中西小说,Chinese-Western novels
1)Chinese-Western novels中西小说
1.Theorists at that time made the comparative studies of attitudes,authors and contents of Chinese-Western novels in late Qing Dynasty and theorists told the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese-Western novels.此后,中国的理论家们对中西小说的态度观、小说的作家、小说的布局内容、翻译小说与创作小说等问题进行了对比。

1.20~(th) Century: A Comparative Study of Narrative Tradition of Chinese and Western Novel;二十世纪:中西小说叙事传统比较研究
2.Narrative Poetics of the Chinese and Western Fiction;纪实是小说叙事的本质属性——中西小说叙事诗学论
3.A Comparison of "Case Story"in China and "Detective Story"in West;中国“公案小说”与西方“侦探小说”之比较
4.The Embodiment of Gap between Chinese and English Fictional Narration in Fictional Translation近代中西方小说叙事差异在小说中译中的体现
5.Different structural art between the Chinese and Western classic novel;中国古典小说与西方传统小说结构艺术之比较
6.Gothic Legacy in Modern Fantasy Fiction in the West;西方现代奇幻小说中的“哥特”因素探源
7.On the "Divine Nature" Artic Spirit in Shen Congwen s Novels;论沈从文湘西小说中的“神性”艺术精神
8.On the Narrative Features and Background of the novel The Red Moon;论中西礼小说《红月亮》的创作特点
9.Cultural Conflicts and Affinities in W.S.Maugham s Novels;毛姆小说中东西方文化的冲突和交融
10.On the Characteristics of Both Chinese and Western Culture Merged in Lin Yutang s Novels;论林语堂小说的中西文化致用性特征
11.Comparison Between the Western Cavalier Literature and Chinese Martial Arts Novels;西方骑士文学与中国武侠小说之比较
12.The "Equal Level" On Shen Congwen′s Novel on Theme of Western Hunan论沈从文湘西小说中的“平等境界”
13.The Narrative of Breaking Limit--The Narrative Experiments of Xixi s Fiction;灰阑中的叙述:论西西实验小说的叙述探索
14.Modernism in the West and the Beginning of Chinese Contemporary Pioneering Novels --Review on Chinese Contemporary Pioneering Novels;西方现代主义与中国当代先锋小说缘起——中国当代先锋小说回眸
15.The Importation of the Western Epistolary Novel and the Rise and Decline of China s Epistolary Novel during "May 4th" Period;五四时期西方书信体小说的传入与中国书信体小说的兴起和衰落
16.A Sociological Comparison between the 20th-century Chinese Novels and Modern Western Novels;20世纪中国小说与现代西方小说的社会学比较研究
17.An Enquiry Into the Origin of Narrative Time in Western Fiction--Also in Comparison with the Narrative Time in Chinese Fiction;西方小说叙事时间探源——兼与中国小说叙事时间比较
18.Cultural Permeation of A Journey to the West into Ancient Chinese Vernacular Novels;中国古代白话小说中《西游记》的文化渗透

Chinese and Foreign fictions中西方小说
3)Chinese and the Western classical novelists中西古典小说家
1.Chinese and the Western classical noveliststs had similar narrative notion.中西古典小说家们有着相似的叙事观念 ,都注重叙述的教化作用 ,都追求叙述的真实性。
4)comparison of Western and Chinese novels中西小说比较
1.In the late Qing Dynasty, different aesthetic tastes appeared in the comparison of Western and Chinese novels between two groups of novel theorists, the supporters of modernization and those who stood for the 1911 Revolution.晚清时期 ,维新派小说理论家与辛亥革命派小说理论家在中西小说比较中表现出不同的审美趣味。
5)narration of western and eastern中西小说叙事手法
6)China's western region of contemporary fiction中国西部当代小说

〖ZK(〗中西医结合治疗妇产科常见病经验汇编〖ZK)〗〖ZK(〗中西医结合治疗妇产科常见病经验汇编〖ZK)〗  妇产科著作。北京医学院第一附属医院编。此书汇集全国(以各地城市医院为主的)有关中西医结合治疗妇产科疾病的临床经验编成。列肿瘤、月经病、炎症、天花粉引产、宫外孕、子宫脱垂、转胎等8类,分别介绍运用中西医结合的治疗方法,包括针灸以及其他新医疗法对妇产科常见病的诊治经验和疗效观察。反映了70年代妇产科临床研究的概况。1979年由人民卫生出版社出版。