Benjamin Franklin哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就会有没有婚姻的爱情。——富兰克林
8.Analysis of Emily s Outlook on Love and Marriage--On Reading"A Kose for Enily;爱米莉的爱情婚姻观浅析——读《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》
9.Love is necessary to a successful union.美满的婚姻必定需要爱情。
10.The marriage of them is a pure love match.他们的婚姻为纯爱情的结合。
11.Why It's not Just Hearts and Flowers为何婚姻不仅仅是爱情与玫瑰
12.Love is a fair garden, and marriage a field of nettles.爱情是欢乐之园,婚姻是苦恼之地。
13.Love does wonders, But money makes marriage.爱情创造奇迹,金钱构筑婚姻。
14.Love and marriage are two intentions that go by separate and distinct roads.爱情与婚姻是两股道上跑的车。
15.Love is a flower which turns into fruit at marriage.爱情之花会结出婚姻之果。
16.Love: a temporary insanity curable by marriage.爱情:可以由婚姻治愈的暂时的疯狂。
17.A Comparison of the Love Stories in Sanyan and Decameron《三言》和《十日谈》中爱情婚姻故事的比较
18.The Loves and Marriages in Pride and Prejudice;浅谈《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻与爱情

love and marriage爱情婚姻
1.Based on the concrete analysis of love and marriage tragedy between Juan Sheng and Zi Jun,this paper points out that in the novel there are interlocked consciousness of enlightenment,feudalism,survival,and confession.通过对《伤逝》中涓生与子君的爱情婚姻悲剧的具体分析,指出文本存在着启蒙意识、封建意识、生存意识与忏悔意识等多种意识形态,并且各种观念之间相互驳诘与渗透,文本的多重主题因此体现出"对话性"的特点。
2.Analyzing the love and marriage of Zhang Ailing along with her works, her traditional mentality and modern feelings are revealed.文章通过对张爱玲的爱情婚姻历程及其作品分析 ,展示了张爱玲既传统又现代的情感世界 ;并从心理学角度透视张爱玲在婚姻爱情上的补偿心理。
3.Based on the discus-sion of this problem,this article expounds LuXun s conception on love and marriage.本文在对此问题展开探讨的基础上,阐述了鲁迅的爱情婚姻观。
3)love and marriage爱情与婚姻
1.Jane Austin and Zhang Ai Ling are the outstanding women writers who conveyed the subjects of love and marriage . 简·奥斯丁和张爱玲是表现爱情与婚姻题材的两位杰出的女作家,她们作品的相同之处,一是用小题材来体现社会,二是缺少浪漫的情节,三是时代背景模糊。
2.The thesis analyses the structure of Hardy s love and marriage short novels,concludes the writing style of the novels,and points out that Hardy overturns the romantic convenion of British love and marriage novels by his special style.本文通过对哈代爱情与婚姻题材短篇小说的结构分析 ,找出了哈代此类小说的一种恒定结构模式 ,正是借助这种结构模式 ,哈代实现了对于英国爱情与婚姻小说的浪漫传统的颠覆。
4)a view about marriage and love婚姻爱情说
5)drama of love-and-marriage爱情婚姻剧
6)views on marriage爱情婚姻观

《三个橙子的爱情》  见C.戈齐。