叙事差异,narrative difference
1)narrative difference叙事差异
1.Transformation of sex focalication and formation of narrative difference——discussions on TV play adapted from female writers original novel;性别视点的转换与叙事差异的形成——对由女作家原创小说改编的电视剧的解析

1.The Embodiment of Gap between Chinese and English Fictional Narration in Fictional Translation近代中西方小说叙事差异在小说中译中的体现
2.From the "Stage" to the "Platform"--The Different Perspectives of Film Narrative between the Fifth and Sixth Generations;从“戏台”到“站台”——读取中国第五代、第六代电影叙事差异的视点之一
3.Transformation of sex focalication and formation of narrative difference--discussions on TV play adapted from female writers original novel;性别视点的转换与叙事差异的形成——对由女作家原创小说改编的电视剧的解析
4.Assessment Disparity of Time Representation in Narratives;叙事语篇中时间表征的评定差异研究
5.Seeing the Cultural Differences of Chinese and Western from Different Reports Narrative Style;从报道的叙事语言风格看中西文化的差异
6.Analysis of the Differences of Narrative Subject-text Relation in Feature Stories and Fictions;特稿与小说中叙事主体和文本关系差异的剖析
7.Differences of Text Expressions in Lawrence and Yu Dafu's Eros Narration论劳伦斯与郁达夫性爱叙事的文本差异
8.The Differences of "Narrative" between China and the West“叙事”与“narrative”在中西传统文化语境中的差异
9.The Narrate Position and Culture Difference of the Martial Art Films in Current Ten Years;“后九七”内地/香港古装动作合拍片的叙事立场与文化差异
10.The Individual Difference--A Study on the Narrative Change of the New Time′s Novel from the Novel "Wutai" (the Stages) to "Qingyi" (the Green Clothes);个体的差异:从《舞台》和《青衣》看新时期小说的叙事变迁
11.On the Differences of Narrating Patterns between the Two Styles of Chinese Classical Short Stories and Their Causes of Formation;论中国古代两大语体短篇小说叙事模式的差异及其成因
12.Differences of Moral Appeals in Erotic Narration--A Comparative Study of Laurens and Yu Dafu's Sex Themed Novels性爱叙事的伦理诉求差异——劳伦斯与郁达夫性爱主题小说比较
13.On the Narrators and the Narrative Angle of View of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;论《聊斋志异》的叙事角色和叙事视角
14.On the Diffrence of Narrative Way Between Ancient Greek Tragedy and Yuan Traditional Opera--The Difference of Theatric Cultural Background Between China and Western;古希腊悲剧与元杂剧叙事方式差异性之探源——中西戏剧文化背景的差异性
15.The Demarcation Between Heterodiegesis and Homodiegesis:On Two Types of Embedded Narratives;异质叙事与同质叙事的分野:嵌入叙事的二分法研究论略
16.Briefly on the Narrative Art of "Yishishi said"("What the historigrapher of another sort says") in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio slightly《聊斋志异》“异史氏曰”叙事艺术论略
17.The Analysis of the Resemblance and Difference on the Narrative Structure between the same Cource material Novel and Movie --Also on the Basic Principles of Scenario Rearrangement;试析同一素材小说与电影叙事结构的差异与相通——兼论电影剧本改编的基础问题
18.A Narrative Analysis on the Stories of "Foreign Lands" in Zeng Pu s Nie Hai Hua;《孽海花》中异国故事的叙事学读解

3)fantastic narration神异叙事
1.The fantastic narration of The Biography of Dignitary has two typical characters,one is special types,the other is muti-dimersionality.《高僧传》的神异叙事,既具有类型专设的形式特征,又构建了文本多维渗透的格局。
4)fairy narration灵异叙事
1.Taking the ghost and peri world in "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio" as the center of fairy narration, this dissertation tried to seek.本文力图以《聊斋志异》中的“鬼狐花妖”世界作为灵异叙事的源头,通过灵异叙事在百年山东文学中的发展、演变流程来考察文学中的灵异山东形象。
5)Narrative of the Other异族叙事
1.Narrative of the Other in Indonesian Chinese Literature Since the End of 1970 s;七十年代末以来印华文学中的异族叙事
1.In the classical narratology, extradiegetic and heterodiegetic are two important conceptions.经典叙事学有两个与叙述者有关的重要概念——故事外叙述(extradiegetic)和异故事叙述(heterodiegetic)。
